Training News - May 2004

Author: AquaTT

Date: 07 Oct 2005

Banner May - Workshop Glasgow

MAY 2004

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to 

About AquaTT

- Student Workshop 2004, A huge success, Glasgow, Scotland, 19th-22nd May 2004
- European Youth Portal Launched

- Summer University - e-learning for students
- EC Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin terms three day conference on universities a 'turning point'

2. Collaboration 
- Call for proposals - research into ethics
- Commission publishes women and science call for proposals
- The European Commission's Directorate General (DG) for Research has launched a new web service, the Research Information Centre
- Friends of AwF (Aquaculture without Frontiers) Newsletter

3. Announcements

- Aquaculture Europe 2004 , Biotechnologies for quality, Barcelona, Spain, October 20th-23rd, 2004 with a one-day workshop on "Challenges in Mediterranean Aquaculture Products", October 20th, 2004
- Information day on marine research within FP6, London, UK, 15th July 2004
- International conference on water, Paris, France, 21st-23rd June 2004
- International conference on ICT in education, Samos Island, Greece, 1st-3rd July 2004
- Managing European research projects, Barcelona, Spain, 1st-2nd July 2004
- 7th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education: Rethinking higher education in the food chain and environment: Profiling graduates of the future, 21st-24th August 2004
- Linking Tradition & Technology!, Aquaculture Europe 2006 (EAS) and World Aquaculture 2006 (WAS), Florence, Italy, May 9th -13th 2006
- Negotiating and managing FP5 and FP6 projects, Limerick, Ireland, 28th May 2004

4. Other
- The Aquaculture Communications Group launches its new industry-focused website
- ESSTO - Glasgow Traceability Conference a Success
Network of Excellence to deliver fruits of genomics revolution to marine biologists
- Post your Job, Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on PISCESTTJOBS


Student Workshop 2004 a huge success, Glasgow, Scotland, 19th-22nd May 2004

students photoThe successful inaugural launch of the Aquaculture Student Workshop took place at the Aquaculture International Exhibition in Glasgow, between May 19th and 23rd 2004. The workshop, which received funding from the Directorate General Fisheries, was devised and organised by the partnership of AquaTT UETP Ltd (lead-partner), Aqualex Multimedia Consortium Ltd (AMC), Ghent University and Heighway Events.

The event, the first of its kind, drew in 45 participants from 19 different countries, representing a variety of aquaculture-related disciplines of ranging educational levels. Prior to arrival, the participants and speakers had been provided with a discussion forum to make initial introductions and to learn of the groups to which they would belong in the workshop practical exercise "Ithaca Island". & 

workshopThe orientation session at the student hostel location on the evening of Wednesday 19th May, provided for the informal opening of the event, setting people at ease with friendly introductions and casual conversation prior to orientating the participants to the case study, which they would undertake in the ensuing two days. An eclectic and energetic group of individuals from the outset, they quickly set about getting to know each other and voicing their interests in the workshop event and the case study to the gathered group of organisers and guest speakers.


ExcursionThe opening session of the workshop was themed the "Current Situation of the Industry" and delivered keynote presentations on sustainability, economics, strategic marketing, organic farming and scientists' perspectives. The presentations on the afternoons of days one and two concerned issues of best practice for young researchers and scientists including topics on networking, gathering information, obtaining funding, excellence in writing in scientific papers and oral presentations. The opening session on day two served to highlight "Awareness of Issues" in aquaculture dealing with ethical research and traceability in aquaculture.


IthacaIn the "Ithaca Island" practical the participants put into action the theory and professional skills they had gathered and developed. The intent of the exercise was to make each participant consider every possible aspect for developing aquaculture businesses in harmony with other water users. The participants, representing industry stakeholder groups, were set to work under the expert guide mentorship of Dr. Denis Lacroix, Ifremer, France. Through workshop feedback the groups identified the need for clear leadership, communication, decision making, negotiation, delegation, time management and appropriate use of each others' capabilities in order to work effectively as a team. Each group presented their stance and further justified this chosen position through heated debate, discussion and comment with all engaged in the exercise. All interactions and conclusions reached were summarized in table format and will be shortly made available through the Student Workshop manual in CD-Rom format and at the PISCES forum website (


If you are interested in participating in future events join the AquaTT mailing list by registering on
If you would be interested in getting involved in organising similar events or sponsoring evetns please contact Caoimhe Boylan; Tel: +353 1 6449008

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European Youth Portal -

EuroportalThis portal - specifically devoted to catering for the needs of young people and with access to more than 10.000 websites in the 20 EU languages - was launched by the European Commission on 26th May 2004. The portal has been developed by young Europeans for young Europeans and contains everything you need and want to know about Europe that is relevant to young people, from travel to study to working in another EU country.

