A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on education, training, news and events in Aquaculture and related sectors. The newsletter currently reaches over 6000 international recipients on a monthly basis. Please submit any relevant information for inclusion in next month’s edition to news@aquatt.ie
*Please note that the AquaTT newsletter and AquaTT calendar are best viewed in Mozilla Firefox.
1. Education and Events
To search for MSc programmes, MSc and PhD courses, and other training opportunities (short courses, online courses, work placements, etc) in aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management, please visit the Aqua-tnet Education Gate @ http://aquatnet.djangofoo.com/. This interactive web portal is the one-stop-shop for education in your field.
For information on all educational opportunities (courses, workshops, etc), as well as general events (conferences, meetings, etc) please refer to the AquaTT Announcement newsletter which is sent out with Training News. A comprehensive overview of all events is given in the AquaTT Calendar.
Please CLICK HERE to go to the archives of AquaTT Training News and Announcements.
MarineTT - From Marine RTD to Measurable Value Creation
On 23rd May 2012, the MarineTT consortium organised an Open Stakeholder Workshop to Explore the Challenges and Solutions to Effective Knowledge Capture and Transfer as a satellite event to the European Commission Green Week. The workshop focused on the barriers that are preventing the uptake of knowledge generated by European funded research and the subsequent effect this has on innovation. Participants were drawn from Industry, Research, and Policy to ensure that all stakeholders in the innovation from research life cycle were represented.
A follow up workshop will be held in early July 2012 to further develop the solutions identified during this workshop and participation from other research sectors will be highly encouraged. Coordinators from projects with a similar aim to MarineTT will be invited to participate in the follow up meeting where it is hoped that a collective response to the most common barriers to effective Knowledge Transfer and innovation from research will be identified, and solutions proposed. Further details will be provided on the MarineTT website (www.marinett.eu).
The FP7 HEALTHY FUTURES project which launched in January 2011 held its 3rd partner meeting in Arusha, Tanzania on the 8th and 9th May 2012. The consortium, consisting of 8 African based and 7 European based partners spent two days in Tanzania discussing the progress of the work carried out to date as well as its future plans.
The project aims to construct a disease risk mapping system for three water-related, high-impact vector-borne diseases (malaria, Rift Valley fever and schistosomiasis) in Africa, taking into account environmental/climatic trends and changes in socio-economic conditions to predict future risk.
The partner meeting was followed by the 2nd meeting of the Expert Review Panel, for which a representative of the East African Community attended and the 1st Early Stage Researchers workshop which aims to complement the training HEALTHY FUTURES-funded early stage researchers receive at their home institutes and enhance their networking capabilities.
2Fish: Inclusion of secondary service professions within fishery to the normal VET system
Partners from the EU funded 2Fish project met in Fiskeriskolen school in Thyborøn, Denmark on the 14th and 15th May 2012 for their second partner meeting. 2Fish aims at developing 5-8 innovative training modules for service professionals connected to the fisheries sector. One of the main focuses of the meeting was a discussion on the outcomes of a recent needs analysis carried out on stakeholders which will facilitate the partners in identifying the priority training needs.
Each module will be developed and tested by the 2Fish vocational education and training providers in close collaboration with enterprises. Preparation for European credit systems for vocational education and training assessment of the new modules will form a significant part of the project.
Your Voice – your chance to play an active role in the European policy-making process
Your Voice in Europe is the European Commission’s “single access point” to a wide variety of consultations, discussions and other tools which enable you to play an active role in the European policy-making process. You can give your opinion on EU policies and influence their direction, discuss the main issues of the day and chat on-line to EU’s leaders and discover other ways in which you can make your voice heard in Europe. Please check out: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice
iMarine - Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources
By joining the iMarine Channel and subscribing to its eNews, you can follow progress and become part of the iMarine Community of Practice. The iMarine initiative aims at developing an innovative and sustainable data e-infrastructure that will support the challenging, cross-disciplinary needs of the Ecosystem Approach (EA) to Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources. iMarine offers a wide range of e-services to foster collaborative science on the EA through interconnecting concerned actors around common data, information and knowledge-building. Visit http://www.i-marine.eu/Pages/Home.aspx for more information.
