July 2007
A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training
in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to news@aquatt.ie
- Postgraduate Programmes and new range of short training programmes
for continuing professional development, University of Stirling (UK),
start September 2007
- Short training course: Shore Protection Strategies, Marina di Massa (Italy), 17 - 20 September 2007
- New Master of Science course ‘Aquaculture and
Aquariology’, Warmia & Mazury University in Olsztyn
start October 2007
- 6th Practical Short Course: Aquafeed Euro-Asia
2007 - Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Management, 23 - 24 October, Istanbul (Turkey)
- PhD Course “Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as food” – Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark), 19 - 23 November 2007
- PROFET POLICY Workshop: Atlantic fisheries, Marine cage & Shellfish culture, 13 - 14 September 2007, Dublin (Ireland)
- AQUA-TNET Annual Meeting 2007, 14 - 15 June 2007, Crete (Greece)
- Workshop Carrying Capacity Tools, Results and User Perspectives, 11 July 2007, Dublin (Ireland)
- AquaNor
2007 Exhibition, 14 – 17 August, Trondheim (Norway)
- AquaNor 2007 Forum, 15 – 16 August, Trondheim
- Coarse Fish Meeting, 5 - 6 September 2007, Winchester (UK)
- ICES Annual Science Conference, 17 - 21 September, Helsinki (Finland)
- 13th International EAFP Conference on Diseases
of Fish and Shellfish, 17 - 21 September 2007, Grado (Italy)
- International Conference on Freshwater Habitat
Management for Salmonid Fisheries, 18 - 21 September
2007, Southampton (UK)
- European Symposium On Marine Protected Areas As A Tool
For Fisheries Management And Ecosystem Conservation, 25 - 28 September, Murcia (Spain)
- World Seafood Congress 2007, 25 - 27 September 2007, Dublin (Ireland)
- DanFish International 2007, 17 - 19 October, Aalborg (Denmark)
- Aquaculture Europe 2007, 24 - 27 October 2007, Istanbul (Turkey)
- 10th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR), 12 - 16
November 2007, Wageningen IMARES in Zeeland, The Netherlands
- Symposium on Interactions between social, economic and
ecological objectives of inland commercial and recreational Fisheries
and Aquaculture,
21 - 24 May 2008, Antalya (Turkey)
- Post your vacancies, student placements and MSc/PhD positions on PISCESTTJOBS
- Call for papers: EUROPEAN
- Students Poster competition in the World Seafood
Congress 2007
- New global aquatic veterinary association
- Call for research proposals: National Development
Plan (2007 – 2013) Research Programme
- European
Aquaculture Society Student Group (EAS-SG) We
welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting
their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches almost 3500 recipients on a monthly basis and will
serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors
involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the
potential title of your article should be sent to aquatt@aquatt.ie for
Programmes and new range of short training programmes for continuing
professional development, University of Stirling (UK), start September
its continuing Postgraduate Programmes, the University of Stirling’s
world-class centre for research and development in aquaculture has now
launched a new range of training programmes targeted at people working
in the rural aquaculture industry. The Institute of Aquaculture has
updated the training it offers to provide a wide selection of credited
short courses, allowing people to boost their skills without a large
time commitment.
Two week long courses are available in vocational subjects such as:
Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Aquaculture and the
Environment, Aquaculture Systems, Aquaculture Development, Aquaculture
Business Management, Aquatic Veterinary Studies and Aquatic
Pathobiology. The flexible training courses are designed to fit around
the lifestyles of those working in aquaculture, particularly rural
workers, who want to learn but can’t afford to take time out for longer
periods of study.
The novel two-week teaching approach means that credit can be gained
towards a Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or Master’s
Degree. All of the modules are available for Continuing Professional
Development, so professional training needs can be met with the option
of returning at a later stage to complete an academic programme and
gain a University qualification. For those who need even greater
flexibility, distance learning courses such as our Postgraduate
Certificate in Aquatic Animal Health and Master’s in Aquatic Resources
Development are offered too.
The Institute of Aquaculture has successfully met industry and academic
needs for the last 35 years with its provision of high quality and
relevant aquaculture teaching and training. Teaching is carried
out in state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories by highly
experienced academic staff.
