AquaTT Staff
David Murphy
David has worked for AquaTT since September 2000 and has more than 10 years of experience working in EC projects in the field of Education, Training and RTD, having coordinated 8 and participated in over 25. He coordinated Aqua-tnet for five years, and was instrumental in growing the network to a more significant body able to meet the challenges of the Bologna and Copenhagen Processes and Reforms. David is also facilitator of the Knowledge Management Thematic Area of the EATIP, the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform, that brings together private and public stakeholders in order to promote and coordinate research and development that will improve the competitiveness of the European aquaculture industry.
Contact David at
Marieke Reuver
Programme Manager
Marieke is a Dutch animal scientist, specialised in Animal
Production Systems and Aquaculture and Fisheries at Wageningen
University (the Netherlands), where she graduated in 2004. She
previously worked as an education assistant at the Aquaculture and
Fisheries group in Wageningen, managing aspects of tertiary level course development and coordination, and for the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, where she was
involved in the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources project.
Marieke joined AquaTT in July 2006 and currently works as RTD Programme Manager on a number of AquaTT initiatives and services including PiscesTT Jobs, "Training News", AquaInnova, MarineTT, AQUAEXCEL, MG4U, COEXIST and Aqua-tnet, the European thematic network in the field of
aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management.
Contact Marieke at
Olivia Daly
Education Project Officer
Olivia joined AquaTT in July 2007 as an Education and Outreach Officer
to work on the Planet Aqua initiative. She has previously worked under
a Stagiaire Programme with the Department of Environment, Heritage and
Local Government (Ireland) where she researched Ireland's current
approach to communicating information about climate change. In 2006 she
graduated with a B.A. Mod. in Environmental Science from Trinity
College. Olivia is currently working on various initiatives; Aqua-RET 2, Vocational Aqualabs, INTRANEMMA and PESCALEX 2 projects, PiscesTT Jobs, AquaTT's e-newsletter "Training News" and Aqua-tnet's e-newsletter.
Contact Olivia at
Emma Bello Gomez
Scientific Project Officer
Emma is a Project Officer at AquaTT, having joined in April 2010. She is mainly working on the COEXIST project. She has experience in drawing up proposals for their subsequent presentation to European public programmes (FP7, CIP), as well as in project management. She holds a Degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Cadiz, a Master’s in Development Cooperation and Project Management from the University of Cadiz and a Master’s in Coastal Zone Evaluation and Management from at the University of Western Brittany, France. She is currently working on her PhD thesis which explores coastal zone management in Morocco.
Contact Emma at
Paul Lowen
Scientific Project Officer
Paul joined AquaTT in June 2011 as a Project Officer. He is mainly working on the HEALTHY FUTURES project, a collaborative inter-disciplinary research project comprised of 15 partners based in Africa and Europe. Paul previously worked in education for the National Parks & Wildlife Service which entailed developing & delivering education programmes to school & public groups. He also has experience in working in Ecological Consultancy and the Irish Fisheries Board. He holds a BSc from University College Dublin in Environmental Biology and an MSc in Ecosystem Conservation & Landscape Management, which is a multi-disciplinary programme run jointly by University College Cork and National University of Ireland, Galway in conjunction with the Universities of Wageningen, Nijmegen and Utrecht, The Netherlands and the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Contact Paul at
Cliona Ní Cheallacháin
Scientific Project Officer
Cliona has been with AquaTT since December 2011 and is
currently working as a Scientific Project Officer on the Aquainnova and
MarineTT projects. She holds a B.Sc.
Degree in Microbiology, Zoology and Genetics from the National University of
Ireland, Galway.
Cliona brings her Industry background and experience to
AquaTT as she has previously worked with Muir Gheal Teo, her family’s Salmon
farm, off the west coast of Ireland. She successfully developed the company’s
procedures, protocols and standards that allowed it to achieve and maintain the
highest standard of quality, assurance and traceability. She has working
knowledge of the entire value chain associated with Fish farming, from input to
harvest, fish welfare to health issues, market value to added value.
Contact Cliona at
Federico Cardona Pons
Scientific Project Officer
joined AquaTT in January 2012 as a Scientific Project Officer. He is mainly
working on SOCIOEC project (Socio economic effects of management measures of
the new common fisheries policy: impact of new policy framework and
opportunities for the fishing sector to develop self- and co-management). He previously
worked at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) and holds a
Degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Cadiz, and a Ph.D. (cum laude)
in Fisheries from University of Balearic Islands. His thesis dealt with the
social and economic implications of recreational fisheries in the Balearic
Islands. Federico has worked at international level taking part of the
Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences of the General Fisheries
Commission for the Mediterranean (SCESS-GFCM) and the ICES Planning Group on
Recreational Fisheries Surveys (PGRFS-ICES), and also short term stays in
international research centres as the Fisheries Ecology research group in the
university of Bergen (Norway), the research group AMURE (IFREMER & CEDEM in
Brest, France) and the Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre in James Cook
University (Australia). Contact Federico at
Alberto Vallejo Ayuso
Project Assistant
joined AquaTT in October 2011 as a Project Assistant. He
holds a Degree in Biology from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and also
has experience in Environmental Consultancy. He is assisting on the ARRAINA
project, and has collaborated with AQUATT’s project officers in PiscesTT Jobs
and EC projects such as AQUA-TNET, COEXIST, Aquainnova and MarineTT. Contact Alberto at
Gill Marmelstein
Scientific Project Officer
Gill has been with AquaTT since May 2010 and is working as a Scientific Project Officer on
MarineTT and AquaInnova. Gill holds a Ph.D. in Marine Biology from University College Dublin and a B.Sc. (Hons) Degree in Ecology, from University College Cork.
She has worked as an environmental consultant in the production of Environmental Impact Assessments and has worked as a Scientific Project Officer for the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI –Europe) in Brussels. Contact Gill at
Ilaria Vielmini
Scientific Project Officer
Ilaria joined AquaTT in January 2012 as Project Officer. She holds a
Ph.D. in Marine Ecology and Conservation Biology from University of Pisa and a
B.Sc. Degree in Biology, from the University of Genoa (Italy).
She has worked
as consultant in the monitoring of the EC LIFE+ programme and has worked as business
developer in the cooperation sector with special focus on environmental issues. She is currently working on the MYFISH
project and assisting with business development.
Contact Ilaria at
Adrian O’Looney
Adrian joined AquaTT in January 2012 and is engaged primarily in the
development of new business. He has over 10 years of Project Management
experience and since 2005 has worked solely on EU, Bilateral and Multilateral funded
projects. He has a detailed working knowledge of the international funding
landscape and a successful track record in the acquisition and project
management of complex international donor funded programmes in both the private
and non-profit sectors, working with stakeholders from a diverse range of
He has a BA in Economics and Finance, in addition to a Masters Degree
in European Integration and a Diploma in Project Management from the Centre of
Project Management at the University of Limerick. He specialises in Programme
Management, Strategic Management, and International Business Development and
manages the Mentorship, Training and Consultancy division of AquaTT. Contact Adrian at: