AquaTT Training News - September 2006Author: AquaTTDate: 12 Sep 2006
September 2006 A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture. New Staff Arrival Message Marieke Reuver 1. Education 3. Announcement Education The University of Wisconsin-Madison offers two training programs, targeted at veterinarians wanting to provide services to the fish farming industry. The Basic Fish Health Medicine Program consists of 5 online modules (4.5 continuing education hours) covering topics such as Water Quality, Risk Management, Fish Health Inspections, and Veterinary Health Assessments. The Complete Fish Health Medicine Certificate Program has the same 5 online modules but also includes a day spent on a fish farm with a fish health expert practicing what you’ve learned (a total of 9 continuing education hours). Source: Myron J. Kebus, M.S., DVM at For further information visit: Land-based and Environmental Specialised Diploma: Aquaculture employers views sought From September 2009, a
qualification designed by Aquaculture employers will be available to 14
to 19 year olds throughout England. The Land-based and Environmental
Specialised Diploma offers employers a rare opportunity to influence
the content and structure of a national qualification. It will ensure
that young people have the essential knowledge, capabilities and
personal skills that employers need, giving them a fast track into
their chosen career. For further information visit: For further information and to pass on your views please call 0845 707 8007 or e-mail
Ph.D. course “Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as foodâ€? – Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 20 - 24 November 2006 Eating quality of the end product is an issue of increased importance in aquaculture. Research in this area often requires measurement of the different constituents of the fish. In this context we here announce a Ph.D. course in “Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as foodâ€?. The aim of the Ph.D. course “Physical and biochemical methods for analysis of fish as foodâ€? is to provide insight into the state of the art of advanced laboratory techniques and methods that are recommended for analysis of fish muscle composition and for following post mortem changes in fish. The course is arranged by DIFRES and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and it comprises 5 days of exercises. For further information see: (as pdf:$00000110_Announcement2006.pdf) or contact
European Network for
Coastal Research Co-ordination Action - is a European funded initiative
that essentially acts as a "network of networks", linking national
coastal networks across Europe. You can look for partners, to share
knowledge and experience on scientific, practical and political issues,
which are relevant to your organisation. Additionally, you may
participate in thematic networks and use thematic email lists to
exchange information with your colleagues. Please let us know if you
are interested in obtaining information on any of the following themes:
coastal and marine spatial planning; ICZM participation and
implementation, pollution prevention and mitigation; social and
economic aspects of ICZM; geomorphologic change and climate impacts;
assessment of biodiversity change; effect of development and use on
eco-morphology and coastal habitats; sustainable coastal engineering
techniques; assessment of field observation techniques; and capacity
building, education and training.
For further information visit or contact
New AquaTT project: AQUA-RET [Computer learning for] Aquatic Renewable Energy Technologies
October 2006 - September 2008 AQUA-RET is a
pan-European project recently selected for funding under the Leonardo
Da Vinci programme. The objective of AQUA-RET is to provide an online
e-learning resource promoting and clarifying the technological and
practical considerations when planning and selecting sites for
renewable energy generation. It seeks to provide online e-learning
tools in combination with more traditional products such as posters.
This will provide planners and energy advisors with a vocational
training resource.
Product users,
including community governments, regulators, conservation and heritage
advisors, land and seabed owners, professionals providing advice and
services, will have an opportunity to learn, in straightforward steps
with integrated self-assessment, how renewable energy technologies
work, where and how they fit into the landscape and how they benefit
the economy and environment.
Five e-learning modules
will use the latest in multimedia based applications and virtual
simulation tools. The online modules will also be available on CD-ROM,
designed to work as an off-line working tool for those with limited to
no internet access. A series of complimentary educational posters based
on aquatic renewable energy technologies, will have a role in promoting
and disseminating the project.
For further information contact:
8th International Conference - Littoral 2006: Coastal Innovations and Initiatives
September 18th - 20th 2006 Location: Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland For full programme and further details please visit
International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management
September 26th - 28th, 2006 Location: Bochum, Germany For further information please visit or contact the symposium organisers via telephone +49 3641 35 33 221 or e-mail
Conference “Carrying Capacity - What's it all about?â€? September 28th, 2006 (9.30am - 4.30pm) Location: Atlantic Coast Hotel Hotel, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland This one day conference
is an introduction to the subject and assumes that participants have no
prior knowledge about carrying capacity, which may be defined as the
ability to maintain animal and plant life within a discrete area in
such a way that the ecosystem remains in equilibrium. Applied to
aquaculture, it is about the ability of a particular area to support
shellfish and/or finfish production in a sustainable way.
Participation is open
to anyone who is interested in the coastal zone and wants to find out
more about single bay management or an ecosystem approach to bay
management. Target audiences include users of the marine, such as
fishermen, aquaculturists, and those involved in environmental &
water monitoring, and coastal zone modelling & planning.
