AquaTT Training News - January 2010

Author: AquaTT

Date: 31 Jan 2010


January 2010

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to


1. Education

2. Announcements

Due to the overwhelming amount of Events in the Maritime sector, AquaTT decided to provide you with a supplement to the AquaTT Training News, specifically for the Announcements. The Announcements supplement is sent out together with Training News. Please CLICK HERE to go to the archived Announcement Supplements. Please CLICK HERE for the AquaTT Calendar which gives you a comprehensive overview of all events in the sector.

    3. Other

    4. PiscesTT Jobs 

    5. Student corner 


    Training course: Management Strategy Evaluation (including FLR), 5-9 April 2010, Vigo (Spain)

    This training course will demonstrate how to conduct Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) using FLR ( to develop long term management plans that are robust to uncertainty. The deadline for the submission of applications is 19 February 2010. For more information please click here.

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    Workshop: Vaccination of Early Life Cycle Stages of Fish, 7-8 April 2010, Copenhagen (Denmark)

    DAFINET and SCOFDA are responsible for the workshop bringing international experts together. Registration is free of charge. Deadline for registration is March 10, 2010. Register by writing to or visit

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    Phd course: “The Economics of Marine Resources: Ecological-Economic Modeling of the Marine Environment: Models and Management", 19-23 April 2010, Esbjerg (Denmark)

    The marine environment provides goods and services that is neither pure private nor pure public goods. The management of marine resources is therefore not a simple economic problem, but has to deal with issues like: How do we take non-use values into account? Deadline for enrolment is 19th March 2010. Please send an e-mail to or visit

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    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) offers courses led by high-profile scientists and instructors Advanced Course: New perspectives on marketing chains in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, 26-30 April 2010, Zaragoza (Spain)

    The key aim of the course is to provide small-scale sector participants with an integrated contemporary vision and understanding of the critical factors shaping seafood markets, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean and lessons to be learnt from elsewhere in Europe and the rest of the world. The 5-day course is intensive but selective in its coverage of topics, which span the entire marketing chain from production to consumption. For more information please click here.

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    Short course: Marine Taxonomy and Habitat Survey, 4-7 May 2010, Bournemouth University (United Kingdom) 

    This course will develop your skills in marine species identification and habitat assessment. Covering both rocky and sediment shores, it will provide you with a suite of skills highly relevant to contemporary marine ecology through a class, laboratory and field approach. For further information please click here.

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    Short course: Freshwater Fish Ecology, 4-7 May 2010, Bournemouth University (United Kingdom)

    This course will enable you to develop an applied understanding of the ecology of freshwater fish. You will concentrate primarily on temperate fishes, developing you knowledge and survey techniques relevant to fish ecology, conservation, monitoring and research.  Material covered will be highly appropriate for underpinning the understanding of measuring ecological status of fish communities within the Water Framework Directive. For further information please click here.

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    PhD course: Stated Preference/Choice Research, May 17-21, 2010 University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg (Denmark)

    Stated preference and choice methods have become one of the mainstream methods in of environmental and resource management, where they are applied by economists, policy analysts, market researchers and many other disciplines. Deadline for enrolment is 19th April 2010. For more information please click here.

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    Short course: Introduction to Bayesian inference in fishery science, 7-11 June 2010, ICES, Copenhagen (Denmark)

    The objective of this course is to familiarize the participants with the basic concepts of Bayesian inference and to provide skills for solving simple problems. The participants will have hands on experience about using MS Excel and OpenBUGS software for Bayesian computation. The deadline for the submission of applications is 30 April 2010. For more information please click here.

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    Short course: Aquatic Invasive Species, 6-9 September 2010, Bournemouth University (United Kingdom)

    This course will allow you to develop an applied understanding of the ecology and management of aquatic invasive species through a series of lectures and a field visit. Concentrating primarily on freshwater environments, you will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of survey techniques relevant to invasive species ecology, monitoring and research. For further information please click here.

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    PhD course: “Strategic behaviour in fisheries: application of coalition games”, 6-10 September 2010, Helsinki (Finland)

    The course will include lectures, hands-on experience and students’ presentations. For more information please visit

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    Training course: “Opening the box: Stock assessment and fisheries advice for stakeholders, NGOs and policy-makers", 5-7 October 2010, ICES Copenhagen (Denmark)

    The course is directed at policy makers, NGO representatives and fisheries organizations. The deadline for the submission of applications is 25 August 2010. For further information please click here.

