October 2007
A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training
in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to news@aquatt.ie
- Master Study possibilities at Hólar University College
- Advanced Seminar: Organization of Fishery Statistics Systems, 14 - 18 January 2008, Zaragoza (Spain)
- Course on Practical Ichtyopathology: Prevention, diagnostics, and health
control in Mediterranean marine aquaculture, 12 – 15 February 2008,
Barcelona (Spain)
- Advanced Course: Recirculation systems and their application in aquaculture, 10 – 14 March 2008, Tarragona (Spain)
- AQUA-TNET shows strong representation at EAS2007, Istanbul
- International Aquaculture Brokerage Event, 27 - 28 November, Madrid (Spain)
conference “European Action Plans - Key Issues for Advancing
sustainable Management of Our Coastal Zones”, 5 – 7 December, Paris
- SEAFDEC International Seminar/Workshop on Emerging Fish Diseases in Asia", 6 – 7 Dec 2007, Bangkok (Thailand)
- "Maritime Economy” Conference, 15 December 2007, Porto (Portugal)
- Percid fish culture – From research to production, 23 - 24 January 2008, Namur (Belgium)
- International Conference Sea Lice 2008, 31 March - 1 April 2008, Puerto Montt (Chile)
- International Congress of Seafood Technology, 18 - 21 May 2008, Izmir (Turkey)
Symposium on Interactions between social, economic and ecological
objectives of inland commercial and recreational Fisheries and
Aquaculture: 21 - 24 May 2008, Antalya (Turkey)
- International Association of Astacology 17 Symposium, 4 – 8 August 2008, Kuopio (Finland)
- Physiomar 08 Meeting on Physiological Aspects of Marine Molluscs, 1 – 4 September 2008, Brest (France)
- Ad Hoc Call for proposals – October 2007
- Marine Career Opportunities - UK
- European Commission presented “An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU”
- EU MarinERA Project Launches Pilot Marine Research Projects Database
- Fisheries and Aquaculture in Europe, a DG Fisheries and Maritime Affairs magazine
Encora Conference: YPEP funding available for young professionals
Call for
Papers: European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC)
Symposium: 21 - 24 May 2008, Antalya (Turkey)
- Job vacancies, student placements, MSc & PhD positions and more on
welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting
their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches almost 3500 recipients on a monthly basis and will
serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors
involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the
potential title of your article should be sent to aquatt@aquatt.ie for
Master Study possibilities at Hólar University College
The Department of
Aquaculture and Fish Biology at Hólar University College in Iceland has
two openings for a master’s study in Aquaculture:
1. Biological optimization at juvenile and during on-growing stage of farmed Arctic charr
The aim of the project is to create a basis for a significant increase
in the productivity of Arctic charr aquaculture by defining optimal
culture environment under intensive conditions. In the project new
rearing methods and protocols will be developed by environmental
manipulations of rearing temperature, salinity and photoperiod in order
to increase productivity by maximising growth rate, improve feed
efficiency and reduce maturation. The project will also deal with the
effect of the different environmental manipulations on product quality
at slaughtering and evaluate whether these can affect and improve the
value and marketability.
2. Efficient rearing systems for Arctic charr
Aquaculture requires large volumes of water and the size and production
capacity of fish farms is in most places ultimately determined by
access to water and geothermal heat. The objective of this project is
to reduce water requirements in Arctic charr aquaculture. Through
simple reuse of water we plan to reduce water requirements by 75%
compared with standard reference values in Arctic char fish farms in
Iceland. This will allow a corresponding increase in production from
the same volume of water. Also, with increased reuse of water, it will
be possible to maintain higher and more stable rearing environment in
fish farms which gives improved growth rates of the fish.
Those interested should contact Dr. Helgi Thorarensen, head of the department – helgi@holar.is, +354 455 6384.
Further information http://www.holar.is/english/rstudy.htm
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Advanced Seminar: Organization of Fishery Statistics Systems, 14 - 18 January 2008, Zaragoza (Spain)
The objective of the
seminar is to help professionals of national fisheries administrations
and institutions go through a comprehensive learning cycle, starting
with the role of a fisheries statistical programme in a management
plan, turning focus on data types and data collection methods and
databases needed, and concluding with the impact of regularly operated
fishery statistical programmes on the implementation of management
plans. The seminar is intended to not only present the theoretical
elements of designing and implementing fishery statistical systems but
to also guide participants in the pathway on how to put theory into
practice, so as to enable them to directly use acquired knowledge for
improving the performance of national systems in which they are
For more information: http://www.iamz.ciheam.org/en/pages/paginas/pag_formacion6.htm
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on Practical Ichtyopathology: Prevention, diagnostics, and health
control in Mediterranean marine aquaculture, 12 – 15 February 2008,
Curso de Ictiopatología práctica. Prevención, diagnóstico y control sanitario en piscicultura marina mediterránea
This course is mainly
focused on fish pathology of Mediterranean species (practical
training). Although it has not been designed as an international course
and official language will be Spanish it would be interesting for the
increasing number of Spanish-speaking students or professionals.
Este es un curso avanzado de formación continuada, orientado
fundalmentamente a aquellos profesionales del campo de la acuicultura
y/o sanidad piscícola con experiencia previa, que quieran profundizar y
actualizar conocimientos sobre gestión sanitaria en cultivos marinos de
especies Mediterráneas como lubina, dorada, corvina, atún, seriola,
sargo picudo, denton y otras especies, abordándose tanto los problemas
sanitarios como la gestión de los mismos, tanto en stocks de
reproductores, semilleros (hatcheries), criaderos (nurseries), y
distintos sistemas de preengorde y engorde.
For more information CLICK HERE or contact Francesc Padrós: francesc.padros@uab.cat
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Advanced Course: Recirculation systems and their application in aquaculture, 10 – 14 March 2008, Tarragona (Spain)
aquaculture systems (RAS) provide a rearing medium that is constant and
adjustable, with only slight and slow variations. The systems work to
control the different water quality parameters, i.e. temperature,
oxygen, nitrogen, pathogens. Thus, RAS has contributed to a more
intensive and reliable production, and at the same time has led to
significant savings in energy needs. The objectives of this course are
to review the basis of RAS and examine the different systems, designs,
operations and application of RAS, with special emphasis on
Mediterranean aquaculture.
For more information: http://www.iamz.ciheam.org/en/pages/paginas/pag_formacion6.htm
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AQUA-TNET shows strong representation at EAS2007, Istanbul
the Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Thematic
Network in Education & Training had a strong representation at the
European Aquaculture Society conference held in Istanbul (Turkey) from
24 – 27 October. Marieke Reuver from AquaTT gave a presentation about
the services and resources that AquaTT and Aqua-TNET provide
specifically for students. Lluis Tort from Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona gave a presentation about Student Mobility activities within
the network and Margaret Eleftheriou from Aqualex Multimedia Consortium
presented the Pescalex initiative related to the importance of
languages and multilingualism.
EAS2007 was the first of a new format Aquaculture Europe events, where
the conference and an important trade exhibition came together with
special events and workshops to provide a truly wide forum for all. The
EAS Student Group organized a special forum for students attending
AE2007 to enable networking and exchange of ideas. The forum had a
dedicated program and included a special student reception.
Copies of presentations and information on what the network is providing for students is available on www.aquatnet.com
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International Aquaculture Brokerage Event, 27 - 28 November 2007, Madrid (Spain) In
the context of the Spanish Aquaculture International Action Plan
2007/2008, the Spanish Secretariat-General for Maritime Fisheries has
organised an International Aquaculture Brokerage Event that will take
place in Madrid on 27-28 November. This exceptional forum will
constitute a unique opportunity for European, Latin American and
Canadian businessmen and researchers to explore technology and business
cooperation projects in Madrid. The overriding objective is to provide
an optimum venue for a technological / entrepreneurial meeting
conceived to break new ground in the establishment of collaboration
schemes on an international basis.
For more information: www.acuabrokeragemadrid.com
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conference “European Action Plans - Key Issues for Advancing
sustainable Management of Our Coastal Zones”, 5 – 7 December 2007, Paris
(France) The
European Commission has invited the ENCORA community to identify
scientific and technical key issues for advancing sustainable
management of our coastal zones and for implementing the European
Maritime Policy. The Paris theme conference will be dedicated to the
development of European Action Plans, complementary to the work of the
ENCORA theme networks on the Coastal Wiki (www.encora.eu/coastalwiki).
Renowned European experts have already contributed several hundred
articles to the Coastal Wiki, reflecting present knowledge, experience,
practices and policies related to a great variety of coastal and marine
For more information: http://www.encora.eu/parisconference.php
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SEAFDEC International Seminar/Workshop on Emerging Fish Diseases in Asia", 6 – 7 Dec 2007, Bangkok (Thailand) This
“SEAFDEC International Workshop on Emerging Fish Diseases in Asia” is
being organized 1). To update on emerging fish and shellfish microbial
diseases in Southeast and East Asia; 2). To keep abreast on advances in
the pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology and surveillance of emerging
microbial diseases of said aquatic animals; and 3). To identify study
gaps for future research thrusts for the GOJ-TF Fish Disease Project.
For more information: http://rfdp.seafdec.org.ph/workshop2007/
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“Maritime Economy” Conference, 15 December 2007, Porto (Portugal) Coming
a few weeks ahead of the ratification of the future European maritime
policy set out in the Blue Paper, this Conference aims to bring
together under the presidency of Portugal and in the presence of the
current and future authorities for the Interreg Atlantic Area
programme, all the public and private-sector contributors to projects
concerned with maritime and sustainability issues.
The purpose of this is to provide for the emergence of pilot projects
with defining potential. Following a process of selection at technical
and political levels, these projects will be GASD-approved and help to
structure a competitive cluster that will be the focus of global
excellence in the maritime sector.
For more information: http://www.greenatlantic.eu/
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Percid fish culture – From research to production, 23 - 24 January 2008, Namur (Belgium) This
event aims to disseminate recent progress that has been achieved in the
different aspects of percid fish technology (reproduction control,
feeding and nutrition, genetic improvement, market). This will be
attractive to fish farmers who are already involved in this sector or
to new potential investors in perch and pikeperch culture. The workshop
constitutes a real opportunity for an in-depth exchange of experience
between scientists and producers. The expected attendance is 100-200
For more information, please visit: http://www.percid.be/
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International Conference Sea Lice 2008, 31 March - 1 April 2008, Puerto Montt (Chile) The
goal of this international conference is to bring together leading
researchers from across the globe with interests in a range of sea lice
species to advance understanding of the key biological, environmental
and management factors associated with sea lice behaviour in both wild
and farmed settings.
For more information: http://epi.cis.strath.ac.uk/SeaLice2008/
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International Congress of Seafood Technology, 18 - 21 May 2008, Izmir (Turkey) The
congress aims at forming a platform for efficient discussion among the
academic from all over the world. It will be an opportunity for the
international community to exchange ideas and develop a common vision
for the future of World Seafood Technology.
The major topics of the conference focus on:
- Desirable nutritive and undesirable components in seafood,
- Advances in processed and added value of products,
- Aquaculture,
- Full utilization of the catch,
- Advanced methodologies,
- Consumers and markets and sea products.
Abstract submission deadline: 15th December 2007
For more information, please visit: http://www.icst-tr.org/
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on Interactions between social, economic and ecological objectives of
inland commercial and recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, 21 - 24
May 2008, Antalya (Turkey) The
principal aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for those working
on specific socio-economic and ecological aspects of inland fisheries
and aquaculture in Europe, to review the interactions between
socio-economic and ecological objectives in fisheries and aquaculture,
exchange experiences and discuss solutions to imbalances in sustainable
development and management of the sector.
Please consult the EIFAC website for further information:
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International Association of Astacology 17 Symposium, 4 – 8 August 2008, Kuopio (Finland)
Department of Biosciences of the University of Kuopio and Crayfish
Innovation Center organise the next IAA symposium, that will take place
in Kuopio, Savo, Finland. The scientific program will put special
emphasis on conservation of native species and crayfish diseases. Also,
ecology, physiology, genetics, crayfish farming and other hot topics
will be covered.
Please check: www.IAA17.net or contact Japo Jussila for more information: jussila@messi.uku.fi
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Physiomar 08 Meeting on Physiological Aspects of Marine Molluscs, 1 – 4 September 2008, Brest (France) Physiomar
08, the 2nd international meeting devoted to physiological aspects of
marine molluscs, will focus on Reproduction, Growth, Bioenergetics,
Nutrition, and Genetics of marine molluscs. The 2008 conference will
also include a specific session on the effects of climate change on
molluscan physiology: Adaptation to environmental changes.
Information about Physiomar 08 can be obtained from the meeting Web
site. The deadline for
abstract submission will be on February 29, 2008, and registration
opens on April 1, 2008.
For more information: http://www.univ-brest.fr/IUEM/PHYSIOMAR/
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Ad Hoc Call for proposals – October 2007
The Scottish Aquaculture Research
Forum (SARF) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for research
and development projects in the following areas:
Project Area 1 - Review of Marine Fish Farm EIA Thresholds
Project Area 2 - Alternative Sea Lice Control Strategies for the Scottish Salmon Farming Industry
Deadline for submission of applications: 29/11/2007
You can check further information and download an application from the website http://www.sarf.org.uk
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Marine Career Opportunities - UK
Wednesday 21st November 2007 will be a
day of presentations and workshops for all undergraduates and
postgraduates considering working in marine engineering, science and
technology organised by the IMarEST.
