A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on education, training, news and events in Aquaculture and related sectors. The newsletter currently reaches almost 6000 international recipients on a monthly basis. Please submit any relevant information for inclusion in next month’s edition to news@aquatt.ie
*Please note that the AquaTT newsletter and AquaTT calendar are best viewed in Mozilla Firefox.
1. Education and Events
To search for MSc programmes, MSc and PhD courses, and other training opportunities (short courses, online courses, work placements, etc) in aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management, please visit the Aqua-tnet Education Gate @ http://aquatnet.djangofoo.com/. This interactive web portal is the one-stop-shop for education in your field.
For information on all educational opportunities (courses, workshops, etc), as well as general events (conferences, meetings, etc) please refer to the AquaTT Announcement newsletter which is sent out with Training News. A comprehensive overview of all events is given in the AquaTT Calendar.
Please CLICK HERE to go to the archives of AquaTT Training News and Announcements.
SOCIOEC – Socio Economic Effects of Management Measures of the Future CFP: Impact of new policy framework and opportunities for the fishing sector to develop self- and co- management.
The new Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) SOCIOEC project, Socio Economic effects of management measures of the future CFP, will deal with the socio-economic effects of the main management principles of the new CFP; what will be the impact of the new policy framework and what are the opportunities for the European fishing sector to develop self- and co-management. The central concept of SOCIOEC is to provide a mechanism for developing management measures that are consistent with the overarching sustainability objectives of the EU, and that can provide consensus across all stakeholders.
SOCIOEC will analyse a range of ecological, economic and social variables and will consider the implementation of possible emerging or new management measures on a regional level taking into account high level sustainability objectives from the new CFP and including other directives such as MSFD and IMP. To read the full press release click here (Word doc.).
HEALTHY FUTURES 3rd Partner Meeting to take place in Tanzania
The FP7 HEALTHY FUTURES project which launched in January 2011 will hold its 3rd partners meeting in Arusha, Tanzania, 8 – 9 May 2012. The project is led by Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland) and consists of a consortium of 8 African based and 7 European based partners.
The project aims to construct a disease risk mapping system for three water-related, high-impact vector-borne diseases (malaria, Rift Valley fever and schistosomiasis) in eastern Africa, taking into account environmental/climatic trends and changes in socio-economic conditions to predict future risk. By holding the meeting in Arusha, the project hopes to facilitate the involvement of the East African Community whose headquarters are located there.
A newsletter on the projects’ first year’s activities can be downloaded as a PDF here and for more information please visit the project website www.healthyfutures.eu or contact David Taylor (Coordinator) taylord@tcd.ie or Paul Lowen (Project Officer) paul@aquatt.ie
2Fish: Inclusion of secondary service professions within fishery to the normal VET system
2Fish is a project dedicated to training in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, funded with support from the European Union. The project will run from November 2011 to April 2014. 2Fish project aims at developing 5-8 innovative training modules for training of service professionals connected to fishery and within the fishery vocational education and training. Each module will be 1-2-weeks long, and developed and tested by the 2Fish vocational education and training providers in close collaboration with enterprises. Preparation for European credit systems for vocational education and training assessment of the new modules will form a significant part of the project.
The new modules will be integrated into the educational programme of 2Fish vocational education and training schools and will be available for download and re-use from the project website by other European fishery vocational education and training schools. The 2Fish project consortium held it's kick-off meeting on December 5-7, 2011, Thyborøn, Denmark where the partners discussed the first phase of the project; a needs analysis of the sector. For more information on the project and to download the project leaflet visit http://www.2fishproject.eu/public//immagini/doc/doccat3792.pdf.
Aquainnova – “The Future of European Shellfish Aquaculture”
The last in the series of regional Aquainnova workshops, “The Future of European Shellfish Aquaculture” was held on 15th – 16th February in Bordeaux. Invited representatives of the Shellfish sector were tasked with providing their input towards development of a Vision for European Aquaculture in 2030 and supporting the resulting Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). These documents will be used to inform the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATIP) and help it respond to the challenges facing the European Aquaculture industry.
Run over 1.5 days the workshop was organised into several sessions, with a strong emphasis on discussion and consensus building on the Vision. Goals and sub-goals of each of the various Thematic Areas were reviewed and priorities for the Shellfish Sector identified.
Several dynamic rounds of open session conversations helped to highlight any outstanding issues facing this sector with the top three prioritised issues being;
Integration with the environment,
Environmental sustainability through application of new technologies and knowledge,
Ensuring the continued safety of all products.
The Shellfish industry was well represented at the workshop and their participation ensured that some of the unique aspects of this sector, including the positive influence Shellfish activities can have on water quality, were highlighted.