The European Youth Portal has been developed as a direct result of the European Commission's 2001 white paper "A new impetus for European youth"; four thematic priorities were identified - participation, information, voluntary activities and a greater knowledge and understanding of youth.

The European Youth Portal has five main sections: studying, working, volunteering/exchanges, your rights and portals for young people. The portal also contains information on Europe, on current affairs as well as different opinion polls reflecting the attitudes of young people today.


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Summer University - e-learning for students

A summer university on 'European e-company and vocational training' will take place in Paris, France, from 5 to 9 July.

The event will highlight new educational technologies, which present an alternative to traditional pedagogy methods, and introduce a dynamic and collaborative dimension to the production and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

The programme combines academic and social activities in order to create links between universities and new collaborative networks.

Data Source Provider : Universite Paris 7
For further information, please consult the following web address:
or contact:Marie Lise Micheli Tel: +33 1 44 27 78 06 E-mail:

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EC Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin terms three day conference on universities a 'turning point'

Summing up the proceedings of the three day conference on university-based research in Liege, Belgium, on 28th April, EU Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin referred to a 'turning point' for universities. He also announced that he had already decided to create a new forum, representing an interface between the European Commission and Europe's universities.

'On Monday I expressed the wish that the Liege conference would mark a turning point for universities and research in the same way that Bologna did for universities and higher education. I think that one can say that that objective has been met, as long as we make sure that all the reports, all the reflections which have been developed, and all the paths that have been suggested do not remain just words.'

Mr Busquin highlighted four main points, identified at the conference as being key to creating and maintaining successful universities: cooperation, funding, public-private partnerships and mobility.

Europe does not want to copy the highly successful US model, but do even better without betraying the European model, said the Commissioner. This model combines democracy and prosperity, competitiveness and cohesion, and compassion and economics.

The results and the conclusions of the conference demonstrate that it is essential to make universities a full part of European research policy, said Mr Busquin. He concluded by announcing his plans for ensuring that momentum is maintained.

'I can already announce that I intend to bring together in a European forum, all associations, networks and European university organisations in order to encourage an exchange of good practice and to identify the operational aspects of the conference conclusions. This forum will create an interface between the Commission and existing associations so as to pursue the debate on the subjects that I have tackled as well as others, such as management and infrastructures,' said the Commissioner.

The forum will be established before the summer, ready for an initial meeting following the summer break.

Data Source Provider : European Commission
For further information on the conference 'The Europe of Knowledge: 2020', please visit:

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Call for proposals - research into ethics

The European Commission has launched a call for proposals for research into ethics under the science and activity area of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

This call covers the following areas:
- responsible research and application of science and technology (point 2 in the work programme) ;
- ethics: networking between existing bodies and activities, promotion of dialogue in a global context, awareness raising, training (2.1 in the work programme) ;
- ethics: networking and dialogue (2.1.1 in the 2004 work programme);
- ethics: emerging issues and the international dimension (2.1.2 in the 2004 work programme) .

The total available budget for this call is 5.4 million euro.

The deadline for submitting proposal documents is 30.9.2004.

Before contacting the Commission, proposers are strongly advised to consult the original call text in the Official Journal of the European Union at the reference below.

Data Source Provider : Official Journal of the European Union Document Reference : OJ No C 113 of 30.4.2004
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:

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Commission publishes women and science call for proposals

The European Commission has launched a call for proposals for women and science under the science and society activity area of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) .

This call covers:
- stepping up the science-society dialogue; women inscience (point 3 in the work programme) ;
- women and science (3.3 in the work programme) ;
- empowerment of women scientists; public debate (3.3.1 in the 2004 work programme) ;
- ambassadors for women and science (3.3.2 in the 2004work programme) ;
- gender research (3.3.3 in the 2004 work programme) ;
- practical tools for mainstreaming (3.3.4 in the 2004
work programme) .

