A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
About AquaTT
1. Education
- Aquaculture Educational Posters - The PISCES Series
2. Collaboration
- Sharing Experience - Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture Workshop
- Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling (CRAB)
3. Announcements
- Farming the Deep Blue - Invest in the Offshore Revolution
- Framework Training Courses - Brussels
- UK Marie Curie Information Days
- International Conference: Best Practice in Competence Based Learning
4. Other
- Commission publishes Marie Curie call for proposals
- EU Funds Centre for Women and Young Scientists in Central Europe
- Post your Job, Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on PISCESTTJOBS
5. Student Corner
- Aquaculture Education and Training in Turkey
(Article by Ilhan Yandi, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey)
Aquaculture Educational Posters - The PISCES Series
A series of educational posters comprising 9 exciting titles on aquaculture has been produced under the framework of the PISCES project. PISCES, found at, is a now well established forum for aquaculture education and training, spearheaded by AquaTT and partners, under the auspices of the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
This first series consists of life-cycle and special interest topic titles posing broad appeal for students from second level upwards, and for those wishing to gain an understanding of the stages and technical methods currently being used within the aquaculture sector. The life-cycle posters graphically represent the various stages of the wild life cycle of the species through text, graphs, distribution maps and cyclically linked photographs. Each stage of the life cycle is linked to its stage in commercial aquaculture.
PISCES partner, La Tene Maps, with pledged support from individuals, development agencies, academic institutions and companies, was responsible for the ultimate design, compilation and production of the series.
The funded titles of 2004, currently available in English but with provision for translation are “Farming Atlantic Salmon�, “Farming Turbot�, “Farming European Perch�, “Life-cycle of Seahorse�, “Life-cycle of Sea Bass & Sea Bream�, “Waste Management in Aquaculture�, “Local Area Management Systems in Aquaculture�, “Traceability� and “Recirculation Systems in Aquaculture�.
Print runs are now complete with 5000 of each title and planning underway for a follow on series. A dissemination strategy is now in operation with all titles available in B2 size (500mm by 700mm) from AquaTT direct, the dissemination sponsors and for download from the PISCES forum in pdf format. The posters will have presence and free distribution at all workshops, conferences and exhibitions attended by AquaTT and poster sponsors.
Special thanks is extended to the 2004 dissemination sponsors: Bord Iascaigh Mhara/Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Taighde Mhara Teo (Ireland), TIC Teo (Ireland), Skretting, Biomar, Coppens International, Schering Plough, AquaMedic, Tropical Marine Centre and Project Seahorse.
To date an exceptionally high level of interest has been expressed for further development of the series with requests for specific titles within the existing series to be translated into Hungarian and Korean among other languages. Requests for the current titles has seen the posters sent as far a field as the U.S, Canada, South America and China for use in school, university and vocational training programmes, and to complement companies’ support information and resources. Thus, planning is now underway to devise a second series with the first titles in this being made available for the AquaNor Trade Show in Trondheim, Norway in August 2005.
At this stage, a list of potential topic titles is being aired for initial feedback. AquaTT in conjunction with La Tene Maps aims to produce at minimum, a series of six posters. The list is non-exhaustive and represents the documented needs and suggestions from sponsors of the first series. Initial interest in suggesting a title or supporting a named title through content and/or financial contribution can be expressed to Mr. John Coleman of La Tene Maps (contact details below). The intention is to devise a list of topics, flagged by the industry, and then to work to produce these as comprehensive poster titles through 2005 and 2006. Suggestions may include for example the update and/or reprinting of an existing poster in a different language.
AquaTT, a non-profit service provider, invites industry members to nominate posters and to contribute financially to the content development, printing and distribution of their select title. AquaTT would be looking for a minimum contribution of €1500 per poster sponsored. In turn the sponsor will benefit from direct link association with the specific poster and the series in its entirety. The innovative series will cover many subjects which have never been broached in such manner, format and detail to such a wide scope audience. Sponsorship is evidenced and acknowledged through print of company logo, website and contact details on the posters. Sponsors receive bulk copies of the posters for their own use and distribution. On any given poster there is room for 6 sponsor logos in total, however, exclusive sponsorship of a poster can be arranged.