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    European Research by country search tool

    This new tool (displaying an interactive map) gives the user access to some key figures on the participation of each country in FP6 and FP7 as well as the involvement of each country in projects considered as successful projects by the European Commission. The tool is available at

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    Mariculture: The SAMI Project findings

    New EU-funded research shows that marine aquaculture (mariculture) may play a key role in human consumption in the years to come. The findings of the SAMI (Synthesis of aquaculture and marine ecosystems interactions) project, published in the journal BioScience, indicate that changes will be needed to ease our dependence on terrestrial agriculture and other external feed subsidies. For more information please click here.

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    FAO technical paper: Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture

    An overview of the current scientific knowledge available on climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture is provided through three technical papers. A summary of the workshop outcomes as well as key messages on impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems and on fisheries- and aquaculture-based livelihoods are provided in the introduction of this Technical Paper. To view the report please visit

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    FAO technical paper: Environmental impact assessment and monitoring in aquaculture

    This document contains the main outputs of Component 2 of the FAO project “Towards sustainable aquaculture: selected issues and guidelines”. The report includes four regional reviews on EIA and monitoring in aquaculture in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America, a special study on EIA as applied to salmon aquaculture, as well as a global review and synthesis report which draw on the findings of the review papers, covering relevant information from more than 35 countries. To view the report please visit

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    Call for Papers: International Seafood & Health Conference, 6-10 November 2010, Melbourne (Australia)

    The conference program committees are seeking to deliver to the audience the latest science, research and information in the following streams and themes: 1) Health, Nutrition and Medical Science & Research – “Seafood: The Essential Ingredient for Health and Wellbeing”, 2) Food Security and Sustainability - “Oceans for Health”, 3) Human Behaviour and Communications - “Seafood for Life” Deadline for abstracts 3rd  May 2010. For more information please visit

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    Call for papers: Second International Conference on Conservation and Management of the Balkan Freshwater Fishes (COMBAFF), 1- 3 September 2010, Gödöllő (Hungary)

    The objective of the meeting is to bring together people involved in science, research, development and innovation as well as production and services who are in one way or another linked to fish biology, aquaculture, fisheries or conservation of fish species inhabiting the Balkan peninsula. Deadline for abstract submission: May 31st, 2010. All information about the conference can be found of the official site or please send email to the organizers (

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    New outreach video gallery on EurOcean website

    EurOcean has created a new area on the EurOcean website entitled "Video Gallery". This area intends to be a gateway to several media resources on the web. Here you can find sources like National Geographic, BBC and Athena Web among others. To view the portal please visit 

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    First EUROFLEETS newsletter

    The EUROFLEETS project which aims at bringing together the European research fleets to enhance their coordination and promote the cost effective use of their facilities, launched its first project newsletter (January 2010) were it can be seen an overview of the project. The newsletter is available for download on the Eurofleets website. 

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    EUROFISH magazine goes electronic

    Please follow this link to view the latest issue of the Magazine:

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    PiscesTT Jobs

    Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

    PISCES TT jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students in the aquatic resources. Its service aims to foster an efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking qualified employees.

    Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) facilitating human resource development in the industry.

    At the moment there are 10 new vacancies. If you are interested in viewing or posting a job vacancy please go to or contact Subscribe at for live RSS updates of new job postings.

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    Student Corner

    European PhD conference in Food Science and Technology

    The FP6 Integrated Project NOVELQ Q plans to hold a “European PhD  conference in Food Science and Technology” on 8-10 September 2010 in  Berlin. The consortium would like to invite PhD students from ongoing FP6 or FP7 projects to present their work. NOVELQ will provide support for local arrangements, your project would need to provide  travel and accommodation costs. Please contact the conference organiser for further information.

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    Student submissions to AquaTT Training News

    We welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe. The newsletter reaches more than 4000 recipients on a monthly basis and will serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the potential title of your article should be sent to for review.

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    EAS-SG special offer for students

    EAS-SG has a special offer for students and young people joining the EAS or renewing their membership for 2010! Five randomly choosen EAS-SG members will get the following EAS-SG presents: 1."Options méditerranéennes" from the CIHEAM. A book entitled "The use of veterinary drugs and vaccines in Mediterranean aquaculture";  2. A book from CIHEAM entitled "Advances in fish reproduction and their application to brrodstock management: a practical manual for sea bass"; 3. an EAS-SG T-shirt; 4. an EAS-SG pendrive; 5. an EAS-SG pendrive. The deadline for application for EAS membership is 14th of February, 2010. Check out the new EAS website and membership fees:

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    About AquaTT

    AquaTT devised the free news service "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly electronic newsletter th
    at serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities.

    All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site: AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
    DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

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