A total budget of 6.4 million euro is available for this call.

The deadline for submitting proposal documents is 30.9.2004.

Before contacting the Commission, tenderers are strongly advised to consult the original call text in the Official Journal of the European Union at the reference below.

Data Source Provider : Official Journal of the European Union Document Reference : OJ No C 113 of 30.4.2004
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:

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The European Commission's Directorate General (DG) for Research has launched a new web service, the Research Information Centre

Gathering articles and stories from various editorial sources, the new website aims to provide faster access to research projects, policies and activities in Europe. All articles have been indexed under 14 main research headings to help visitors find information on a specific research topic.

'For many people, the goings on in the European Union and the Commission are a bit of a mystery,' said Michel
Claessens, acting head of the communications unit at DG Research. 'What we hope to do with upgraded communication tools like the Research Information Centre is give people more insight into the research projects and priorities being supported by the Research DG.'

The service is also part of the Research DG's communication strategy, which also involves competitions such as the Descartes Prizes for excellent collaborative research and scientific writing, as well as various publications on the thematic priorities of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

To access the Research Information Centre, please visit:

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FRIENDS OF AwF (Aquaculture without Frontiers) Newsletter

A copy of the AwF Newsletter: #1: 18th May 2004
For more information on AwF visit

AwF homepageDear friends of AwF,

First of all, I want to thank you again for your interest in AwF and in many cases for your donations and for promising to provide voluntary service within AwF in the future.

It is my intention to send you occasional news of progress towards making the AwF concept into reality. Since the AwF launch in Hawaii in March 2004 there has been quite a lot of activity.

Of course, I wish that we could move more swiftly but, until we have enough funds to employ some fund raising staff and to finance field activities, we are reliant on the voluntary help and spare time of individual members of the AwF foundation group and others.

It is difficult to 'chase' people who are giving their own time to any voluntary organisation; I know well from my own experience how many demands there are on our 'free' time.

Prior to registering AwF as a charity in the UK it is necessary to form a 'company limited by guarantee'. This is currently in progress and the initial directors (trustees) are Geoff Allan, John Cooksey, Lorrae Hayes (Company Secretary), Michael New (Managing Director) and William Northcroft. Other directors (trustees) may be added in the future.

For legal purposes we are registering AwF as Aquaculture without Frontiers International (AwF); this makes it clear that it is the parent group that is headquartered in the UK and opens the way for the formation of Aquaculture without Frontiers (USA), etc.........

The registration procedure in the UK is rather slow. Meanwhile, we are also intending to register Aquaculture without Frontiers (USA) as a not-for-profit organisation in the US.
From an operational point of view, we will continue to refer to ourselves simply as Aquaculture without Frontiers.

We hope to improve our website soon ( An Italian web page has also been prepared by one of the foundation group members.

Donations have begun to come in from aquaculture friends and colleagues (thank you again) but we need a lot more to achieve our start-up target. That target is necessary to enable us to approach philanthropic organisations for the much higher level of support essential before we can employ a small staff to raise funds from the public and to manage our activities.

So far, donations have come in from individuals and corporate bodies in Belgium, Greece, Israel, Italy, Korea (Republic of), New Caledonia, Switzerland, UK and USA, as well as from an unknown number of people who put money 'in the hat' during the launch meeting in Hawaii.

Several donations have been extremely generous. For example, one foundation group member (please do not assume that it is me; it is one of my colleagues) has pledged 1% of his income for life. Several people and organisations have also donated substantially 'in kind' (time). It is very encouraging that people think AwF is a concept worth supporting so wholeheartedly.

A list of those donors who agreed to be named is being maintained on the website. This donors list records only the name and state/country of the donor, not the amount donated.

Please continue to help AwF reach its initial target by soliciting donations from your friends and from commercial organisations that are interested in supporting our activities.

A number of potential Royal and other patrons are currently being approached.

AwF has received quite a lot of publicity during aquaculture meetings (WAS), in aquaculture magazines (e.g. World Aquaculture, European Aquaculture, EUROFISH, Fish Farmer, Aquaculture Asia, Asian Aquaculture; INFOFISH, NAGA, etc.), and through websites (e.g. WAS, EAS, the Aquaculture Communications Group, NACA, Aquatic Eco-Systems, etc.).