Register now at www.imarest.org/events/careers
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European Commission presented “An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU”
Europe is surrounded by seas and
oceans; the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea,
the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The sea is our past, present and
future. The European Union needs a comprehensive Integrated Maritime
Policy to benefit from the full potential of our seas and oceans.
On 10 October 2007, the European Commission presented its vision for an
Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union. The vision document
– also called the Blue book – was accompanied by a detailed Action Plan
and a report on the results of the broad stakeholder consultation.
For more information: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/subpage_en.html
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EU MarinERA Project Launches Pilot Marine Research Projects Database
A new pilot on-line searchable marine
research projects database has been launched by the EU funded MarinERA
project. The database contains details of over 900 current marine
research projects being funded by MarinERA partners - 14 Marine
Research Funding Organisations from 13 European countries. Interested
researchers can access the database at www.marinera.net. The database
provides a unique source of material for marine scientists and
policy-makers to access data on current marine research projects,
identify potential research partners and nodes of specialist expertise.
The MarinERA Projects Database is paired with the EurOCEAN European
Marine Research Funded Projects Database providing access to a further
500 EU marine research projects.
For more information: http://www.marinera.net/
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Fisheries and Aquaculture in Europe, a DG Fisheries and Maritime Affairs magazine
Fisheries and aquaculture in Europe
is a magazine published by the Directorate-General for Fisheries and
Maritime Affairs. It is distributed free on request, and can also be
found online. Fisheries and Aquaculture in Europe is published five
times a year in all the official languages of the European Union.
For more information: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/publications/magazine_en.htm
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Encora Conference: YPEP funding available for young professionals
ENCORA is the European platform for
sharing knowledge and experience among the coastal and marine
communities of science, policy and practice. One of the services
provided by ENCORA is the Young Professional Exchange Program. This
service has been designed especially for young professionals (people
who are at the start of their career) working in the field of coastal
zone management (researches, practitioners and policymakers) who are at
the start of their career .
The program offers young professionals with a background in coastal
science, policy or practice to apply for financial support to
participate in international events related to coastal issues
(conferences, summer schools, symposia etc.). Funding covers travel
& accommodation expenses (50% - 100%) with a top ceiling of 750
In addition, young professionals are encouraged to apply for individual
visits at an institution in one of the European countries participating
in ENCORA. Long-term visits are subject to a top ceiling of 2000 Euros
For more information: http://www.encora.eu/ypep.php
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Call for Papers: European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) Symposium: 21 - 24 May 2008, Antalya (Turkey) The
principal aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for those working
on specific socio-economic and ecological aspects of inland fisheries
and aquaculture in Europe, to review the interactions between
socio-economic and ecological objectives in fisheries and aquaculture,
exchange experiences and discuss solutions to imbalances in sustainable
development and management of the sector.
Call for papers
Written contributions and presentations are invited within any of these
broad themes. Anyone wishing to present a paper or poster should submit
by e-mail or fax a title and abstract (not exceeding 150 words) by 30
November 2007 to the Technical Secretary of EIFAC Sub-Commission IV,
Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia (FAOSEC), FAO, Ankara, Turkey.
E-mail: Raymon.vanAnrooy@fao.org; Fax: (+90)-312-3271705.
Please consult the EIFAC website for further information:
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Job Vacancies, Student placements, MSc & PhD positions on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
TT jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students
in the aquatic resources sector. Its service aims to foster an
efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and
others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and
related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking
qualified employees.
Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job
vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) and job-seekers can
post CVs, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please got to www.piscesttjobs.com or contact aquatt@aquatt.ie
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Student Corner
welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting
their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches almost 3500 recipients on a monthly basis and will
serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors
involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the
potential title of your article should be sent to aquatt@aquatt.ie for
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About AquaTT
through its extensive network, realised that essential information on
upcoming changes in the European education area were not being
effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT devised a free
news service "TRAINING NEWS" to specifically address this in terms of
the needs of the aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to
keep you informed of developments in education, training and related
areas. The current newsletter audience includes: lecturers, professors,
researchers, trainers, students, producers, policy makers, companies
and national/ international associations.
All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site: www.aquatt.ie
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and
user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any
colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant
information for dissemination in the newsletter to news@aquatt.ie
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties.
Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of
the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the
news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this
newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or
inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for
incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional
tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.