CLICK here for more information and an overview of Postgraduate
Programmes at the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling
CLICK here for more information and an overview of Short Courses for
Continuing Professional Development at the Institute of Aquaculture at
the University of Stirling
For further information: contact Dr Lindsay Pollock at tel: +44 1786 467900 or l.j.pollock@stir.ac.uk
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Short training course: Shore Protection Strategies, Marina di Massa (Italy), 17 - 20 September 2007
ENCORA - European
Network for Coastal Research Co-ordination Action - is a European
part-funded initiative that essentially acts as a "network of
networks", linking national coastal networks across Europe. ENCORA
provides a range of services to coastal practitioners and researchers,
including: a mechanism to search for contacts or information across
European coastal networks; opportunities for young professionals to
travel to conferences and take part in exchange visits and a Coastal
Wiki - which provides free access to coastal and marine literature.
As part of ENCORA project activities, the Italian Coastal Network (RIC)
are co-organising a short course on Shore Protection Strategies. The
course is aimed at young researchers and technicians and will
illustrate several shore protection methods, with special regard
towards soft and innovative techniques. The training course will be
delivered in English, and will take place in Marina di Massa (Italy)
from September 17th-20th 2007. The course programme will comprise
theoretical classes and field trips along the coast. September 21st
2007, there will be a national scientific meeting on the subject of
innovative techniques for shore defence - an additional event to which
participants of this course are welcome to attend.
For more information: http://www.dancore.dk/
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New Master of Science course:
‘Aquaculture and Aquariology’ (in English), Warmia & Mazury University in Olsztyn
(Poland), Start October 2007
The New Master of Science in Aquaculture and Aquariology is
a 1.5 - year programme at university level covering the most important aspects
of these fields. For students following the regular 5-year study programme,
Aquaculture and Aquariology is the secondary-level education in fisheries. Therefore
those who have not completed the first-level fishery education will be obliged
to follow a course in basic fishery. The course called “Basic Fisheries” will
cover about 60% of the basic programme and will continue for 3 semesters (for
programme details, as well as credit and ECTS points.
The specialization course Aquaculture and Aquariology includes
a practical training and thesis research projects. For the optional course
(free choice), the student can select any course which is being provided at the
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Fisheries. There is a wide possibility
for each individual student to tailor the study programme to his or her own
personal preference. The relative large contribution of optional courses
usually results in a very multidisciplinary composition of the student course programme.
The strong collaborative overseas research and training links, a singular
feature of the Faculty, allows access to pond and other aquaculture facilities
for field experimental work and on-farm trials.
The Programme is open to the holders of undergraduate degree
(Bachelor’s degree) and graduate degree (Master’s degree) in fisheries,
aquaculture, animal husbandry, ichthyology, biology, agronomy, veterinary
medicine, or any related area from recognised Colleges and Universities.
For more details:
Website: www.uwm.edu.pl/wosir
e-mail: malgorzata.wozniak@uwm.edu.pl
Telephone: (+48) 89 - 5233421, 5233829, 5233762
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6th Practical Short Course: Aquafeed Euro-Asia 2007 -
Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Management, 23 - 24 October, Istanbul
This shortcourse is held next to the Aquaculture Europe 2007
Conference and Exhibition. Aquafeed Euro-Asia short course attendees will
receive a complimentary pass to the Aquaculture Europe 2007 Trade show. Aquafeed
Euro-Asia short course attendees can separately register for the Aquaculture
2007 Conference at EAS member rate.
This is a crash course for new plant personal and
opportunity for those who are experienced to meet experts in the field to
discuss their current problems to enhance their plant operations. The course
material will also serve as a useful reference for processors, product
formulators, chemists and technicians as well as business managers familiar
with aquaculture feed, extrusion, nutrition and feed management.
To register or to get more
information, please visit: http://www.membraneworld.com/shortcourse/aquafeed2007_turkey.pdf
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PhD Course "Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as food", 19 - 23 November 2007, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
The aim of this PhD course is to provide insight into the state of
the art laboratory techniques that are recommended for analysis of fish
muscle composition and post mortem changes.
The course is arranged by the Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
(DIFRES) and BioCentrum at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
It comprises 5 days of exercises, from 19th November at 9:00 to
23rd November 17:00, covering a variety of advanced methods to
study fish muscle composition and post mortem processes:
* Water pools and
their mobility in fish muscle tissue. Correlation to muscle proteins.
* Activity of the TMAO
aldolase enzyme: Accumulation of formaldehyde and dimethylamine.
* Lipid and protein oxidation during frozen storage of fatty fish products.