Some publicity has also kindly been generated by Gabriel Koffi D. Koko (Université Laval, Québec) who translated and prepared a leaflet in French which he used during a meeting in Canada.

Two videos of the Hawaiian launch meeting, followed by interviews with me were made by Mauro Doimi and Dave Conley. It is hoped that these will become available (either directly within, or linked to our website) soon.

In addition, my presentation on AwF that was made during a WAS session in Hawaii has been 'quickstreamed' and will shortly become available through the Was website.

I am continuing to create publicity for AwF within international aquaculture meetings (for example within the EIFAC meeting in Poland next week and in the EAS conference in Barcelona in October.

No attempt has yet been made to seek publicity (or to raise funds) outside our aquaculture community.

In addition to the 32 members of our foundation group, nearly 170 'friends of AwF' have expressed an interest in AwF, from all over the world; many have offered to volunteer their services to AwF once we have field projects. Many of you have already made useful suggestions for which I am very grateful (please forgive me if I have not mentioned them in this newsletter).

I encourage you to comment on any of the matters contained in this newsletter. However, in order to avoid over-burdening everybody's email system, I suggest that you reply only to me instead of hitting the 'reply all' button on your computer!

I take this opportunity of sending you all my kind regards,

Michael New

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Aquaculture Europe 2004 , Biotechnologies for quality, Barcelona, Spain, October 20th-23rd, 2004 with a one-day workshop on "Challenges in Mediterranean Aquaculture Products", October 20th, 2004

EAS ConfFrom October 20-23, 2004, Barcelona (Spain) will be the meeting place for the Aquaculture Europe 2004 conference on "Biotechnologies for Quality".

Preceding the conference, on October 20, a workshop on "Challenges for Mediterranean Aquaculture Products" will take place. This event is organised by the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) in joint cooperation

with The European Association of Marine Biotechnology (ESMB) and the European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP). It furthermore enjoys the moral support of some major Aquaculture Societies in Europe.

Food quality and safety is a high priority in Europe and worldwide, and aquaculture must play its role in providing safe, high-quality, health-promoting seafood through safe and environmentally friendly production methods, based upon scientific advances in plant and animal science and biotechnologies, including the application of genomics.

AE2004 "Biotechnologies for Quality" wants to provide an open forum on recent advances in different biotechnologies and their impact on the improvement and guarantee of seafood quality. It wants to be a most interesting meeting place for the aquaculture sector to increase knowledge, exchange ideas and draw conclusions on the challenges required for the present and future.

Aquaculture Europe 2004 will be organised through plenary thematic sessions addressing the role of biotechnology in areas of production and quality, health management, quality of fish as food and the development of bioactive products from aquaculture.The parallel and poster sessions will focus on topics including genetics and reproduction; production of larvae and juveniles; ongrowing; rapid health detection methods; vaccines; health management, consumer satisfaction and health benefits; safety and traceability and bioactive products through aquaculture, as well as other challenges for aquaculture development.
Full details, including call for contributions (deadline March 15th) , registration form, etc. can be obtained from
A paper version of the 1st announcement can be obtained by sending request to

The meeting will be hosted at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), in the beautiful Spanish city of Barcelona. Capital city of Catalonia, Barcelona's location on the shores of the Mediterranean means that it enjoys a warm, welcoming climate and pleasant temperatures all year round. Adding to reasons for participating in the Barcelona event.

Right now we look forward to receiving many interesting spontaneous contributions and to having pleasure of welcoming many in Spain this October.

More information at or at or by fax on +32 59 32 10 05.

Source: EAS

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Information day on marine research within FP6, London, UK, 15th July 2004

The event is aimed at presenting the activity areas in FP6 that are relevant to the marine sector, especially aquaculture, fisheries and the environment. It will be an opportunity for all stakeholders to network and find out about the opportunities available under FP6.

Contact Person : For more information, please contact: Dr Nicholas Marchetti E-mail:
Tel: +44 1302 322633 Fax: +44 1302 388800

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International conference on water, Paris, France, 21st-23rd June 2004

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is organising a conference on 'Chemistry for Water: Towards water for all mankind in the 21st century', to take place in Paris, France, from 21st to 23 June.

