November / December 2007
A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training
in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
The AquaTT team wishes you a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!
- Intensive Course in Aquaculture Engineering at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 7 – 30 January 2008, Ås (Norway)
- Master Study possibilities at Hólar University College (Iceland)
- Advanced Seminar: Organization of Fishery Statistics Systems, 14 - 18 January 2008, Zaragoza (Spain)
- Applied training workshop for the aquaculture industry: Aquagenome -
From genomics to applications in European temperate and Mediterranean
Aquaculture: Basis and prospects, 7 – 8 February 2008, Paris (France)
- Advanced Course: Recirculation systems and their application in aquaculture, 10 – 14 March 2008, Tarragona (Spain)
- SCOFDA workshop on Molecular Techniques in Fish Health Research, 29 – 30 April 2008, Copenhagen (Denmark)
- New Erasmus Mundus MSc programme in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC)
- Ph.D. study programme in Fish Culture at University of South Bohemia
Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology (USB RIFCH),
Vodňany (Czech Republic)
- AQUA-TNET core group meetings
- Aqua-RET 2nd partner meeting
- EATP - Consultations on the Vision document and Terms of Reference are now open
- EATP – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest
- Coastal
Futures 2008 – Review and future trends, including Climate Change
Mitigation Conference, 22 – 24 January 2008, London (UK)
- Percid fish culture – From research to production, 23 - 24 January 2008, Namur (Belgium)
- Aquaculture America 2008, 9 – 12 February 2008, Florida (USA)
- International Conference Sea Lice 2008, 31 March - 1 April 2008, Puerto Montt (Chile)
- Eastern Baltic Aquaculture Conference - “New methods for New Products and Markets”, 6 – 7 May 2008, Riga (Latvia)
- The 1st International Congress of Seafood Technology: 18th to 21st May 2008, Izmir (Turkey)
- Aquaculture UK 2008, 21 – 22 May 2008, Aviemore (Scotland)
- Symposium on Interactions between social, economic and ecological
objectives of inland commercial and recreational Fisheries and
Aquaculture, 21 - 24 May 2008, Antalya (Turkey)
- Symposium: Coping with Global Change in Marine Social-Ecological Systems, 6 – 11 July 2008, FAO, Rome (Italy)
- International Association of Astacology 17 Symposium, 4 – 8 August 2008, Kuopio (Finland)
- International Workshop on Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring, 27 - 29 August 2008, Vodnany (Czech Republic)
- Physiomar 08. Meeting on Physiological Aspects of Marine Molluscs, 1 – 4 September 2008, Brest (France)
- Lifelong Learning Programme – Call for proposals 2008
- FP7 – Environmental research – Calls for proposals
- Call for Proposals for the regional environmental programme "SWITCH " (Sustainable Production and Consumption)
- 1st Interreg IVB Atlantic Area Call
- FAO has released the latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture Report 2006
- SEACASE - Project studies environmentally-friendly aquaculture in Southern Europe
- Scientific Journals International
- EU Report Series available from IWA Publishing
- News from the LIFE programme focussing on water scarcity related projects
- ENCORA: funding available for young professionals
- Post your job vacancies, student placements, MSc / PhD positions in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science on
welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting
their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches almost 3500 recipients on a monthly basis and will
serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors
involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the
potential title of your article should be sent to for
Intensive Course in Aquaculture Engineering at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 7 – 30 January 2008, Ås (Norway)
The Norwegian
University of Life Sciences starts up an intensive Master Course in
basic Aquaculture Engineering. The course will focus on construction
and function of common used equipment in aquaculture like pipes, pumps,
water treatment equipment, fish storing units like tanks and cages,
equipment for feeding, fish handling equipment and instrumentation and
monitoring equipment. There will be lectures and exercises every day in
week 2, 3 and 4 and a written exam 30th of January. The course size is
5 ECTS, and the language is English. For more information please contact
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Master Study possibilities at Hólar University College (Iceland)
The Department of
Aquaculture and Fish Biology at Hólar University College in Iceland has
two openings for a master’s study in Aquaculture:
1. Biological optimization at juvenile and during on-growing stage of farmed Arctic charr
The aim of the project is to create a basis for a significant increase
in the productivity of Arctic charr aquaculture by defining optimal
culture environment under intensive conditions. In the project new
rearing methods and protocols will be developed by environmental
manipulations of rearing temperature, salinity and photoperiod in order
to increase productivity by maximising growth rate, improve feed
efficiency and reduce maturation.
