JULY 2004
A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training
in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to news@aquatt.ie
About AquaTT
1. Education
- New AquaTT project starting in China - MARINVEST
- AquaTT Workshop: Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture, Rochefort, France,
7-8th October 2004
- AQUA-TNET Workshop - "ICT Based Educational Resources and their potential application
in Aquaculture Courses, Gent, Belgium, 30th September 2004
2. Collaboration
- Calls for Proposals: 6th Framework - Food Quality and Safety
- Calls for Proposals: Science and Society (Women and Science)
- Call for Research Grant Applications from Developing Country Researchers
- Asia-Pro Eco Programme Call for proposal - Deadline 4th October 2004
3. Announcements
- Rethinking Higher Education in the Food Chain Area and the Environment - Profiling Graduates of the Future, Copenhagen, 21-24 August 2004
- Food Quality and Safety Partnering Event, Poznan, Poland, 23rd September 2004
- Bordeaux Aquaculture Exhibition, France, 22-24th September 2004
4. Other
- Contribute to the EUROCEAN Portal
- New Seafood Portal Launched - seafoodintelligence.com
- Post your Job, Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on PISCESTTJOBS
5. Student Corner
- High Speed Quality - Changes in the University System in Norway
(Article by student Guri Gunnes Oppegård, Bergen University, Norway)
New AquaTT project starting in China - MARINVEST
Marine Investment for Future Prosperity (MARINVEST), co-ordinated by AquaTT and
partially funded by the EU Asia Pro Eco Programme, aims to transfer the technology
of environmental monitoring to promote socio-economic progress and environmental
improvements in the aquaculture sector in the Shandong region of China.
The thrust of the project is threefold:
(1) to assist public authorities with the establishment of a comprehensive environmental
monitoring programme;
(2) to train the workforce on implementation practices;
(3) to improve the quality and safety of shellfish through activities such as
designing and implementing Harvesting Area Classification, generating a marine
biotoxin monitoring regime, developing a network of depuration facilities, and
designing a traceability system.
Without these elements in place, exporting shellfish to the EU will be an unattainable
objective. These will form the essential foundation for the industry in the Shandong
Province and will ultimately serve as the model for other regions in China.
AquaTT will work in close conjunction with the Scottish Aquaculture Training
Association Ltd. (SATA), Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, Yellow Sea Fisheries
Research Institute (YSFRI), and the Qingdao Association for International Science
& Technology Cooperation to organise, develop and implement this exciting
new initiative in 2004 and 2005.
The first partner meeting will take place in Qingdao, 9-13th August 2004.
For further information please email erin@aquatt.ie
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AquaTT Workshop: Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture, Rochefort, France,
7-8th October 2004
Open Call for Participation
Date: 7th - 8th October 2004
Venue: Forum-Marais
Location: Rochefort, France
Local Airport: La Rochelle, France
The Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture Workshop is
organised by AquaTT in collaboration with Aqualex Multimedia Consortium
(AMC), the Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers (ASSG) and Centro
Tecnologico del Mar-Fundacion (CETMAR), and is supported by the
European Commission, Directorate General for Fisheries. The
initiative is devised from the following objectives:
• To promote the role of women in the aquaculture sector and to enhance their
participation in decision-making roles & gender diversity in aquaculture.
• To clearly identify, and bring to the forefront of discussion, gender diversification
issues specific to the aquaculture industry in the European Community.
• To promote and support the fisheries sector through connecting and networking
women in aquaculture.
An intensive 2-day workshop consisting of presentations, case-studies, teamwork
and a field study is planned, the highlights of which include:
- Presentations highlighting results from current desktop studies and project
initiatives that have identified needs and challenges for women in aquaculture
- Keynote speakers sharing “success storiesâ€? specific to three themes: (1) Women
in Tourism Initiatives, (2) Women in Education & Research, and (3) Women in
- Participant working groups, using the “success storiesâ€? and personal experiences
as a starting block, identifying good practice in leadership, decision-making,
negotiation, communication and work life/balance
- On-site case-study of the local operating "route de l'huître" (oyster trails)
Workshop Agenda
The provisional workshop agenda is available on the PISCES Forum (www.piscestt.com) via the workshop link on the left menu.