The conference is
particularly relevant, in light of the State now planning carrying
capacity studies for most of the major bays in the country. Similar
studies are currently underway in five bays in Northern Ireland and
several bays have had carrying capacity studies completed in Scotland.
In Ireland, there is a carrying capacity study underway in Clew Bay.
The agenda contains three major sessions:
1. What's it all about? 2. Examples of carrying capacity studies 3. Where to from here? Conference Registration: Source: AquaTT
For further information contact: or visit the AquaTT website,
An international
two-day conference and technical visits day, to explore the feasibility
of farming the oceans beyond the territorial seas.
Offshore fish farming
is a major growth area to fill the gap in European consumption left by
dwindling wild fish catches. It has considerable potential benefits. It
moves the site of production to clean areas away from lochs and fjords
into large, deeper volumes of moving water. However the use of these
farming structures has many areas needing development, consideration
and, in some cases, international agreement: the technology itself
(design, techniques, differences from inshore), logistics,
communications, environment (including hydrography), social, legal and
economic (including spin-offs). Mariculture 2006 will give an
international review of developments in this new industry and relate
them to the conditions experienced in European waters.
The three-day event -
two conference days and a fish farms visit day – will be held in
Malta because of its progress in this area. Malta has a long history of
mariculture activities involving an international expert, Professor
Carmelo Agius, who is supporting the event and arranging the fish farms
For further information visit
Or contact:
ASSG International Conference 2006: The interaction between science and regulation and management in the shellfish sector
October 26th – 27th, 2006 Location: McTavish’s, George Street, Oban, UK The concept behind
these two days of presentations and debate is to hear the views from
representatives of the scientific, regulatory and policy
‘communities’, both in the UK and overseas, on the role of science
in the decision making process and control of the shellfish sector.
Does science inform
policy? Do Regulations reflect the latest research outcomes? Do
government Departments commission the right research, and do they
listen to the results? Are scientists investigating solutions to
industry problems or pursuing their own professional interests?
Areas of discussion
include biotoxins, microbiology, wider hygiene and food safety issues,
with a distinct Western Hemisphere feel, shellfish resource management,
transfer of alien/exotic species in terms of the European aquaculture
dimension and inadvertent introductions via ballast water.
In addition, there will
be wider ranging Keynote Addresses, with presentations describing the
development and current status of the shellfish sector in South Africa
and Chile respectively, as well as illuminating the relationship of
science and regulation/legislation in those southern hemisphere
A selection of high
level speakers will thus be addressing some of the key issues facing
the Scottish – indeed the UK and European – industry, bringing a
combination of expertise and alternative experiences to bear on one of
the critical areas of the sector: the impact of science on how the
industry’s activities are controlled.
For further information:
International Symposium on “Sustainable Fisheries Development for Food and Health Securityâ€? December 20 – December 21, 2006 Location: Mangalore, India Delicate balance in the
management of aquatic resources, environment and ecology, quality
control and safety of the sea foods are of utmost concern in the
sustainable fisheries development. Enforcement of regulations such as
HACCP by European Union, FDA (USA) and other international
organizations in the sea food processing and exports paved way for up
gradation of the processing plants and allowed very limited use of
permitted antibiotics and drugs. In view of declining wild stocks of
commercial species, code of conduct for responsible fisheries has been
advocated by FAO and other international organizations.
India has witnessed a
dramatic change in fisheries in the post independence era transforming
from traditional activity to the present level of scientifically
advanced enterprise contributing significantly to meet the demand for
food. There has been an eight fold increase (from 0.82 mmt to 6.4 mmt)
in fish production in the last five decades. However, in the recent
years the dwindling stocks of valuable species in the seas and oceans
is causing concerns to fishermen and the enterprises depending on it.
Occurrence of diseases and health management in aquaculture systems and
associated environmental issues are seriously hampering the development
of the aquaculture industry. The merits and demerits of introduction of
exotic species are much debated, while developing plans for sustainable
fisheries development in the country. Realizing the importance of
fisheries development, an assessment and discussions on the present
status and developing strategies and programs for the future
sustainable fisheries development assume greater importance. The
College of Fisheries, Mangalore in association with the Alumni
Association of the College of Fisheries has scheduled to organize this
important international symposium at the College of Fisheries,
Mangalore, India.
Objectives of this
international symposium are to assess the status of fisheries
development in the last decade, to plan for judicious management of
fisheries resources to meet the demands for requirements of food and
health security, and to develop guidelines and action plans to achieve
goals for sustainable fisheries development for food and health
A trade show named “Mathsyothsava – 2006â€? will be organized parallel to the technical sessions. Industries related to fisheries and aquaculture, equipment distributors and enterprising farmers participate in the trade show and exhibit their products and processes. For further information visit:
your student placement, MSc/ PhD positions and temporary/permanent
vacancies in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please contact David Murphy,
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