Potential Posters for 2005:
Life Cycle of Cod
Life Cycle of Pike/Perch
Life Cycle of Sturgeon
Life Cycle of Trout
Life Cycle of the European Eel
Life Cycle of Tilapia
Life Cycle of Trout
Life Cycle of Halibut
Life Cycle of the Mussel
Life Cycle of the Oyster
Life Cycle of the Prawn
Life Cycle of the Abalone
Life Cycle of the Lobster
Life Cycle of the Scallop
Renewable Energy Systems in Aquaculture
Quality Labels in Aquaculture
Organic Aquaculture
Depuration Systems
Salmonid/Finfish Disease Diagnostic Chart/ Disease Identification Chart
Shellfish Disease Diagnostic Chart/ Disease Identification Chart
The posters are successfully researched designed and produced by La Tene Maps whose chief executive John Coleman is also the Treasurer and a Director of AquaTT. Further information on these new posters can be had from him in the first instance at:
John Coleman, Chief Executive, La Tene Maps, Tel: +353-12847914
For information on the current series, please contact:
Caoimhe Boylan, Project Executive, AquaTT, Tel: +353-16449008
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Sharing Experience - Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture Workshop
With just over a week to go, participants have secured their places and the programme has been finalised with important planned media and networking events. The workshop agenda, including a synopsis on the important desktop study, “Role of Women in Aquaculture & Fisheries in Europe� and an overview of the FEMMES (Women in fisheries and aquaculture in Europe) thematic network activities, will take key focus on examples of best practice through keynote speaker “success stories� specific to three themes: Women in Tourism Initiatives, Women in Education & Research, and Women in Production.
The DG-Fisheries supported workshop, devised and organised by AquaTT in collaboration with Aqualex Multimedia Consortium (AMC), the Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers (ASSG) and Centro Tecnologico del Mar-Fundacion (CETMAR), will be hosted in Forum Des Marais Atlantiques Rochefort, near La Rochelle in France on 7th-8th October 2004.
The workshop promotes the role of women in the aquaculture sector and aims to enhance their participation in decision-making roles in aquaculture. It will clearly identify, and bring to the forefront of discussion, gender diversification issues specific to the aquaculture industry in the European Community, and will promote and support the fisheries sector through the networking of women in aquaculture.
Working groups, engaging all participants, will allow for discussion and exchange of experience. Meeting outcomes will be compiled using the “success stories� to ascertain good practice in leadership, decision-making, negotiation, communication and work/life balance. A Needs Analysis, developed in conjunction with workshop presenters and participants, will identify challenges, and propose methods to address these challenges, and will function as recommendations to the European Commission.
The final day of the workshop will be dedicated to an on-site visit to the local operating "route de l'huître" (oyster trails). A guided tour of the region’s oyster industry will provide a tangible overview of the developments and changing role of women in the sector. Workshop participants will meet local entrepreneurs who are actively extending the scope of their traditional businesses.
All queries relating to the workshop should be addressed to AquaTT at or by telephone +353 1 6449008. The workshop agenda and support information can be accessed at the workshop link on the PISCES forum (
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Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling (CRAB)
Acronym: CRAB
Action: Collective Research
Start and Duration: June 2004 (36 months)
Total Budget: Euro 2.347.356
EC contribution: Euro 1.584.733
Co-ordinator : TNO Industrial Technology
An EU funded project, CRAB, will provide the European marine aquaculture industry with low cost practical solutions to control biofouling.
The objective of this 3-year project is to develop effective biofouling management strategies for the aquaculture industry. The project will review current fouling control techniques and then select and optimise suitable strategies to combat biofouling in aquaculture.
The following antifouling methods and strategies are covered:
• Biological control (using natural grazers such as sea-urchins to control biofouling)
• New materials such as non-toxic antifouling coatings
• Electrical methods generating biocides (Cl-) or pH shifts
• New shellfish handling and immersion techniques
• Optimised cleaning techniques, for example using enzyme technology to weaken the bond between biofouling and stock organisms
• Developing an improved knowledge base of biofouling that will allow avoidance measures to be taken.
Expected outcomes
Key deliverables include best practice guidelines; training courses and materials for industry workers on biofouling and suitable control techniques; and sustainable antifouling strategy management and decision support tools. Training aquaculture managers and workers to make optimal use of the findings of the program are given high priority. Effective dissemination strategies ensure the outcomes of the project are directly applicable by the European Aquaculture Industry.
A key ambition is to increase the knowledge base of the European aquaculture community. By informing farmers about the importance and extent of biofouling at a local regional level combined with effective training of management tools will give farmers the skills and know-how to make informed appropriate choices for their farming situation.