Selection Criteria
The target group for participation includes both women and men working in aquaculture
and fisheries related areas. The working language of the workshop, for presentations
and working groups is English, and unfortunately, there will be no provision for
Should you have an interest in participating in the workshop, please email AquaTT
at aquatt@aquatt.ie with a personal curriculum vitae (in English) and a short explanation outlining:
- the reason for your interest in the workshop
- your current expertise/ area of work
Participant Funding
There is no registration fee for the workshop, however should you
be offered and accept a place, you are required to book your travel by
August 26th 2004. Please then fax a copy of your itinerary (e.g.
flight invoice) to AquaTT by the evening of August 26th 2004 in order
to secure your place. Failure to do so will open your place
reservation to the next available person on the waiting list. A
grant of between €150 and €200 will be paid to you as a contribution
towards travel and accommodation costs. This will be paid to you
following the event, on the condition of sending to AquaTT copies of
your receipts and/or invoices along with the official AquaTT expenses
For updates on this workshop initiative, please visit the PISCES Forum (www.piscestt.com) regularly.
All queries relating to the workshop should be addressed to AquaTT at aquatt@aquatt.ie
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AQUA-TNET Workshop - "ICT Based Educational Resources and their potential application
in Aquaculture Courses, Gent, Belgium, 30th September 2004
AQUA-TNET the SOCRATES Thematic Network for Education and Training in the Aquaculture
Industry will be combining their Annual meeting with a workshop looking into new
teaching techniques and their possible application to Aquaculture courses around
Europe. To learn more about Aqua-TNET and the work they are doing please visit
the following web address: http://www.piscestt.com/pisces/educational/intro_en.asp
New ICT technologies are rapidly developing, some have been applied to teaching
environments but not all successfully due to a variety of factors. This workshop
is intended to review the latest developments and recognise best practice in this
area. The new buzz word in Europe is "blended learning" and this workshop will
recognise that new technologies is not a complete solution to training but if
used appropriately can be a powerful tool to enhance students learning experience.
Presentations on selected Case studies and discussion to identify best practice
in the use of ICT in teaching and learning
- Review of current ICT tools
- Review of latest teaching methodology
- Identification of opportunities where shared development and delivery of ICT-based
educational resources will be enhanced through European collaboration
- Basic Tools: Enhancing the learning experience using new tools
(e.g. Incorporating new technologies into teaching)
- WebCases - design, development and delivery of Web-based case studies in teaching
and learning
(e.g. Ithaca Case study, roleplay examples Gent, AGRICULTURAL example)
- Distance Learning Courses - Design, delivery and evaluation
- Experience of Distance Learning - TBA
- Pilot project in Distance Learning - A distributed network - Orion
- Support Tools - Databases, Glossaries, Resources online etc.
(e.g. Education database, Aqualex Online Glossary + portals, intranets)
Participation in the workshop is free upon registration. It is NOT possible to
cover the costs of participants Travel & Subsistence.
If you are involved in aquaculture training and would like to present some of
the methodologies you use for teaching please contact David Murphy, david@aquatt.ie or tel: +353 1 644 9008
If you would like to participate in the workshop please e-mail the following
address to receive a reservation and accommodation booking form; david@aquatt.ie
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Calls for Proposals: 6th Framework - Food Quality and Safety
New calls for Food Quality and Safety under the Sixth Framework Programme were
launched on 24.07.2004 with a total value of €216 million. The three calls can
be found at http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls.cfm and are as follows:
Total value of €152 million
Closing Date: 7th October 2004
Instruments: IP and NOE
Total value of €59 million
Closing Date: 8th February 2005
Instruments: STREP, CA and SSA
Total value of €5 million
Closing Date: 7th September 2005
Instruments: SSA
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Calls for Proposals: Science and Society (Women and Science)
A new call for proposals under Women and Science has been launched. The value
of the programme is €6.4 million and the funded short titles of the work programme
Empowerment of women scientists; and public debate
Total value: €0.4 million
Instrument: SSA
Ambassadors for Women and Science
Total value: €1.0 million
Instrument: SSA
Gender Research
Practical Tools for Mainstreaming
Total value: 5 million
Instruments SSA, STREP and CA
The closure date is 15th October 2004. Full details are available at http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=132#
AquaTT, on the back of its currently funded DG Fisheries project “Assessment
of Women Achievers in Aquaculture� is currently looking into preparing a follow
up to this project under this current call. Should you have an interest in developing
an initiative in this area, please contact AquaTT at aquatt@aquatt.ie
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Call for Research Grant Applications from Developing Country Researchers
The International Foundation for Science (IFS) provides support to young researchers
in developing countries by awarding research grants and providing grantees with
additional services such as travel grants and purchasing assistance.
Proposals for research projects may address biological, chemical, or physical
processes as well as social and economic relationships important in the conservation,
production and renewable utilisation of the biological resource base. Research
on topics such as water and biodiversity are also eligible for support. Applicants
should explain the relevance of their proposed research in relation to environmental
and socio-economic conditions in the country/region.