Call for abstracts: ASSEMBLE Conference, 23-25 October 2012, Olhão, Portugal
The aim of the ASSEMBLE Conference is to highlight scientific outcomes resulting from research carried out in ASSEMBLE Marine Stations through on-site and remote access to marine resources. The needs of users and improvements on this Transnational Access scheme will be discussed, especially in relation to the development of ASSEMBLE into the extended and long-term ESFRI marine infrastructure EMBRC (European Marine Biological Resource Centre; www.embrc.eu). Deadline for abstract submission is 15 June 2012.
Inside ShareBiotech's May Newsletter (Issue 4,
2012) ‘Bridging the Gap’ you will see the ShareBiotech project
(in brief!), what recent activities have taken place and upcoming local
technology meetings within the Atlantic Area. Keep up to date with the
latest news, and be inspired by the biotechnology success stories!
ShareBiotech is an INTERREG IVB Atlantic European Project which aims to
promote transnational entrepreneurial and innovation networks and to
develop knowledge transfer between companies and research centres.
ShareBiotech’s main objective is to strengthen the biotechnology sector
within the Atlantic Area - France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. Download
the newsletter here (PDF).
The 7th ASSEMBLE call for applications is now open. You can apply for on-site access to the ASSEMBLE infrastructure sites for the period December 2012 - May 2013. Deadline is 15 September 2012.
Access to 9 marine stations in Europe, Israel and Chile provided
Up to 60 person/days funded (travel, accommodation, meals)
Projects to take place from December 2012 to May 2013
The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) is seeking applications for fellowship grant opportunities for students from Sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline is June 12, 2012. Applications are requested from Sub-Saharan African students conducting research on topics related to USAID's global hunger and food security initiative - FEED THE FUTURE. The focus region is Sub-Saharan Africa. All topics related to agriculture (as defined by Title XII) and the research strategies of the Feed the Future initiative are admissible. Funds are available for one-year and cannot exceed US$20,000.
For more information on eligibility criteria and to download the application, please visit the website at http://leap.ucdavis.edu.
Rogelio Flores, a PhD student from Stirling University, undertaking research at the Ardtoe Marine Laboratory, was announced recently as the winner of the Novartis student prize for the best presentation at AquacultureUK. He beat seven other students to win the coveted prize, which is an expenses paid visit to the Novartis Animal Health’s R&D facilities in Prince Edward Island, Canada in July.
Rogelio, from Mexico, was presented with his award at a Gala Dinner at the Macdonald Highland Resort in Aviemore, where the conference and exhibition was held. “I am thrilled that my presentation was the winner and really excited about visiting Novartis scientists in Canada,” he said.
Dr Tim Rees, chair of the judging panel, which also included Dr Neil Robertson from Novartis, said: “We were delighted with the high standard of presentations given by the students, which gives us great confidence in the future of the aquaculture research industry.” BACK to top
Students, are you getting ready for the 2012 Innovation in Aquaculture Award?
In 2008, AQUATT along with AMC Ltd established the Lindsay Laird Award for the most innovative poster (in English) in the Aquaculture area submitted by a student. This event takes place at the annual Aquaculture Europe Conference, this year combined with the World Aquaculture meeting (WAS) in Prague, Czech Republic, from 1-5 September. Entries submitted by students for AQUA2012 are eligible for the Award.
The Lindsay Laird Award consists of a certificate and an award of a laptop (to the value of 500 euros) of the winner's choice. The jury will be composed of an AQUATT representative, an academic representative and a representative from the industrial sector. The award will be presented by the EAS President.
AQUATT is now on the search for the 2012 entries for this prestigious Award. So let's break the record for entries for 2011. See you in Prague! BACK to top
About AquaTT
AquaTT devised "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly e-newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities. All Training News are archived at http://www.aquatt.ie/
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit relevant information for dissemination to news@aquatt.ie.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.