The event will bring together chemical industry and water professionals, as well as politicians, governments, universities, worldwide organisations and non-governmental organisations, to discuss the need for a new global policy on water in the context of sustainable human development.

The use and development of the necessary technologies to achieve this objective will also be discussed. Those technologies include:

- water analysis and quality control;
- water treatment appropriate to its future use;
- supply and distribution;
- water recycling;
- treatment of polluted soil and water.

The focus of the conference will be on two main points:

- building bridges between the scientific, academic and industrial world with society at large;
- establishing the infrastructure to manage news and distribute information of scientific and technical advances in an effective manner.

Data Source Provider : International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
For more information, 

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International conference on ICT in education, Samos Island, Greece, 1st-3rd July 2004

The fifth international conference on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education will take place from 1st to 3 July on Samos Island Greece.

Through a series of keynote addresses, plenary sessions, workshops and fora, the conference will seek to address the many challenges and new opportunities presented by technological innovations in educational settings.

Conference themes will include:
- institutional and national responses to technological change;
- the architecture of learning; accessibility; the evolution of the classroom;
- intellectual property;
- ethical considerations in the use of information technology in teaching and learning.

For further information, please consult the following web address:

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Managing European research projects, Barcelona, Spain, 1st-2nd July 2004

A training seminar on managing European research projects will take place in Barcelona, Spain, on 1 and 2 July.

The programme will include the following subjects:
- project management and European projects;
- legal issues related to European projects;
- technology transfer.

The seminar has been organised by the Continuing Education Institute at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. The seminar will be held in Spanish

For further information, please consult the following web address: 

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7th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education: Rethinking higher education in the food chain and environment: Profiling graduates of the future, 21st-24th August 2004

The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Copenhagen,

The conference programme, workshop programmes, registration form and other information are now available on the conference website -

The call for contributions has been extended to May 28th. A form for submitting contributions can be found on the website.

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Linking Tradition & Technology! - Aquaculture Europe 2006 (EAS) and World Aquaculture 2006 (WAS), Florence, Italy, May 9th-13th 2006

Including Aquaculture Europe 2006 (EAS) and World Aquaculture 2006 (WAS) and more annual meetings of various international societies

Congress Citadel, Fortezza da Basso,
Florence, Italy. May 9-13, 2006

Dear Madam, Sir,

It has been since AQUA2000, Nice, France (3500 participants) that the European Aquaculture Society and the World Aquaculture Society jointly organized a conference and trade show for all interested in Aquaculture. On May 9-13th 2006, we are organizing AQUA2006 in the Old Castle of the Medici, namely the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Italy.

We are inviting all societies related to aquaculture to have their annual meeting during this event. AQUA2006 offers:
- Free Meeting space up to 150 persons, will be available for half a day for each society. Please contact us beforehand to find out an ideal space and time for the annual meeting of your society.
- All members of your society will get free entrance to the Exhibition Aquaculture Show and AQUA2006 offers the lowest conference rate for your members (please send list names of members in advance).
- The name of your Society will be mentioned as Society sponsor on the brochures and in the Conference and Exhibition Directory.

If interested in any kind of cooperation please let us know soon, so we can work out an ideal agreement with you for this event. You probably know someone of the steering committee - Patrick Sorgeloos; Johan Verreth; Marco Saroglia; Yngvar Olsen; and Joe Tomasso - please feel free to approach them for more information, but I prefer to coordinate all formal inquiries (see contact below).

Please mark this event in the future event page of your journal or magazine.

Kind regards,

Mario Stael

For information, contact: Mario Stael,
World Aquaculture Conferences - European exhibit sales manager
Tel/Fax +32-9-2334912 Email:
Visit the web:

Source: Press Release Mario Stael, WAS

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Negotiating and managing FP5 and FP6 projects, Limerick, Ireland, 28th May 2004

A workshop on negotiating, managing and administering Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) and FP6 contracts will take place in Limerick, Ireland, on 28th May.

The event will include modules on:
- the model contract and the project contract;
- financial administration of EU research contracts;
- cost statements and financial audits;
- project management;
- meetings and reporting in EU research contracts.