Research grants are awarded up to a maximum value of USD 12,000 for a period
of one to three years and may be renewed twice. They are intended for the purchase
of equipment, expendable supplies, and literature, and to arrange field activities.
Applicants must be citizens of, and carry out the research in, a developing country.
They should also be affiliated with a university or national research institution
in a developing country. Applicants should be at the beginning of their research
career, have a minimum academic degree of an MSc/MA or the equivalent, and preferably
be younger than 40 (under 30 for applicants from China).
Applications are made on a standard IFS application form, in English or French,
which is available from the IFS Secretariat or can be downloaded from the website
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Asia-Pro Eco Programme Call for proposal - Deadline 4th October 2004
The European Commission EuropeAid Co-operation Office is seeking proposals for
‘Diagnostic Activities,
Technology Partnerships, Demonstration Projects, Policy Reinforcement and Operational
and Practical
Dialogue’ in Asia with financial assistance from the Asia Pro Eco Programme,
ALA, Budget line B7-301
(Project No AIDCO/2001/0137) of the European Communities.
The full Guidelines for Applicants are available for consultation at:
and on the following internet site:
The deadlines for submission of the 2nd round of proposals is
— 4 October 2004 at 16.00h Central European Time (CET).
The Asia Pro Eco Programme aims to:
- promote the development and adoption in Asia of measures to tackle environmental
pollution and to
promote more resource-efficient products, processes & services, particularly
in the fields of waste and water
management, air pollution and clean energy, thereby also positively influencing
the global climate change;
- foster Asian demand for modern environmental solutions;
- build Asia’s institutional and technical capacity that may favour such a change;
- support the exchange of environmental policies, technologies and best practices
and fertilise the ground for
sustainable and responsible investment .
- facilitate EU-Asia practical co-operation amongst institutions, business, trade
unions and civil society and to
encourage synergies between institutions and networks;
- develop EU-Asia partnerships with joint venture opportunities in environmental
- support environmental actions that fulfil the objectives of the Programme and
are also
instrumental in alleviating poverty, improving health conditions and reducing
gender inequalities.
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Rethinking Higher Education in the Food Chain Area and the Environment - Profiling
Graduates of the Future, Copenhagen, 21-24 August 2004
In recent years there has been a marked decline across Western Europe in the number
of students entering institutions of higher education to read degrees in the traditional
disciplines of the agricultural sciences and management. Universities have responded
by diversifying the degree programmes they offer. Often in doing so they move
towards the degree programmes offered by departments in the “pureâ€? natural and
social sciences. The decline in the students graduating in the agricultural sciences and management
raises the question of what skills do these graduates need when entering the industry,
particularly in terms of the subject specific skills, and how they will further develop their skills during their working life. This Conference will address these questions with the aim of assisting universities
and faculties develop their degree programmes to meet the future needs of society
and industry. Case studies and examples of innovative approaches will demonstrate
how these degree programmes can be presented in a way, which meets the expectations
of students.
For more information visit http://www.echae.kvl.dk/
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Food quality and safety partnering event, Poznan, Poland, 23rd September 2004
The Poznan science and technology park is organising a brokerage event for the
third call under the 'Food quality and safety' priority of the Commission's Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6) in Poznan, Poland, on 23 September.
The event is organised within the scope of the EU funded FOODLINK project, the
European food industry partners' forum. The organisers describe it as an ideal
way to meet new Member State and candidate country researchers for collaboration,
as well as gaining an insight into the next call for proposals from a representative
of the European Commission.
Data Source Provider : Poznan science and technology park
For further information, please consult the following web address: http://www.foodlink./index.php
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Bordeaux Aquaculture Exhibition, France, 22-24th September 2004
Aquitaine Bordeaux Aquaculture, home to trout, farmed caviar, sturgeons, king
prawns, eels and so many other aquaculture specialities, will be playing host
to the leading French and European production areas.
For more information visit http://www.bordeaux-expo.com/aqua_culture/index.html
Eurocean - European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology
EurOcean is a focal point for information on marine science and technology. The
EurOcean Internet portal intends to be an electronic platform of communication
and information for all actors with interest in marine science and technology
in Europe. One of its functions is to be the IOC regional portal for Europe. The
EurOcean portal provides information in three main domains: marine research infrastructures,
national and European RTD programmes.