* Proteome analysis of fish muscle.
Participation: The course is preferentially intended for Ph.D. students
but open to others in case of vacancy. The number of participants is
restricted to 12.
Deadline for application to the course: 28th September 2007.
For further information see: http://www.dfu.dtu.dk/English/News/Calendar.aspx?guid=9f8dbac6-2ea9-4960-89b8-3381a6db7028
or contact
Alice Jensen
e-mail: aj@difres.dk
Tel: +45 4525 2581
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PROFET POLICY Workshop: Atlantic fisheries, Marine cage & Shellfish culture
13 - 14 September, Dublin (Ireland)
Fishermen’s Organisation Ltd. (Ireland) is hosting the next PROFET POLICY
workshop: Atlantic fisheries, Marine cage & Shellfish culture
Workshop, to be held in Dublin (Ireland). This is the third workshop in
a series of 9 workshops in different countries throughout Europe. The
workshops are on a thematic and regional basis covering fisheries and
aquaculture, and are an important forum for the exchange of views of
National and European policy makers and stakeholders. For
more information on this workshop, please visit: http://www.profetpolicy.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=74&Itemid=157
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AQUA-TNET Annual Meeting 2007, 14 - 15 June 2007, Crete (Greece)
the European Thematic Network in the field of aquaculture, fisheries
and aquatic resources management held its first Annual Event on June
14th and 15th 2007. 75 participants from all over Europe met in the
Hellenic Centre of Marine Research in Crete (Greece). The Event
presented the ongoing work from six work packages, whose deliverables
and results were scrutinized in a group validation process undertaken
by the stakeholders: industry representatives, research organisations,
NGOs, SMEs, consumer groups and students.
The AQUA-TNET Network currently consists of 118 partner institutions,
representing universities, training organisations, producer
associations and research organisations, in 28 European countries.
Network deliverables combine different elements of the Bologna,
Copenhagen and Lisbon Processes for the benefit of the entire sector,
involving not only educationists and researchers but also the
production sector, consumers, and NGOs.
The Bologna Declaration in 1999 triggered off wide-reaching reforms in
European higher education and is leading towards a harmonization of
university studies for all participating European Universities. When
fully implemented, these reforms will encourage the creation of
transnational multidisciplinary programmes. Students will also have a
greater say and involvement in higher education social issues.
AQUA-TNET is unique in that it brings together both academic and
vocational aspects of the Bologna and Copenhagen reforms in the fields
of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management.
During the AQUA-TNET's first Annual Meeting, all network stakeholders
came together to present the latest information and progress but above
all to get feedback from its members to ensure that the network
activities met the stakeholders' expectations. This was the first
opportunity for the student, industry and consumer members to make
their voice heard, and they certainly did so in the Validation sessions
which provoked stimulating and often lively discussions. The Validation
Committees proved to be a useful innovation: the Student Committee as
clients of the higher education providers, the Industry and Research
Committees as future employers of graduate students, the Consumer
Committee as representatives of those who purchase the end products and
the Industry Committee had an opportunity to express industry needs to
the academic community, and to suggest some market-driven solutions.
One of the major aims of AQUA-TNET is to become the TUNING reference
for the aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources sector in Europe.
The TUNING project was presented and explained by Professor Papadakis
of the University of Crete, who gave a very useful and informative
presentation on the TUNING project, an EU SOCRATES pilot project which
addresses several of the Bologna action lines, most notably the
adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, based
on two cycles and using the European system of credits (ECTS).
The name Tuning was chosen for the project to reflect the idea that
universities do not look for harmonisation of their degree programmes
or any sort of unified, prescriptive or definitive European curricula
but simply for points of reference, convergence and common
The sessions covered the following topics: the practicalities of
enhancing collaboration between European master programmes; Structuring
Ph.D. training in the AQUA-TNET domain; the development of a code of
good practice for student mobility; how to bridge the language gap in
student exchanges and how to create an AQUA-TNET portal in 2010.
The final note was struck when the members discussed the European Commission Green Paper "Towards a Future Maritime Policy for the Union: A European vision for the oceans and seas"
which produced AQUATNET'S formal submission to the consultation
process. This report has been published and can be downloaded from: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/index_en.html
For more information, please contact Marieke Reuver at: marieke@aquatt.ie
Back to top
Workshop: Carrying Capacity Tools, Results and User Perspectives, 11 July 2007, Dublin (Ireland)
A workshop on Carrying
Capacity Studies - Tools, Results and User Perspectives - was held in
the Geological Survey of Ireland, Dublin (Ireland) on Wednesday 11th
July 2007. The workshop was organised by AquaTT on behalf of the Irish
Partners of the EU Keyzones Project, South East Shellfish Co-op, Clew
Bay Marine Forum and La Tene Maps. This workshop followed up a
conference held in Westport (Ireland) last September.