Data Source Provider : Enterprise Ireland
For further information and registration, please contact: Anne Marie Daly E-mail: Fax: +353 1 8370178

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The Aquaculture Communications Group launches its new industry-focused website

ACG homepageMay 15th, 2004, Novi, MI -Â The Aquaculture Communications Group (ACG) is pleased to announce the launch of its new Web site at 

"Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector in the world today, averaging 11% growth per year since 1984. This growth is highly dependent on the transfer of scientific and technical information, new and evolving technology and business information to where it can be best applied," said Tor-Eddie Fossbakk, president of ACG. "The need for an aquaculture information provider that can supply a wide variety of relevant information and knowledge resources to the global industry has been identified by ACG and we are responding."

ACG's Web-based aquaculture information network will deliver news, information and knowledge from a wide variety of sources to the aquaculture industry worldwide. It will be a one-stop website for information on aquaculture and related subjects.

Using New Media and other rapidly developing digital technologies, ACG will provide information in the form of text, digital audio, digital video and animation to enhance information transfer and understanding. This multimedia approach will facilitate industry development through better information dissemination. It will also serve as a powerful tool in public education and issues awareness.

"ACG is focused on developing a communications vehicle for industry participants such as associations and federations, producers, suppliers and related groups," said Fossbakk. "The Web is becoming the primary means for gathering current news and information because of its speed and global reach. More importantly, the Web offers the aquaculture industry the opportunity to present itself to the world without bias or interference from mainstream media or special interest groups."

The Aquaculture Communications Group (ACG) is a full service multimedia communications company providing specialised services to the global aquaculture industry. ACG was created in April 2003 by Tor-Eddie Fossbakk and Dave Conley, two well-known aquaculture communications professionals with a combined industry experience of 35 years. Prior to the formation of ACG, Mr. Fossbakk was the Aquaculture editor for, while Mr. Conley was an aquaculture communications consultant and creator of Aquaculture Newsclips, a daily e-newsletter for aquaculture industry members, with a distribution of almost 3,000 persons worldwide.

Source: The Aquaculture Communications Group - Newsletter #1

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ESSTO - Glasgow Traceability Conference a Success

ESSTOThe Seafood Traceability Conference held in conjunction with the Aquaculture 2004 and Fishing 2004 Exhibitions was a success according to ESSTO acting chairman John Coleman. The one day event sponsored by The Seafish Industry Authority and Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) was held in the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre on the 20th May in a lecture hall adjoining the exhibition areas.

The conference had three main sessions: Traceability at Sea, Traceability in Aquaculture and Traceability - The Future. All were well attended and the Traceability in Aquaculture session had a full house. The conference was well attended and people dipped in and out as expected as the whole of the days sessions would not appeal to everyone. John Coleman commenting after the conference said "For the turnout of our first event we were well pleased and we have learnt a lot about organising events like this and we expect our next event to be bigger and better"

Over the course of the summer the abstracts and proceedings of the conference will be available from the website.

The European Seafood Safety and Traceability Organisation will be running similar events again in Scotland and Ireland over the next year.

Programme as held for the Glasgow Traceability Conference

Session 1. Traceability At Sea

Traceability at Sea - From Catching to Landing
Mr. Mike Myers, Seafish Industry Authority, Hull, England

Traceability at Sea - An Irish Perspective
Dr. Michael Gallagher - Fisheries Development Section, Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board

Fish Auction Data Net Project
Mr. Derek Forrester, European Association of Fish Port Auctions (EAFPA)

Session 2 - Traceability In Aquaculture

Major Pathways along the Aquaculture Supply Chain
Mr. John Coleman, European Seafood Safety And Traceability Organisation.

Traceability Legislation for Aquaculture
Mr. John Dallimore - TNT Partners, Germany

Traceability Issues
Mr. Dave Garforth, Skretting Ireland

Traceability in Shellfish - From Farm to Plate
Mr.Walter Speirs, Muckairn Mussels Ltd, Scotland

Traceability in Shellfish - From Farm to Plate
Dr. Douglas McKenzie - Integrin Advanced Biosystems Ltd

Session 3 - Traceability Today and the Future

A Guide to Traceability within the Fish Industry
Mike Dillon - The Humber Institute Fisheries and Food

The and Tracenet projects
Mr. John Coleman - European Seafood Safety And Traceability Organisation

Traceability to Best Practice - Adding Value
Mr. Peter Marshall, I.Q.F.C.

