AquaTT Training News - June 2008

Author: AquaTT

Date: 02 Jul 2008


June 2008

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to


1. Education

2. Collaboration

3. Announcements

4. Other

5. Student corner 

We welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe. The newsletter reaches more than 4000 recipients on a monthly basis and will serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the potential title of your article should be sent to for review.


International Training Programme: Fisheries Co-management for sustainable livelihood development, 15 – 28 November 2008, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (India)

The Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) offers Masters and PhD programs in specialized branches of fisheries, undertakes cutting edge research, conducts capacity enhancement programs, and provides technical support and consultancy to development agencies. At this juncture, CIFE is organizing the International Training Programme: Fisheries Co-management for sustainable livelihood development for international students.

In many developing countries, population pressure and limited alternative employment opportunities, coupled with the inability and reluctance of governmental inactions to take necessary conservation and management decisions, have resulted in severely over fished coastal and inland resources and increased threats to the livelihoods of fishers. This has generated calls for improved management strategies and sustainable use of aquatic resource systems with the active participation of local countries and other stakeholders.

For further details please visit CIFE website:

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Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance, 16 November – 19 December  2008, Malta

The theme of the course draws upon the conduct of maritime affairs in line with the Lisbon Strategy, targeting the Millennium Development Goals and building upon a holistic and integrated maritime policy following the principles enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It focuses on the linkages between the natural, social and economic sciences to the development of sustainable ocean governance, and on the research-management interface that can render governance operable. The Course stresses the inter-linkages of multi-disciplinary inputs, and on the support of technology to enable the effective achievement of ocean management and sustainable development.

This course consists of 4 modules, presented over a five-week period. Topics covered include:
• Global Ocean Governance Framework;
• Managing our relations with the oceans;
• Conflict Management and Consensus-Building;
• Regional Ocean Governance Frameworks for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas.
Scholarships: Limited scholarships covering all or part of the expenses of the course are available but preference will be given to self-sustaining participants.

For more information see

The deadline for applications is 15 September 2008

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Ph.D. course “Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as food”, 17 - 21 November 2008, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark)

Eating quality of the end product is an issue of increased importance in aquaculture. Research in this area often requires measurement of the different constituents of the fish. In this context we here announce a Ph.D. course in “Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as food”. The course takes place 17th – 21st November 2008 at DTU Aqua, Dept. of Seafood Research, Søltofts Plads, Building 221, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. The aim of the course is to provide insight into the state of the art of advanced laboratory techniques and methods that are recommended for analysis of fish muscle components relevant in studies of ante mortem (e.g. feed, stress) effects on fish as well as for following post mortem changes in fish. The course comprises 5 days of exercises.

For further information see:
or contact Alice Jensen, e-mail:

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International Training Programme: Gender and development: South Asian Context, 4 – 17 December 2008, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (India)

The Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) offers Masters and PhD programs in specialized branches of fisheries, undertakes cutting edge research, conducts capacity enhancement programs, and provides technical support and consultancy to development agencies. At this juncture, CIFE is organizing the International Training Programme: Gender and development: South Asian Context for international students.

Gender roles are learned and can be affected by factors such as education or economics. They vary widely within and among cultures. In order to reduce poverty, promote development and achieve gender equality, it is necessary to increase women's access to economic resources, education, information and communication technologies and governance.

For further details please visit CIFE website:

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International Training Programme: Trickle down system of aquaculture extension, 15-28 January 2008, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (India)

The Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) offers Masters and PhD programs in specialized branches of fisheries, undertakes cutting edge research, conducts capacity enhancement programs, and provides technical support and consultancy to development agencies. At this juncture, CIFE is organizing the International Training Programme: Trickle down system of aquaculture extension for international students.

Participatory extension methods are effective, as it involves the clientele for spreading extension message. Considering the shortage of field extension personnel, this approach has become more important. As depicted by its name, TDS of aquaculture extension ensures active flow of information from farmer to farmer, causing lateral spread, through a well designed extension mechanism. The TDS approach of aquaculture was developed and successfully demonstrated by the FAO / UNDP project to 52 out of 64 districts in Bangladesh. In India this project is making breakthrough in Assam. The present training programme covers the context, concepts and mechanism required to initiate TDS of aquaculture extension.

For further details please visit CIFE website:

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New Marine Biology Masters, starting September 2008, University College Cork (Ireland)

University College Cork is one of Ireland’s oldest institutions of higher education, internationally acclaimed as Ireland’s leading research institution. The MSc Degree in Marine Biology will be offered for the first time in September 2008. It is a full-time multidisciplinary degree running for 12 months, to train and educate graduates in multiple areas of Marine Biology.

For more information please check

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MSc Coastal and Marine Resource Management, University of Portsmouth (UK)

This is an ideal Masters programme if you want to work in coastal planning, marine resource management, maritime policy and law or conservation. Course themes are:
•    Coastal Zone Management
•    Resource Management and Valuation
•    Policy and Institutional Frameworks
•    Physical Processes
•    Shoreline management
•    Law of the Sea

Accredited by RICS, and available either as a one year full-time or two year part-time course.