The workshop was attended by 25-30 delegates mainly from companies and
organisations who are currently involved in Carrying Capacity studies
and shellfish farmers. The day was a great success as it allowed
the delegates get an update on progress on the various projects which
have started, are ongoing or have been completed in Ireland over the
past nine to ten months. The workshop had delegates from the
three main projects SMILE, KEYZONES and UISCE.
Professor Gavin Burnell from the Aquaculture and Fisheries Development
Centre of University College Cork (Ireland) and AquaTT Director,
formally welcomed everybody to Dublin after which John Coleman from La
Tene Maps introduced the conference and the various projects. The
workshop was opened by a brief introduction to the EU Funded Keyzones
Project by Keyzones Coordinator Dennis Gowland from Orkney based
Research Relay. This was followed by two presentations by Ana Sequeira
from IMAR, Institute of Marine Research (Portugal) on "Tools for
Management of Shellfish Resources". The next presentation was given on
“General concept of carrying capacity modeling using Delft3D" by
Maarten Kuijper - Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands. Aad Smaal – from
IMARES, formerly Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
gave a presentation about the capacity for sustainable shellfish
production in the Netherlands. His presentation included
characteristics of Dutch Shellfish Culture, problems and perspectives
and comparison with other Keyzone areas. Gavin Burnell presented on
„Biological Issues for the Management of Irish Sea Mussel Seed“. Over
the past number of years there has been a decline in the tonnage of
seed mussel seed dredged from the Irish Sea. The Marine Institute/BIM
funded a study to understand the biology and ecology of mussel seed
beds in the Irish Sea to assess their abundance ans sustainability and
also to suggest management strategies for the sustainable exploitation
of the mussel resource in the Irish Sea. Alan Berry from Marcon gave an
update on the BIM led project called UISCE covering Wexford Harbour,
Dungarvan and Killiary.
Thom Nickell from SAMS in Scotland presented on „Validation and Ground
Truthing models“. Examples were taken from a number of projects,
both European and Asian. The last presentation was given by Mr.
Niall O' Boyle - Clew Bay Marine Forum, titled “A local Marine
initiative Adapting a broad and flexible outlook“. In this presentation
Niall explains that Clew Bay Marine Forum got involved in the Keyzones
Project, because they saw it as a way of developing a scientific model
to underpin a predictive bay management strategy thus providing
an effective management tool.
The workshop ended with an open discussion, where raised issues
included the accessability and availability of the tools especially to
farmers, as well as Short Run Models versus Long Run Models. The
meeting concluded with stating that carrying capacity studies are an
important resource management tool. However, these studies were costly
to do and were changing rapidly building on the developments/tools
developed by previous studies. The participants look forward to the
completion of the BIM study as this would probably be the format that
would be rolled out in the future for other Irish bays.
Note: Presentations made at the workshop are available for download on the AquaTT website: http://www.aquatt.ie/index.php/151/news/
For further information please contact:
John Coleman, La Tene Maps, Ireland
Tel: +353-1 2847914, E-mail: johncoleman@latene.com
Back to top
AquaNor 2007 Exhibition, 14 – 17 August, Trondheim (Norway)
AquaNor is held every second year in Trondheim and has in
recent years attracted visitors from approximately 50 countries. The trade show
presents innovations, products, services, research and development of
importance to the aquaculture industry. AquaNor 2007 is the most important
international event and the primary venue for all players in the aquaculture
industry. The major aquaculture nations attend AquaNor 2007 with exhibitors,
delegations and individual visitors.
For more information and online
registration, please visit: http://www.nor-fishing.no/messe.php?messe=12 Back to top
AquaNor 2007 Forum, 15 - 16 August, Trondheim (Norway)
AquaNor Forum is a new feature to the world’s biggest aquaculture exhibition –
Aqua Nor. Due to be held every two years, the Aqua Nor forum will provide a
meeting for science, industry, consumers and policy makers to review
developments in the aquaculture sector and to discuss the key issues that
affect those developments.