2. Efficient rearing systems for Arctic charr
Aquaculture requires large volumes of water and the size and production
capacity of fish farms is in most places ultimately determined by
access to water and geothermal heat. The objective of this project is
to reduce water requirements in Arctic charr aquaculture. Through
simple reuse of water we plan to reduce water requirements by 75%
compared with standard reference values in Arctic char fish farms in
Iceland. This will allow a corresponding increase in production from
the same volume of water.
Those interested should contact Dr. Helgi Thorarensen, head of the department –, +354 455 6384. Further information
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Advanced Seminar: Organization of Fishery Statistics Systems, 14 - 18 January 2008, Zaragoza (Spain)
The objective of the
seminar is to help professionals of national fisheries administrations
and institutions go through a comprehensive learning cycle, starting
with the role of a fisheries statistical programme in a management
plan, turning focus on data types and data collection methods and
databases needed, and concluding with the impact of regularly operated
fishery statistical programmes on the implementation of management
plans. For more information:
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training workshop for the aquaculture industry: Aquagenome - From
genomics to applications in European temperate and Mediterranean
Aquaculture: Basis and prospects, 7 – 8 February 2008, Paris (France)
• Provide adapted information and technology definitions used in genomic research
• Give a clear view of the steps from research to potential application in aquaculture
• Present the state-of-the-art in the use of genomics for selective breeding
• Visit infrastructures involved in the development and use of genomic tools in livestock and aquaculture breeding
Targeted audience:
Hatchery managers, R&D feed manufacturer, R&D pharmaceutical
industry professionals and veterinarians, professional body
representatives, national authority representatives. The number of participants is limited (30) and the workshop is free for
the participant as supported by the European Union in the AQUAGENOME
project. Language will be English.
Registration: AQUAGENOME website:
Information: Pierrick Haffray (e-mail:
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Advanced Course: Recirculation systems and their application in aquaculture, 10 – 14 March 2008, Tarragona (Spain)
The objectives of
this course are to review the basis of Recirculating Aquaculture
Systems (RAS) and examine the different systems, designs, operations
and application of RAS, with special emphasis on Mediterranean
aquaculture. For more information:
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SCOFDA workshop on Molecular Techniques in Fish Health Research, 29 – 30 April 2008, Copenhagen (Denmark)
The research school
SCOFDA (Sustainable Control of Fish Diseases in Aquaculture) will
organise a two day workshop on Molecular Techniques in Fish Health
Research. Venue is the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life
Sciences, Frederiksberg C, Denmark. Please send an e-mail to for registration before March 15. Further information will be available in January 2008.
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New Erasmus Mundus MSc programme in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC)
The Erasmus Mundus
Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC) is
offered by a University consortium consisting of 6 partners :
group I: Ghent University (Belgium), University of Bremen (Germany), University of the Algarve (Portugal),
group II: University of Paris 006 (France), University of Oviedo (Spain) and University of Klaipèda (Lithuania).
The study programme is divided in 3 thematic modules; (1) Understanding the structure and function of marine biodiversity, (2) Toolbox for investigating marine biodiversity and (3) Conservation and Restoration of marine biodiversity. Student mobility is an integral part of the Master: students start in
one of the three group I Universities (Gent, Bremen or Algarve) for 2
semesters; for the third semester, students move to one of the group II
Universities (Paris, Oviedo or Klaipèda). The research project for the
thesis work is performed in one of the partner institutions (including
institutes of the MarBEF- NoE). For more information:
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study programme in Fish Culture at University of South Bohemia Research
Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology (USB RIFCH), Vodňany (Czech
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Research Institute of
Fish Culture and Hydrobiology (USB RIFCH) in the Czech Republic offers
for graduates of Master (M.Sc.) or engineering study (MEng.) programmes
from all over the world doctoral study programme „Zootechnics“ with
field „Fish Culture“. The purpose of the doctoral studies is a research-oriented education of
fish culture specialists. Each student will acquire knowledge in
various fishery segments and elaborate a Ph.D. thesis focused on a
specific segment within his/her field of study. The study can run in
Czech as well as English language under conditions valid for Czech
students if students fulfil certain following conditions, as described
on the website. For more details about our doctoral study programme, please, visit or contact our study department
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AQUA-TNET core group meetings
Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Thematic Network
in Education & Training, held core group meetings for the Work
Packages dealing with Innovation in Teaching, and Language and
Linguistic diversity. Student Mobility, Master of Science Programmes
and PhD Programmes in the Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource
Management area will be discussed in core group meetings that will be
held in December 2007 and January 2008. For more information:
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Aqua-RET 2nd partner meeting
Aqua-RET (Aquatic
Renewable Energy Technologies) held its 2nd partner
meeting in October, in Lisbon. Aqua-RET will provide information on
aquatic renewable energy technologies through an
e-learning tool available online and on CD-ROM, and an educational
poster series. The consortium has carried out a needs analysis on user
groups and stakeholders to define the content for the
Aqua-RET modules. For more information contact
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To date, „PROFET
POLICY‟ has organised 5 Workshops in 2007, providing an important forum
for the exchange of views between National and European policy makers
and stakeholders in the aquaculture and fisheries sectors.