The Vision and SRIA will be finalised at the upcoming Aquainnova meeting in Dublin (20th – 22nd March), where the facilitators and chairs of each Thematic Area will review and integrate the combined results from the regional workshops on Cold Water Marine, Freshwater, Mediterranean and Shellfish Aquaculture. Once the priorities are in place EATIP will design a plan of action or roadmap, to illustrate how to achieve the goals as identified in the Vision document and ensure that any future research leads to real innovation in the field. BACK to top
Free Aqua-RET 2 course in Marine Operations a huge success
A Marine Operations course for marine energy projects was recently piloted by the Aqua-RET 2 consortium in the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) in Cork, Ireland on the 1st February 2012. The day kicked-off with a presentation by Ray Alcorn (Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre at University College Cork) entitled "Industry led R&D initiatives and opportunities" followed by an introduction to the Aqua-RET 2 project presented by one of the project partners John Coleman (La Tene Maps).
The course, delivered by one of the project partners, Gareth Davies (Aquatera), was followed by a working group session were the 27 participants were split into 6 groups to carry out a risk assessment analysis of tide and wave development. The day finished with a tour of the NMCI facilities led by Niamh Ní Fhátharta (Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster).
For more information on the Aqua-RET 2 project contact Olivia Daly (Project Officer) olivia@aquatt.ie. For more information and to access the various e-learning resources developed by the project which are free to download and use visit www.aquaret.com.
AQUAMED project seeks Mediterranean stakeholder input to build the Mediterranean Aquaculture Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSHP)
AQUAMED, The Future of Research on Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region, is an EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project which aims to develop a cross-functional strategy for aquaculture research in the Mediterranean region. A multi-stakeholder platform will be set up to orchestrate research activities in order to promote the sustainable development of aquaculture in the region. Its aim is to rationalise research programming in order to avoid duplication and fragmentation of research efforts and to stimulate long-term cooperation and coordination across policy makers, the aquaculture industry and RTD performers in the Mediterranean region. To read the full press release click here (Word doc.).
INTRANEMMA 2nd partner meeting, Madrid, Spain, 24th-25th January 2012
INTRANEMMA is a two year Transfer of Innovation project that is the first of its kind to be developed by the Associations of Mariculture producers to identify areas where innovation is required in the sector and to design applied training courses to meet these needs.
The project partners (FGM - Greece, AQUARK - Greece, Mugla Fish Farmers Association - Turkey and AquaTT - Ireland), held a 2nd partner meeting in Madrid on the 25th-25th January 2012. Partners reviewed the results of the INTRANEMMA surveys and in depth interviews which were carried out to identify the areas where innovation is required in Mediterranean Mariculture. A plan of action has been defined for the INTRANEMMA training courses from June to November 2012 in order to maximise the dissemination of the training events and the impact on the Mediterranean Mariculture Industry.
Training will take place in 1) Turkey held in parallel with the IZMIR Mariculture trade show Future Fish Eurasia 2012 on the 8th June 2012, 2) Spain held in Valencia on the 18th September 2012, 3) Athens, Greece on the 11th and 12th of October 2012 (two day workshop) and 4) Greece during November 2012 (exclusive event for CEOs in the Mediterranean Mariculture value chain). For the full press release click here (Word doc.). Further details on the training events will be announced closer to the dates. For more information on the project visit http://www.intranemma.eu/
The MarineTT project consortium (AquaTT & EurOcean) will launch the online MarineTT Knowledge Gate the week of March 5th 2012. MarineTT Knowledge Gate provides the marine community with access to a wealth of knowledge which was generated from FP6 and FP7 marine projects in sectors such as Environmental Management, Climate Change, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Ocean Energy. The potential users of the Knowledge Gate include the Scientific Community, Industry, Policy and Decision Makers, Environmental Managers, Educators and Civil Society.
The launch of MarineTT Knowledge Gate marks a significant milestone for the European Commission funded FP7 Support Action MarineTT (European Marine Research Knowledge Transfer and Uptake of Results). The Knowledge Gate will be accessible from early March via the MarineTT website (http://www.marinett.eu/).
Access to top class European aquaculture Research Infrastructures – 2nd AQUAEXCEL Call for Access open NOW
On a regular basis, the FP7 project AQUAEXCEL - Aquaculture infrastructures for excellence in European fish research - invites proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the participating Aquaculture Research Infrastructures. The 2nd Call for Access is currently open, with a deadline of 16th March 2012. The AQUAEXCEL project unites major aquaculture experimental facilities with capacity to undertake experimental trials on a selection of commercially important fish aquaculture species and system types.