For further information:

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New edition of Official Interuniversity Master in Aquaculture, Universitat de Barcelona

A new edition of the Official Interuniversity Master of Aquaculture UB- UAB-UPC begins this next course 2008-2009. The Master in Aquaculture is mainly addressed to current bachelors, graduates or technical engineers that wish to have a proper formation in aquaculture. It is expected to train prepared professionals for this sector with a high scientific level, with control of multidisciplinary techniques, who are able to take responsibilities in direction and management.

In order to make the preregistration online and to accede to more information to consult:

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AQUA-TNET Announcement Annual Event 2008, 19 September 2008, Krakow (Poland)

AQUA-TNET, the Socrates-Erasmus Thematic Network in the field of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management, is pleased to announce the AQUA-TNET Annual Meeting 2008, that will be held on September 19 in Krakow (Poland). This year the Event will have a unique set-up and cooperation with the EAS2008, which will run from 15 – 18 September.

All partners are invited. 

Please check for more information.   

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PROFET POLICY – Mediterranean Fisheries  - presentations now online

The presentations made during the PROFET POLICY workshop held in Marseille on the 12&13 June are now available online, see:

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Please check the NEW AquaTT Calendar

Please check for a comprehensive overview of all Marine Sector related events, including details.

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Tender Opportunity: Effects of pile-driving noise on the behaviour of marine fish, closing July 23rd

Potential contractors are invited to submit their proposals for the delivery of a report on the effects of pile-driving noise on the behaviour of marine fish. COWRIE believes that this project would benefit from a collaborative effort and therefore encourages potential contractors to seek input from organizations or individuals with relevant expertise.

For more details:

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Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) Research Bursary Scheme 

The SAMS research bursary supports research in any marine science subject - especially if of relevance to Scotland. The bursary might support travel, research assistance, completion of a project, or capital equipment purchase. Any application will be judged on criteria including the originality of the project, the clarity and focus of the objectives, the research plan and content, its socio-economic relevance, the probability of being completed, and other funding sources and applications.

For more information please check:

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Society for Underwater Technology (UK) Awards

The Society for Underwater Technology's Educational Support Fund offers sponsorship awards to high calibre undergraduate and postgraduate students, either starting or continuing a degree which embraces at least one relevant component area of marine science, underwater technology or offshore engineering. The postgraduate award (£4,000) is only available to students taking one year taught MSc courses. The undergraduate scholarship award (£2,000) will continue throughout the entire period, or remaining part, of the degree course, subject to a satisfactory academic standard being maintained, which will be reviewed annually. The grants are open to any student, irrespective of age or nationality. Closing date 31 July. Award Criteria: Academic excellence

Please check for more information

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BioMarine 2008 Forum Travel Grants

BioMarine is a unique international forum that will bring together business, science, government, civil society and media to advance ocean sustainability. This international platform for dialogue will include a large number of interactive world-class conferences, debates and a business convention. The first edition of the Forum will take place from 20th - 21st October 2008 in Toulon and from 22nd to 24th October 2008 in Marseille, France.

As part of the national marine science capacity building programme, a number of competitive travel grants (€1,000) are available to enable young Irish researchers (PhD equivalent / early post-doc) to participate in this important event.

For more information please go to:

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REPROFISH: a network to exploit and disseminate fish reproduction knowledge

REPROFISH is a European project which aims to extract, synthesize and disseminate the most relevant knowledge acquired by European research projects in the field of fish reproduction, for the benefit of aquaculture professionals. The project is coordinated in Rennes by the CNRS/University of Rennes 1 and INRA SCRIBE, in collaboration with the CSIC (Spain), IMR (Norway) and the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands). It commenced in February 2007, and will last for 2 years.

For more information:

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'Find a project' feature for FP7 projects now online

CORDIS, the Community research and Development Information Service, has added a new project search function to its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) website. By selecting 'Find a project' in the website's navigation bar, users will have access to a search form, enabling them to conduct free text searches. Users can also search by thematic priorities or by a specific activity within each priority.

The 'Find a project' feature can be found here:

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Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

PISCES TT jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students in the aquatic resources. Its service aims to foster an efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking qualified employees.

Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) and job-seekers can post CVs, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.

At the moment there are 14 new vacancies:

If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please go to or contact

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Student Corner

PhD Studentships at University of Stirling (UK)

The Institute of Aquaculture is offering 4 Ph.D. Studentships, who are 50% funded by the Institute and 50% by a variety of commercial companies involved in the global aquaculture industry. All projects are aimed at solving strategic problems faced by the industry. Application deadline 31st July.

1.    Fish Nutrition and Aquafeeds Group and AKER BioMarine
2.    Environment and Ecotoxicology Group and Schering-Plough
3.    Fish Immunology Group and Schering Plough
4.    Fish Genetic and Reproduction Group and Murcia Preference

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Erasmus Mundus ECW project selected – Mobility opportunities

The Erasmus Mundus ECW project submitted to the call of the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (coordinator: University of Valladolid) has been selected for funding. The project will involve the mobility of 215 candidates to follow postgraduate courses starting in September 2008.

For more information please visit

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Student submissions to AquaTT Training News

We welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe. The AquaTT Training News newsletter reaches more than 4000 recipients on a monthly basis and will serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the potential title of your article can be sent to Marieke Reuver at for review.

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About AquaTT

AquaTT devised the free news service "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly electronic newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities.

All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site:

AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

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