The first aquaculture workshop on Coldwater Marine aspects was held in
Bergen in March and provided many interesting presentations on
challenges and issues facing this sector. In November a workshop on the
future of Mediterranean Marine Aquaculture was held in Athens, and the
last workshop to date was held in December in Warsaw on Continental
Freshwater Aquaculture. The fisheries workshops (held in Vilnius
[Lithuania] and Dublin [Ireland]) have been equally successful,
providing active debate on issues of concern. Participants in the workshops have received printed compilations of
Technical Leaflets developed within the project on projects made under
the 5th and 6th Framework Programmes, focusing on their relevance to
policy – primarily the Common Fisheries Policy. These are also
published on the Profet Policy website and have been formatted for easy
printing. More information about the project and past and future workshops:
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EATP - Consultations on the Vision document and Terms of Reference are now open
The consultations on
the EATP Vision document and Terms of Reference are now open. If you
wish to comment on the documents, please send your contributions to the
following addresses: For the Vision document:, For the Terms of Reference: and the Vision document and the Terms of Reference can be found on
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EATP – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest
EATP opened a service
for Expression of Interests (EoI) regarding the establishment of
Thematic Areas and Working Groups and everybody is invited to submit
your EoI. The EoIs received will be processed for the Board by the Interim
Working Group (IWG). The first decisions on the Thematic Areas will be
made by the BoD in its fist meeting in 2008, tentatively scheduled for
January 10-20, so you are advised to submit as soon as possible in
order to have your case dealt with at that meeting. For more information:
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Futures 2008 (UK) – Review and future trends, including Climate Change
Mitigation Conference, 22 – 24 January 2008, London (UK)
aim of the 15th Coastal Futures Conference is to provide you with the
most comprehensive briefing on current issues that relate to the marine
environment. In addition to the usual two days there is a day focussing
on the vitally important issue of climate change mitigation affecting
the coastal and marine environment on the 22nd January. For more details:
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Percid Fish Culture – From research to production, 23 - 24 January 2008, Namur (Belgium)
event aims to disseminate recent progress that has been achieved in the
different aspects of percid fish technology (reproduction control,
feeding and nutrition, genetic improvement, market). This will be
attractive to fish farmers who are already involved in this sector or
to new potential investors in perch and pikeperch culture. The workshop
constitutes a real opportunity for an in-depth exchange of experience
between scientists and producers. For more information, please visit:
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Aquaculture America 2008, 9 – 12 February 2008, Florida (USA)
Early registration for the next Aquaculture show, to be held in Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, is by January 10, 2008. More information can be found on:
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International Conference Sea Lice 2008, 31 March - 1 April 2008, Puerto Montt (Chile)
goal of this international conference is to bring together leading
researchers from across the globe with interests in a range of sea lice
species to advance understanding of the key biological, environmental
and management factors associated with sea lice behaviour in both wild
and farmed settings. For more information:
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Eastern Baltic Aquaculture Conference - “New methods for New Products and Markets”, 6 – 7 May 2008, Riga (Latvia)
Conference is the first regional forum for all involved in fish farming
in the Eastern Baltic Region from both EU countries and neighbouring
Eastern countries. The conference will be held in English with
simultaneous Latvian/Russian translation.