These facilities are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Infrastructures). For more information, please check http://www.aquaexcel.eu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=42:call-for-access
COEXIST project partners and Stakeholder Committee will meet in Ancona from 6th to 9th March 2012
COEXIST project partners and Stakeholder Committee will meet in Ancona (Italy) from the 6th to 9th March 2012. It is conceived that an open dialogue session will be used to launch the three day meeting, where the COEXIST partnership would present the first results of the Project to the stakeholder committee and will gather input from them. The following days will focus on the analysis of the project preliminary results and discussions on incorporating the feedback received from the stakeholder committee. To read the full press release click here (Word doc.).
European Thematic Network Aqua-tnet kicked off new phase in Scotland
Aqua-tnet3, the European Thematic Network in the field of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management, held their kick-off meeting in Edinburgh on 16 January 2012, bringing together the Steering Committee members to initiate and plan the 3rd phase of this successful educational network.
Originally set up in 1996 as a small network of 20 academic partners in aquaculture, the network has expanded with a current active partnership of more than 80 partners, together representing a tightly knit multidisciplinary collaboration of higher education institutions, research institutions, industry representatives and other relevant stakeholders with an interest in European education issues in the fields of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management.
In the present parlous state of Europe, there has never been a greater need for European cooperation in all fields. With the education sector highlighted as one of the main drivers of growth as set out in Europe 2020, it makes good sense to further capitalise on the opportunities afforded by a wide-ranging network devoted to one of the fastest-growing and dynamic sectors in Europe. To this end, the newly funded 3rd phase “Aqua-tnet - Promoting innovation and a European dimension through Lifelong learning in the field of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management – Thematic Network” (Aqua-tnet3) coordinated by John Bostock from the University of Stirling, officially started on October 2011.
The principal aim of Aqua-tnet3 is to support the progress of the European aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management sector by stimulating and supporting innovation through enhanced lifelong learning opportunities. The majority of the partners have been part of the consortium in the previous phases and have successfully taken part in forming a European dimension in the aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management sectors. New partners have now joined the consortium, most notably the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATIP) and representatives of the European and Galician Fisheries Technology Platforms. For more information on Aqua-tnet3 and its activities visit www.aquatnet.com.
Call for abstracts: AQUA 2012, 1-5 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
with all the events organised by the European and World Aquaculture
Societies, AQUA 2012 event in Prague in September will focus on how
science plays a fundamental role in the development of the global
aquaculture industry. To read the full article click here (Word doc.) The Abstract Submission site for AQUA 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic is still open and will remain open until 2nd April. Submit abstracts online at https://www.was.org/WasMeetings/Abstracts/default.aspx?Code=AQUA2012
Call for abstracts: Physiomar 12, 4-8 September, 2012 Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Physiomar 12 is planned as a forum for the communication of recent advances in all aspects of the physiology of marine molluscs and will focus mainly on Reproduction, Growth and Bioenergetics, Nutrition, Biomolecules and Biomaterials, and Genetics, genomics and proteomics. The deadline to submit an abstract is 15th April 2012. For more information visit http://www.usc.es/congresos/physiomar12/
Call for abstracts: Scottish Sea Lochs and Adjacent Waters - ECSA Local Meeting, 16-18 May 2012, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Scotland
The fjordic systems of Scotland provide some of Europe’s most interesting transitional water environments. ‘Scottish Sea Lochs and Adjacent Waters’ will address all aspects of the sciences and management of these fascinating systems. Deadline for abstracts is Friday 13th April 2012. For more information visit http://www.smi.ac.uk/sealochs
In September 2011, the international conference ‘Living with a warming ocean’ brought to a successful close the European Seventh Framework Programme project CLAMER. Several CLAMER publications are now available at http://www.clamer.eu/library.
NOFIMA reports on genetic interactions and sea lice
In 2011, The Norwegian Fishery and Aquaculture Industry Research Fund (FHF) commissioned The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (NOFIMA) and The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), to review available scientific documentation on the subject on escaped salmon, genetic interaction, sea lice and its effects on wild North Atlantic salmon. The main conclusion of these reports, based on data with specific relevance to Norway, is that most assertions on these topics have insufficient scientific basis. To read more visit http://www.easonline.org/component/content/article/208
Promicrobe workshop and training school, 20-22 August 2012, Ghent University, Belgium
In this course young researchers will learn about recent developments in microbial management in larviculture and how to generate and process microbial community data. For more information visit http://www.promicrobe.ugent.be/
Youmares 3.0, 12-14 September 2012, Lübeck, Germany
YOUMARES is the name for the international conference of young marine researchers and engineers organized by the study group of the German Society for Marine Research (DGM). In 2012 YOUMARES will continue its success story in the third year. The 2012 slogan is: "Between space and seafloor - aqua vita est". For more information visit http://www.youmares.net and http://www.youmares.net/en/ym3/registration.html
AquaTT devised "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly e-newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities. All Training News are archived at http://www.aquatt.ie/
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit relevant information for dissemination to news@aquatt.ie.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News"