The creation of an European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology
is a joint French – Portuguese initiative, of which the main objective is to implement
the recommendations of the report Towards a new marine dimension for Europe through research and technological
development adopted on 4th May 2000 by a group of governmental experts from 15 European countries
brought together at the invitation of the Portuguese Minister for Science and
Technology. This report, which was presented to the European Council for Research
on 15th June 2000, recognised "the benefit of a focal point for information on marine science and technology", which could:
facilitate access to relevant information;
provide access and develop quantitative indicators, including socio-economic
compile and prepare information on trends on marine S&T;
help prepare synthesis to decision-makers;
facilitate access to information to enhance cooperation between scientific and
technological institutions, industry and other stakeholders;
contribute to public awareness and educational programmes on marine issues.�
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New Seafood Portal launched - www.seafoodintelligence.com
A business news portal for the International Seafood Industry and all those wanting to keep updated about the latest developments relevant
to this sector - but also of developments in competing industries such as the
poultry, pig and beef sector. Our main goal is to provide seafood decision-makers,
aquaculture & fisheries professionals, academics & scientists, politicians,
investors or consumers at large with a comprehensive International Daily News selection. The portal was launched to the public in June 2004.A business news
portal for the International Seafood Industry and all those wanting to keep updated about the latest developments relevant
to this sector - but also of developments in competing industries such as the
poultry, pig and beef sector. Our main goal is to provide seafood decision-makers,
aquaculture & fisheries professionals, academics & scientists, politicians,
investors or consumers at large with a comprehensive International Daily News selection. The portal was launched to the public in June 2004.
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Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT
UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science
sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers
can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource
development in the industry.
Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies,
including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies
will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements.
To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation
contact details will not be published online.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username
and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online
for positions.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service,
please contact aquatt@aquatt.ie
AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site
as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found
on the web at www.piscestt.com and host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual
tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children. back to top
Student Corner
High Speed Quality - Change in the University System in Norway
(Article by student Guri Gunnes Oppegård, Bergen University, Norway)
Parallel to the accelerating beat of society, the university system in Norway
has seen change. The national Minister of Education has seen through a reform
that she immodestly named “The Quality Reformâ€?. One main intention was to make
the education system more efficient. The restructuring that the education system
in one of Europe`s northernmost countries has gone through in the last few years,
has from some perspectives been welcomed. But does efficiency equal quality?
A consequence of the reform is larger emphasis on oral presentations and hand-in
work throughout the semester, which is positive in many ways. An evaluation of
a student’s capabilities on the basis of measurement from a one day exam, may
not give a full and correct picture of that persons understanding of the subject.
Now students are given feedback on their development throughout the semester.
Another consequence of “The Quality Reformâ€? is that the Masters period has been
restricted to two years, of which the practical work, including writing, is limited
to one year. This is in compliance with European standards (Norway is a world
champion in complying with new EU standards). If you do not deliver your written
Masters thesis by a fixed date at the end of the fourth semester, you fail your
Masters. No retry. No pretty please.
Students studying under the former Norwegian Masters system did not have such
a strict deadline. I know one example of a student who finished after eight years.
This is of course not advisable, nor acceptable. It also belongs to the few extremes.
But by fixing the time period of the Masters studies, will the system also remove
the opportunities inherent in trial and error? “The Quality Reformâ€? places strict
demands on students, but it also puts demands on the university. When signing
up for a project the student is guaranteed that the Masters project is manageable
in one year. In other words, the new projects are designed to succeed. It is no
doubt frustrating to redo months of work at the lab, because of a failed experiment.
But is this really a “failedâ€? lesson?
During the aquaculture studies at the University of Bergen it has been a requirement
to do two months of practical work in an aquaculture company. In later years the
two months has shrunk to five weeks, and is now down to a period of three weeks.
This is the only hands-on work experience the students are required to do during
their five years of aquaculture studies. By limiting practical work experience
in the education system, cutting down on lab-experiments for economical reasons
and designing “successfulâ€? Masters projects, the study of a topic is now to a
larger extent based on learning from reading.
It is perfectly possible to educate yourself in aquaculture without wetting your
hands. But the value of knowledge from work experience must not be underestimated.
Efficiency can kill the spirit of curiosity and become a hard lesson to learn.
Guri Gunnes Oppegård
Masters student at the University of Bergen, Norway
If you would like to contribute by writing an article for the Students corner
please contact Caoimhe Boylan, aquatt@aquatt.ie. Articles can be written about anything related to a students studies or experiences
in aquaculture. You can also give your opinions on this article or any other aquaculture
student issues on the AquaTT website. http://www.aquatt.ie/forums/
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About AquaTT
AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information
on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus,
AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the
Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments
in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available
on the new European Education Forum website www.piscestt.com . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.
The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students
in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies
and associations.
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness
of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties.
Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of
the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the
news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this
newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or
inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for
incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional
tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.
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