Key topics of the conference:
• The characteristics of aquaculture in the Eastern Baltic Region
• Newest production and technology developments in fresh water fish farming
• Market developments and consumers behaviour
• Perspectives for sustainable development and innovation
• The European Fisheries Fund and other policies for developing aquaculture
For more information please contact Draft Agenda & programme available at
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The 1st International Congress of Seafood Technology, 18 - 21 May 2008, Izmir (Turkey)
congress aims at forming a platform for efficient discussion among the
academics from all over the world. It will be an opportunity for the
international community to exchange ideas and develop a common vision
for the future of World Seafood Technology. The participants will be the representatives of national and
international seafood commercial sectors, researchers from
international seafood institutes and the representative of Turkish
government. The language of the congress will be English. Early-registration deadline: 28th March 2008. For more information, please visit:
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Aquaculture UK 2008, 21 – 22 May 2008, Aviemore (Scotland)
will be amongst the exhibitors at the new international Aquaculture
Exhibition and Conference Aquaculture UK 2008 being held at the
Macdonald Highland Resort in Aviemore, near Inverness, Scotland on 21
& 22 May 2008. The show supersedes an event previously held in
association with a fishing show in Glasgow. More than 10 countries will
be represented, making it a truly international event. The two day conference, run alongside the exhibition, will have sessions aimed at all levels in the aquaculture industry. For more information see
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on Interactions between social, economic and ecological objectives of
inland commercial and recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, 21 - 24
May 2008,Antalya (Turkey)
principal aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for those working
on specific socio-economic and ecological aspects of inland fisheries
and aquaculture in Europe, to review the interactions between
socio-economic and ecological objectives in fisheries and aquaculture,
exchange experiences and discuss solutions to imbalances in sustainable
development and management of the sector. Please consult the EIFAC website for further information:
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Symposium: Coping with Global Change in Marine Social-Ecological Systems, 6 – 11 July 2008, FAO, Rome (Italy)
recent 4th Assessment Reports of the International Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) identified a number of climate-related changes that are
very likely to occur to marine systems in the near future. In addition,
global changes are taking place in human systems which impact the
oceans, including intensive fishing and globalisation of trade. Marine ecosystem changes have impacts on, and consequences for, the
human communities that depend on these systems, and how these human
communities respond to these changes can have reciprocal impacts on
marine ecosystems. Understanding the important issues and collaborating
with other disciplines is essential for correctly interpreting the
causes and dealing with the consequences of global changes in marine
social-ecological systems. The central goals of the symposium are to
share experiences across disciplines and to identify key next steps and
common elements and approaches that promote resilience of marine
social-ecological systems in the face of global changes. For more information:
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International Association of Astacology 17 Symposium, 4 – 8 August 2008, Kuopio (Finland)
Department of Biosciences of the University of Kuopio and Crayfish
Innovation Center organise the next IAA symposium, that will take place
in Kuopio, Savo, Finland. The scientific program will put special
emphasis on conservation of native species and crayfish diseases. Also,
ecology, physiology, genetics, crayfish farming and other hot topics
will be covered. Please check: Please contact Japo Jussila for more information:
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International Workshop on Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring, 27 - 29 August 2008, Vodnany (Czech Republic)
Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University
of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice organises the first international
workshop on Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring, which will take place
in Vodnany, Czech Republic. Its scientific programme will comprise the
latest scientific innovations, discoveries and practices in important
subjects of Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring. For more information:
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Physiomar 08: Meeting on Physiological Aspects of Marine Molluscs, 1 – 4 September 2008, Brest (France)
08, the 2nd international meeting devoted to physiological aspects of
marine molluscs, will focus on Reproduction, Growth, Bioenergetics,
Nutrition, and Genetics of marine molluscs. The 2008 conference will
also include a specific session on the effects of climate change on
molluscan physiology: Adaptation to environmental changes. Information about Physiomar 08 can be obtained from the meeting Web
site Deadline: February 29, 2008. Registration
opens on April 1, 2008. For more information:
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Lifelong Learning Programme – Call for proposals 2008
This call for proposals is based on the decision establishing the
Lifelong Learning programme which was adopted by the European
Parliament and Council on 15 November 2006 (Decision No 1720/2006/EC)
(1). The programme covers the 2007 to 2013 period. More information can be found:
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FP7 – Environmental research – Calls for proposals
FP7-ENV-2007-1: The negotiations with
projects suggested for funding are now going on. The beneficiaries are
asked to consider guidance and information as available on CORDIS:
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Call for Proposals for the regional environmental programme "SWITCH " (Sustainable Production and Consumption)
The Call for Proposals for the
regional environmental programme "SWITCH " (Sustainable Production and
Consumption) has been launched on the EuropeAid Website: (search by Asia region, open calls, grants). The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 28th February 2008