Effective control of the biofouling problem is expected to reduce annual production costs throughout the industry by 5-10% and secure the quality of product.
For further details on the project, contact the co-ordinator Peter Willemsen at
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Farming the Deep Blue - Invest in the Offshore Revolution
Bord Iascaigh Mhara/ Irish Seafisheries Board (BIM) has organised a major International conference, Farming the Deep Blue.
This unique event, conceived and developed by commercial fish farmers and backed by BIM and the Marine Institute is the first conference to be devoted exclusively to a realistic assessment of Offshore Fish Farming.
Recognising the role that offshore farming will undoubtedly be required to assume in the future supply of seafood, the two day event will lay down challenges for the industry and will create a powerful new voice for the international offshore farming community.
This timely conference will explore in depth the key issues: species and technology choice, markets, finance and economics, risk management, policy and regulation. It will be addressed by leading international practitioners and experts who will assess the current status, feasibility and potential profitability of offshore marine finfish farming.
The conference is structured to enable unprecedented delegate participation and input through interactive workshops using state-of-the-art feedback technology, giving rise to one of the key conference outcomes, namely the creation of an achievable vision for future offshore development in the short and medium term.
Of equal importance will be the formulation of a strategy for international co-operation for co-ordinating, fast tracking and financing this vision.
It will take place in Limerick, IRELAND on 6 & 7 October 2004. A dedicated website, has been set up to allow online booking.
Framework Training Courses - Brussels
Three one day courses on participating in the EU's research framework programmes will take place in Brussels, Belgium, between 16 and 18 November.
The courses will address the following topics:
- how to write a competitive proposal for the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) - 16 November
- how to negotiate, manage and administer an FP5 or FP6 contract - 17 November
- how to write and eTIP (technology implementation plan) - 18 November
Data Source Provider: Cordis
For further information please consult the following web address:
UK Marie Curie Information Days
The UK Research Office (UKRO) will hold a number of information days on the EU's Marie Curie Actions.
The day will provide an outline of the Marie Curie Actions for both individuals and groups, as well as offering guidance on preparing proposals. The event will focus on the new work programme for the Marie Curie actions, providing an outline of the key changes as well as the lessons learned from the first round of calls for proposals. The events will also provide an opportunity to find out more about what the fellowships offer, as well as information on successful proposal writing.
The first events will take place on the following dates:
- 11 October, University of Keele;
- 12 October, New Zealand House, London;
- 15 October, University of Leeds.
- 25 October, Liverpool
Data Source Provider: Cordis
For further information, consult the following website:
International Conference: Best Practice in Competence Based Learning
It is with great pleasure that CSCS, as National Representative of European Forum for Vocational Education and Training (EFVET) in Italy, announces the 13th International Conference in Tuscany, Italy, from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th October. The purpose of the conference is to focus on sharing and promoting among practitioners good examples of practice on the conception, design and implementation of vocational education and training schemes.
The conference provides opportunity to discuss, in plenary sessions and trough a number of parallel workshops, presentations and round tables, two important dimensions:
• political issues arising from European debate on VET and the management of VET organisations
• effective practical solutions to the challenges faced by European practitioners
The agenda consists of keynote speakers and representatives from the following institutions:
For full details on the Conference Programme and for registering on line, visit the Conference web site:
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Commission publishes Marie Curie calls for proposals
The European Commission has published three calls for proposals under the Marie Curie activity of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) . The calls relate to the following areas:
- Marie Curie host fellowships for early stage training (budget - 170 million euro, closing dates - 15th December 2004 and 26th April 2005)
- Marie Curie research training networks 'interdisciplinary' and 'intersectoral' (budget - 45 million euro, closing dates - 2th December 2004 and 28th April 2005)
- Researchers in
initiative (budget - 3 million euro, closing date 2th December 2004)
Data Source Provider: Cordis
For further information on the calls, visit the following links:
EU Funds Centre for Women and Young Scientists in Central Europe
The European Commission is providing almost 700,000 euro for a new resource centre promoting women and young scientists in research and development (R&D) in Central Europe.
The Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (CEC-WYS) is the first regional centre to promote both gender equality and the position of young scientists in the Central Europe region.
The project, which involves seven academic and non-profit organisations from four new EU Member States (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia) as well as Romania, France and Italy, will 'develop recommendations for equal opportunity policies in research and development in the region and provide assistance to women and young people in science,' explains the European Commission.
Data Source Provider : Cordis
For further information go to:
Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.
Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies, including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements. To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation contact details will not be published online.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online for positions.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please contact
AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found on the web at and host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children. back to top
Student Corner
Aquaculture Education and Training in Turkiye
(Article by Ilhan Yandi, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey)
Historically fisheries education in Turkiye started in the 1950s, but the first undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes covering aquaculture were initiated by Faculty of Agriculture at University of Ankara in the late 1970s. Schools, departments and faculties providing fisheries (including aquaculture) education has increased after 1980s.
High schools
Actually fisheries education starts in high schools (after the age of 15). There are 7 high schools providing fisheries and aquaculture education during three or four year programmes. One of these high schools is run by MARA (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs), while others are part of the National Education Curricula of Ministry of Education. In addition to basic science classes, fisheries and aquatic science related subjects are also covered in these programmes. Besides theoretical teaching, students are given laboratory and field practice and they should undergo practical training in the fisheries/aquaculture sectors outside the schools for 30 days. Around 20-30 students graduate from each of these high schools every year. They may attend “Vocational High Schools� without any additional requirement.
Subjects taught in Fisheries High Schools; Technical Drawing, Biology, Introduction to Fisheries, Paleontology, Laboratory and Practices, Fish Handling and Processing, Marine Fish Culture, Fish Diseases, Project Formulation in Aquaculture.
Vocational high schools
Vocational high schools are academic units of universities providing two year degree education in various subjects. In addition to students coming from fisheries high schools they recruit students from ordinary high schools through the central university entrance examination. Currently there are around 20 such schools having fisheries programmes. In addition to courses, laboratory and practical exercises, students have to complete 30-40 days practical training in sector or research institutions. They graduate with the title of “technician�.
Aquaculture related courses provided in fisheries programmes of vocational high schools; Introduction to Fisheries, Marine and Freshwater Biology, Fish Biology, Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Live Feed Production, Freshwater Fish Culture, Fisheries Ecology, Seafood Processing Technology, Water Quality and Analysis, Fisheries Legislation and Regulations, Marine Fish Culture, Fish Diseases, Planning Aqua-farms, Breeding Aquarium Fishes (Elective), Shellfish Culture (Elective), Fish Quality Control (Elective), Seaweed Culture (Elective)
Undergraduate Degrees
Specific aquaculture courses or undergraduate degree opportunities are not available however; fisheries faculties and specific departments within agriculture faculties cover aquaculture and its related topics. There are 13 fisheries faculties and 5 departments at agriculture faculties. Fisheries faculties are mostly located in coastal cities: 3 at the Black Sea, 2 at Marmara, Phosphorus and Dardanelles, 2 at Aegean Sea, 4 at Mediterranean coast and only 2 in the inland area, one in southwest (lakes region) and the other one in southeast of Turkiye. In contrast fisheries departments at agriculture faculties are located in inland regions (central, eastern and south-eastern Anatolia).
All the undergraduate programmes recruit their students through central examination and placing. Undergraduate programmes and courses offered at fisheries faculties are very similar. Students get general science related subjects (biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and computers) during the first year, and aquatic science subjects (including fish and aquatic biology) in the second year and, fisheries and aquaculture courses in the remaining 2 years. In contrast students in fisheries departments at faculties of agriculture start fisheries and aquaculture courses from the second half of the third year and during the final year. Courses provided in undergraduate programmes cover almost all areas of aquaculture and related subjects. In order to complete degree programmes students have to complete their 40 days practical trainings and should conduct a thesis in the final year. Each year around 20-40 students graduate from each of these faculties and departments. These students attain the title of “fisheries engineer� (fisheries faculty graduates) or “agriculture engineer� (fisheries departments at agriculture faculties).
Beside the undergraduate degrees most of these faculties and departments are providing master (MSc) and doctorate (PhD) degrees in fisheries and aquaculture. Master programmes last a minimum of 1.5 years and a maximum of 3 years. In general students take courses (at least 7) during the first year, and carry out their projects and submit the thesis in the second year. The duration of PhD programmes varies from 3 to 6 years.
In spite of the high numbers of degree programmes, selective short-term training courses are not available. Occasionally MARA (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs) Fisheries Research Institutes (FRIs) and Fisheries Production and Development Centres (FPDCs) are organising such courses for MARA’s technical staff and fish farmers.
Ilhan Yandi
If you would like to write an article for the student corner please contact Caoimhe at
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About AquaTT
AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available on the new European Education Forum website . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.
The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies and associations.
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.
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