Under the
theme, WELFARE-DRIVEN TECHNOLOGY - How our shared understanding of aquatic
animals needs will shape their future homes", the AQUA NOR FORUM 2007 will
address the issue of welfare as a driver for technological development in
aquaculture. The forum is divided into three sessions, which look at different
housing situations (structures used for the production of aquatic animals) and
the interaction between different stakeholders in designing production systems.
The three sessions end with a press conference that summarises discussions and
recommends future action.
promising workshop is organised by European Aquaculture Society (EAS) in
cooperation with the Nor Fishing Foundation and SINTEF. It will provide a forum
for science, industry, consumers and policy makers to review developments in
the aquaculture sector.
preliminary programme as well as session info and speakers profiles are available
at: http://www.easonline.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25&Itemid=25
You can
register online via the link to the registration page on the aforementioned website until 1st August. After that date, the registration
fees will increase.
Note that
pre-registered participants to the AQUA NOR FORUM 2007 will have free access to AQUA NOR 2007 trade show.
Back to top
Coarse Fish Meeting, 5 - 6 September 2007, Winchester (UK)
The 2007 Coarse Fish Meeting will
take place on 5 & 6 September at Sparsholt College.
A variety
of topics, presented by leading experts in their field, will be covered through
the day.
For information on the event,
accommodation details and booking forms please contact Viv Shears on the
details below or alternatively visit the Coarse Fish Meeting page.
Postal: The Coarse Fish Meeting
2007, c/o Fishery Studies Section, Sparsholt College,
Sparsholt, Hampshire SO21 2NF
Telephone: 01962 797205
Email: coarsefishevent@sparsholt.ac.uk
Back to top
ICES Annual Science Conference, 17 - 21
September, Helsinki (Finland)
The Science Conference is an annual
meeting place for scientists where new work is presented in Theme sessions. The
topics for Theme sessions are diverse and range from ‘the implementation of
external reviews in management advice’ to ‘the management of Monkfish around
the world’ and ‘how fishermen and managers (should) deal with increased energy
costs’. Some sessions are very scientific, but many relate directly to
fisheries and their environment. The main language at the ASC is English.
The registration fee will be more
expensive after the 31 august 2007. To register or to get more information
about registration: http://www.ices.dk/iceswork/asc/2007/Registration.asp
more information about the ASE, please visit: http://www.ices2007helsinki.fi
Back to top
13th International EAFP
Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, 17 - 21 September 2007,
Grado (Italy)
The 13th EAFP International
Conference on Fish and Shellfish Pathology will be held at the Conference
Centre in Grado, Italy. Scientific and technical sessions consisting of poster
presentations, invited talks, keynotes, oral presentations, workshops and an
EAFP General Assembly will take place during the Conference. Planned social
events include a Welcome Cocktail, Civic Reception and the traditional
Conference Banquet. You
will find more information the EAFP website: http://www.eafp.org/Conference%20pages/Conf_Info.html
Back to top
International Conference on Freshwater Habitat Management
for Salmonid Fisheries: 18 - 21 September 2007, Southampton (UK)
The aim
of this conference is to bring together fishery and environmental managers,
scientists, and policy makers to consider the range of activities that have
been deployed, to assess their effectiveness and applicability, and to develop
recommendations for future work and R&D. Keynote speakers are being invited
from the UK, Europe and North America to set the scene for each session.
However, there will also be plenty of time planned for offered papers and
discussion; active participation of all attendees will be encouraged.
For more information, please visit: http://www.salmonidhabitat.com or
Dr Nick Sotherton
The Game Conservancy Trust
Fordingbridge SP6 1EF
United Kingdom
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European Symposium On Marine Protected Areas As A Tool For
Fisheries Management And Ecosystem Conservation, 25 - 28
September, Murcia (Spain)
To emphasise the role of MPAs in the integration of
fisheries management and nature conservation, the symposium will present and
discuss the results from ongoing European and international MPA research,
bringing together scientists, managers and stakeholders from all relevant
fields and sectors to discuss new findings and approaches regarding ecological,
economic and social aspects of MPA development.Scientific contributions are
invited from Europe and other regions. Emerging science, empirical evidence and
interdisciplinary approaches relevant for temperate waters are given priority.
Managers and regional stakeholders are invited to provide experiences and
The organisers of the symposium are the EU funded
research projects EMPAFISH and PROTECT, addressing the application of
MPAs as a tool for ecosystem conservation and fisheries management in the
Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, North Sea and in the Baltic.