Quality Marks - The Scottish Perspective
Martin Gill, Scottish Food Certification Board

The next Step in Traceability - Validated Traceability systems in the Seafood Sector
Erling P. Larsen, Danish Institute for Fisheries Research and the SEAFOODplus Project.

Further information from John Coleman at +353 12823688 or e-mail:

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Network of Excellence to deliver fruits of genomics revolution to marine biologists

Recent advances in the field of genomics have opened up many exciting avenues of research, which offer real hope in the identification of new treatments for human diseases and genetic disorders. Marine biology, however, has largely been overlooked during the so called 'genomics revolution'. Until now, that is.

On 11th May, during the EUROCEAN 2004 event in Galway, Ireland, details were presented of a Network of Excellence (NoE) , newly established with funding from the Commission, which aims to introduce the genomic approaches and technologies developed in other fields to the marine sciences.

One of the partners in the 'Marine Genomics' NoE is Professor Adelino Canario, director of the Algarve centre of marine sciences at the University of Algarve in Portugal. CORDIS News spoke to Professor Canario and asked him how the network would achieve its objective.

'Being a Network of Excellence, we are not focusing so much on specific scientific outputs - the aim is rather to integrate approaches throughout Europe,' he explained. 'One example will be the development of high-throughput gene sequencing techniques for the study of marine biology.'

This element of the project seeks to provide research centres throughout Europe with enabling technologies designed to identify the gene functions of a wide range of marine life, from microorganisms to vertebrates, he continued.

'A further aspect of our work will be to provide marine researchers with access to technology platforms, comprising experimental equipment and databases that integrate the produced data. This is made possible through the participation in the NoE of a number of large research centres in countries like Germany, France and the UK,' said Professor Canario.

Indeed, the network as a whole brings together 44 institutes of varying size from 16 European countries, which ensures the involvement of some 300 researchers in total. In order to make this possible, the European Commission has invested ten million euro in the scheme, under the 'Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems' priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) .

'This is the first such initiative in the area of marine science, and for us this is a big step. For the first time on such a scale, we will enable marine biologists to use genomics techniques that are already becoming quite established in other areas of science - I believe this is why the Commission chose to fund the network,' said Professor Canario.

While the Marine Genomics network may not be focusing directly on scientific results itself, Professor Canario believes that a number of projects will develop around it. 'Teams will be able to take advantage of the facilities and technologies we provide to examine questions related to biodiversity, biotechnology, aquaculture, and biological and ecosystem modelling.'

In addition to the scientific and technological elements of the project, emphasis will also be placed on the transfer of knowledge to the wider research community. 'We will undertake dissemination activities aimed at doctoral and post doctoral researchers, and use the Internet, for example, to spread the results of our work,' explained Professor Canario. A project website ( will soon be online to contribute to this effort.

In his own country, Portugal, Professor Canario hopes to encourage research centres and teams not involved in the network to adopt the technologies and approaches that will be developed, as for many of them it will be the first time they have used such techniques.

Asked whether he believes Marine Genomics will achieve all the objectives that it has set itself, Professor Canario expressed his high hopes for a successful outcome: 'After some initial uncertainty, things are really beginning to take shape.'

'Participants have already met to discuss areas of key importance for the future of marine biology, and when people get together like that it can be really very useful,' he concluded. The hope is that by structuring marine genomics research in this way and adopting such cutting edge approaches, the Marine Genomics NoE will help to position Europe alongside the US and Japan as a leader in this rapidly developing field of discovery.

Data Source Provider : CORDIS News interview with Professor Adelino Canario For further information on Networks of Excellence, please consult the following web address:

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Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

piscesttjobs.comPISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.

Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies, including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements. To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation contact details will not be published online.

Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online for positions.

If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please contact

AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found on the web at and host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children.

About AquaTT

AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available on the new European Education Forum website . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.

The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies and associations.

AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.

DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

If you have received this e-mail in error or would like to unsubscribe please click on the link at the bottom of this email.


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