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1st Interreg IVB Atlantic Area Call
The Interreg IVB Atlantic Area Programme Monitoring Committee set the
timetable for the first Atlantic Area call. The call will open on 17th
March 2008 and close on 12th May 2008. Application documentation will be available over the coming months from
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FAO has released the latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture Report 2006
For more information and the full document:
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SEACASE - Project studies environmentally-friendly aquaculture in Southern Europe
Researchers of five South European Countries, cooperate in an
innovating project – SEACASE (Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive
Coastal Aquaculture in Southern Europe) –, financed by the European
Commission, which intends to evaluate sustainability of extensive and
semi-intensive coastal aquaculture. SEACASE is coordinated by researchers of the Centre of Marine Sciences
of Algarve (CCMAR – Portugal), and will study a wide range of extensive
and semi-intensive aquaculture systems. The goal of the SEACASE project
is to develop effective tools for improved competitiveness and
increased productivity, thus conducting to higher profitability and
sustainability of extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture production. The project aims to manage
coastal areas of particular ecological interest, promoting sustainable
production, employment and, in the long term, ecotourism and
environmental education. For more information contact Prof. Maria Teresa Dinis at
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Scientific Journals International
Scientific Journals International (SJI) publishes peer-reviewed
open-access journals for all disciplines and maintains a rapid
turnaround from submission to publication, averaging 30 days. SJI
mission is to give every researcher, writer or artist a fair
consideration to be published. Our goal is also to provide immediate,
world-wide, open access to the full text of research articles and
creative works. If you are interested in serving on our volunteer Editorial Review Board, complete and submit the form at
If you have a colleague who may enjoy serving on our Review Board,
please forward our Web site address to him or her. Current issues can
be found at
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EU Report Series available from IWA Publishing
This EU Reports series aims to articulate to researchers, policy makers
and water practitioners scientific knowledge and innovative
technologies for the sustainable management of natural resources,
generated by multidisciplinary research projects supported in
successive European Union's environmental research programmes. This series also intends to disseminate results for dedicated
policy-oriented research undertaken in the context of Community
Research Framework Programmes, especially research to support the
implementation of the Water Framework Directive, the Drinking Water and
Urban Waste Water Directives, as well as research to support the
implementation of EU Water Initiative, a European commitment towards
the Millennium Development Goals. For more information:
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News from the LIFE programme focussing on water scarcity related projects
A number of EU funded projects addressing water scarcity aspects and
water saving measures are presented in the "LIFEnews features 2007".
This service provides an overview of related projects as well as links
to relevant pages of information. Additional information is available at:
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Encora: YPEP funding available for young professionals
ENCORA is the European platform for sharing knowledge and experience
among the coastal and marine communities of science, policy and
practice. One of the services provided by ENCORA is the Young
Professional Exchange Program designed
especially for young professionals (people who are at the start of
their career) working in the field of coastal zone management
(researches, practitioners and policymakers) who are at the start of
their career. The program offers young professionals with a background in coastal
science, policy or practice to apply for financial support to
participate in international events related to coastal issues
(conferences, summer schools, symposia etc.). Funding covers travel
& accommodation expenses (50% - 100%) with a top ceiling of 750
Euros. Young professionals are encouraged to apply for individual
visits at an institution in one of the European countries participating
in ENCORA. Long-term visits are subject to a top ceiling of 2000 Euros. For more information:
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Job vacancies, Student placements and MSc & PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
TT jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students
in the aquatic resources sector. Its service aims to foster an
efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and
others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and
related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking
qualified employees. Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job
vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) and job-seekers can
post CVs, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry. If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please go to or contact
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Student Corner
welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting
their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches almost 3500 recipients on a monthly basis and will
serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors
involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the
potential title of your article should be sent to for
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About AquaTT
AquaTT, through its extensive network, realised that essential information on upcoming changes in the European education area were not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT devised a free news service "TRAINING NEWS" to specifically address this in terms of the needs of the aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments in education, training and related areas. The current newsletter audience includes: lecturers, professors, researchers, trainers, students, producers, policy makers, companies and national/ international associations.
All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site:
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to |