For more information, please visit: http://www.mpasymposium2007.eu/index.html
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World Seafood Congress 2007, 25 - 27 September 2007, Dublin (Ireland)
World Seafood Congress 2007 will consist of a conference and an
exhibition dedicated to the theme of “Innovation in the Seafood
Industry" where exhibitors will showcase the latest technologies and
trends in new product and process development, quality assurance and
The Congress will be highly interactive; featuring a mix of plenary
sessions addressed by leading experts from around the world along with
tightly focussed breakout sessions that will encourage lively debate.
These sessions will cover areas such as market access restrictions due
to import authority requirements; the retail sector and the changing
dynamics of seafood consumption; communicating the risks and benefits
of eating seafood; seafood nutrition and sustainability; trends in
sustainable fishing technology; seafood standard certification;
consumer confidence and sustainability; models for managing fisheries
sustainability; innovations in chemical risk management and testing;
and the potential and challenges of the emerging functional foods
The World Seafood Congress 2007 online booking is now open at the Congress website: www.worldseafoodcongress07.com
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DanFish International 2007, 17 - 19
October, Aalborg (Denmark)
Since 1974 Aalborg has been hosting
fishing exhibitions and during the 90's the organisers have made great efforts
to internationalise the show. The international fishing exhibition in October
2005 was referred to by exhibitors and visitors alike as a total success.
DanFish International 2007 will be an intensive 3-day show running from the 17th of October to the 19th of October.
For more information, please visit: http://www.danfish.com/show.asp?id=188 Back to top
Aquaculture Europe 2007, 24 – 27 October 2007, Istanbul (Turkey)
European Aquaculture Society and Eurasia Trade Fairs have combined
their aquaculture events to launch the first “new format" Aquaculture
Europe event, which combines a scientific conference with the highly
successful Future Fish Eurasia Exhibition.
The interface between these two main features – the industry forum -
will be filled by special events, including an industry day or ‘farmers
day’, workshops for industry and the AE2007 student forum. As always,
various social events will be a part of the Aquaculture Europe meeting.
The conference theme Competing claims addresses the various levels of
competition that aquaculture faces at present, but upon which its
future development will depend. "Claims" exist from other stakeholders
with respect to physical space, investment and other finances,
resources (e.g. for feed raw materials and water resources), technology
and others.
More details on the EAS website.
Back to top
International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR), 12 - 16
November 2007, Wageningen IMARES in Zeeland, The Netherlands
From 12-16 November 2007, Wageningen IMARES will host
the 10th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR) in
Zeeland, The Netherlands. The theme of the
conference will be “Innovation in the exploitation and management of
shellfish resources”. The following topics will be addressed: Recruitment,
Eco.system based management, Stakeholder involvement and management and New
technologies. For more information: www.icsr2007.wur.nl
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Symposium on Interactions
between social, economic and ecological
objectives of inland commercial and recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture: 21 - 24
May 2008, Antalya (Turkey)
The European Inland Fisheries
Advisory Commission (EIFAC) is organizing an international symposium on
“Interactions between social, economic and ecological objectives of inland
commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture” between 21 and 24 May
2008 in connection with its 25th Session in Antalya, Turkey.
The principal aim of the symposium is to provide
a forum for those working on specific socio-economic and ecological aspects of inland
fisheries and aquaculture in Europe, to review the interactions between
socio-economic and ecological objectives in fisheries and aquaculture, exchange
experiences and discuss solutions to imbalances in sustainable development and
management of the sector.
The symposium will be organized in 5 sessions.
There will be a workshop-type discussion at the end of the presentations of
each session. This discussion will be used to formulate advice on research
priorities, policy advice and guidelines. The final session will be used to
finalize the conclusions, advice and recommendations to the 25th
EIFAC session, which will follow the symposium.
Persons are also encouraged to present Poster papers, which will form an
integral part of the information base for formulating conclusions. The
symposium will be held in close collaboration with the Network of Aquaculture
Centres in Eastern Europe (NACEE) and the European Aquaculture Society (EAS).
consult the EIFAC website for further information
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Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT
UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science
sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers
can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource
development in the industry.
Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies,
including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies
will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements.
To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation
contact details will not be published online.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username
and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online
for positions.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service,
please contact aquatt@aquatt.ie
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Symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological
Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, 21 - 24
May 2008, Antalya (Turkey) -
Call for Papers
contributions and presentations for the Symposium on Interactions
between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial
and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture are invited within any of
these broad themes.
Anyone wishing to present a paper or poster should submit by e-mail or
fax a
title and abstract (not exceeding 150 words) by 30 November 2007 to:
The Technical Secretary of EIFAC Sub-Commission
Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia (FAOSEC), FAO
Ankara, Turkey.
E-mail: Raymon.vanAnrooy@fao.org
Fax: (+90)-312-3271705
papers that address the theme of the symposium and are of an appropriate
standard will be published in a special issue of the Blackwell Science journal
Fisheries Management and Ecology. All papers will be published in the EIFAC Occasional
Papers series (after agreement from the authors).
For more information on the symposium (including the complete
prospectus and a guide for authors), please visit the EIFAC website: http://www.fao.org/fi/eifac.htm
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Students Poster competition in the
World Seafood Congress 2007
Competition is open to post-graduates registered at a third-level education
institute. Students must be studying in a field related to the four Congress
themes of sustainability, product trade, food safety, seafood and health.
Any student/s wishing to enter
this Poster Competition should complete and submit a Student Poster Application
at this website.
For more
information, please visit: https://www.eventznet.ie/ev/ac/bim/wsccomp/
queries related to this competition can be addressed to: info@worldseafoodcongress07.com
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New global aquatic veterinary
from the needs of a large number of veterinarians already involved in aquatic
animal medicine, a new veterinary organization has been formed, initially doing
business under the name Aquatic
Veterinary Association (AqVA). Formalizing
a group to address the concerns of aquatic veterinary medical practitioners
under an organized, incorporated and registered non-profit professional
association will help elevate aquatic veterinary sciences to a well recognized
discipline within the profession.
Its mission is to serve the discipline of aquatic veterinary
medicine in enhancing aquatic animal health and welfare, public health,
and seefood safety, in support of the veterinary profession, aquatic
animal owners and industries, and other stakeholders.
details on the association can be found on its website: http://www.aquavets.org
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Call for research proposals: National Development Plan (2007 - 2013) Research Programme
The Marine Institute launches its research and innovation
funding programme under the Marine Research Sub-Programme of the National
Development Plan 2007 – 2013.
The Marine Institute manages research and innovation funding
under the Marine Research Sub-Programme of the NDP (2007 – 2013).
Under the programme, research proposals aimed at addressing the objectives
of Sea Change: A Marine Research,
Knowledge and Innovation Strategy for Ireland 2007 – 2013 are sought
from industry and research institutions.
The first
call targets funding for Research Projects, Desk Studies, Post-Doctoral
Fellowships and PhD Scholarships in the following topic areas:
- Fisheries
- Aquaculture
- Seaweed
- Marine
Environment Research
- Knowledge
and Information Management Research
The closing
date for receipt of applications is Wednesday 26th September 2007.
For more
information on that call or on the other open calls for funding of the Marine
Institute, please visit: http://www.marine.ie/home/funding/FundingCalls/opencalls/
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Student Corner
European Aquaculture Society Student
Group (EAS-SG):
EAS-SG is a
student group set up at the EAS 2005 meeting in Trondheim. The group is,
however, not just for students, but also for all young people working in the
field of aquaculture.
principal aims are:
- To increase the participation
of young persons in EAS activities
- To gather and exchange
information related to the diverse fields of research
- To share work experiences in
the sector
- To voice student and young
persons’ concerns
Student Group will organise a special forum for students attending AE2007 to
enable networking and exchange of ideas. The forum will have a dedicated
programme and include a special student reception. Students receive the full
registration package plus the student reception. To qualify for the student
rate, a copy of your student I.D. is required.
If you are
interested to join the group or if you want more information please mail them
at: eas_studentgroup@aquaculture.cc
or visit: http://www.easonline.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=18
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Student submissions
welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting
their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches almost 3500 recipients on a monthly basis and will
serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors
involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the
potential title of your article should be sent to aquatt@aquatt.ie for
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About AquaTT
AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information
on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus,
AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the
Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments
in Education & Training and related areas. Support material is available
on the European Education Forum website www.piscestt.com. All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site.
The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students
in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies
and associations.
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness
of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties.
Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of
the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the
news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this
newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or
inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for
incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional
tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.