AquaTT Training News - August 2011

Author: AquaTT

Date: 31 Aug 2011


August 2011

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on education, training, news and events in Aquaculture and related sectors. The newsletter currently reaches almost 6000 international recipients on a monthly basis. Please submit any relevant information for inclusion in next month’s edition to

*Please note that the AquaTT newsletter and AquaTT calendar are best viewed in Mozilla Firefox.


1. Education and Events

For information on all educational opportunities (courses, workshops, etc), as well as general events (conferences, meetings, etc) please refer to the AquaTT Announcement newsletter which is sent out with Training News. A comprehensive overview of all events is given in the AquaTT Calendar.

Please CLICK HERE to go to the archives of AquaTT Training News and Announcements.

    2. Collaboration

    3. Other

    4. PiscesTT Jobs

    5. Student corner


    2. Collaboration

    HEALTHY FUTURES – Anticipating Future Climate Change Impacts on Water-related Vector-borne Diseases through International & Inter-disciplinary Collaboration

    HEALTHY FUTURES is an EU funded seventh framework programme (FP7) project led by Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland) which launched in January 2011. The project focuses on three water-related, high-impact vector-borne diseases (VBDs) (malaria, Rift Valley fever and schistosomiasis) in eastern Africa (comprising the countries of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania).

    It will take into account environmental and climatic trends and changes in socio-economic conditions to predict future risk outbreaks and impact (direct and indirect) on human health. The aim of the project is to increase quality of life and contribute towards the reduction of disease burden, help to reduce poverty and increase health and well-being.

    At the kick-off meeting, project coordinator Professor David Taylor of Trinity College Dublin stated, "Outbreaks of water related, vector borne diseases such as malaria, have complex relationships with environmental conditions. As environmental conditions change, such as through climate and land use changes, then the incidence of disease outbreaks is likely to change.  Although all those living in areas where conditions become conducive to disease outbreaks are vulnerable, generally the most marginalised members of society are at greatest risk. HEALTHY FUTURES aims to minimise these risks by improving our ability to predict and to communicate the extent and severity of future outbreaks under different environmental change scenarios". To read the latest press article click here.

    The second partner meeting will be held in Kampala, Uganda, 10 – 11 October 2011. For more information download the project factsheet or visit the project website;

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    Interaction in European coastal waters: stakeholders give input to the COEXIST project

    COEXIST is an EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) multidisciplinary project which will evaluate competing activities and interactions in European coastal areas. The goal is to provide a roadmap to better integration, sustainability and synergies across the diverse activities now taking place in the European coastal zone. In COEXIST, geographically diverse case studies will be considered, representing the conditions and combinations of activities in European coastal areas.

    Stakeholder input is valued highly in the COEXIST project and at the latest project meeting (7-9 June 2011, Lisbon) several governmental institutions and aquaculture industries of the Iberian Peninsula had the opportunity to explain the main problems they encounter for running their activities in their coastal zones.

    The COEXIST project is developing models that will help stakeholders in their decision making processes related to coastal zone management. The main strengths of these models are that they can be used to simulate different conditions (for example how a new policy will affect the system) but they can also calculate the best parameters for balancing competing activities and give advice on policy matters. The integration of the selected models is the key to help the decision process. To read the full article click here

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    Reminder: Aqua-RET 2: Free Environmental Assessment Course - Marine Energy Projects, 14 September 2011, Madeira Island, Portugal

    The Environmental Assessment Course is one of a series of new face-2-face courses being developed by the Aqua-RET consortium. The target audience of this course includes project developers, regulators, environmental consultees and other involved / interested entities in the marine renewable sector. The course comprises 5 units each developed for 3 different levels where the introductory level (Level 1) will be available online. The medium (Level 2) and advance level (Level 3) will be covered in the present workshop.

    Participation is free and registrations will be accepted on a first come basis. Please register immediately if you are interested. Email for registration: (Janete Gonçalves). Download the agenda here (PDF). We would be very grateful if you could also bring this email to the attention of your colleagues who may also be interested in attending. For more information on the Aqua-RET 2 project visit

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    Reminder: Aqua-tnet Annual Event 2011, 8-9 September 2011, Vilamoura, Portugal

    The Annual Event 2011 of the European Thematic Network in the field of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management will be held on the 8th and 9th September 2011 and will take place in Vilamoura in the Algarve, Portugal. The final Annual Event of Aqua-tnet 2008-2011 promises a full, interesting and exciting event in a beautiful seaside location. The event is now fully booked and cannot accept further applications.

    There will be several side events on the day before (7th September) such as a workshop  "Innovative teaching tools - Creating content for learning environments", and the LARVANET workshop in cooperation with Aqua-tnet and the
    European Aquaculture Technology Platform (EATiP), on Microbial Management in Fish & Shellfish Larviculture.

    All Aqua-tnet members and stakeholders are invited to attend this important event to find out about the activities and results of the project and debate the hot topics in Education and Training. For further information please see preliminary programme or contact Marieke Reuver at or visit the website for updates.

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    Reminder: Aqua-tnet side events, 7 September 2011, Vilamoura, Portugal

    Prior to the Aqua-tnet Annual Event 2011 there will be several side events such as the workshop  "Innovative teaching tools - Creating content for learning environments". For more information please click here (Word doc.). Also taking place will be the LARVANET workshop in cooperation with Aqua-tnet and the European Aquaculture Technology Platform (EATiP), on Microbial Management in Fish & Shellfish Larviculture. For more information click here (Word doc.). All Aqua-tnet members and stakeholders are invited to attend these events. For further information please contact Marieke Reuver at or visit the website for updates.

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    3. Other

    SEAFDEC/AQD Institutional Repository (SAIR)

    To enable the effective dissemination of AQD researchers' in-house and external publications for free and online, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department Institutional Repository (SAIR) was born. SAIR is the official digital repository of scholarly and research information of the department. Initially, the repository shall contain preprints, full-texts or abstracts of journal articles, books and conference proceedings written by SEAFDEC/AQD scientists and researchers. The aim is to promote these publications especially those published in international peer-reviewed journals and generate higher citation through increased visibility.

    It will also provide free access to all in-house publications of SEAFDEC/AQD. Full-text digitized copies of fishfarmer-friendly materials like books, handbooks, policy guidebooks, conference proceedings, extension manuals, institutional reports, annual reports (AQD Highlights), and newsletters (SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture, Aqua Farm News, AquaDept News and AQD Matters) can be retrieved and downloaded. For more information and to view the repository visit

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    Call for tenders for the development of WISE-Marine for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

    The European Commission has published a call for the development of Water Information System for Europe (WISE)-Marine for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

    The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires Member States to develop marine strategies in order to maintain or achieve good environmental status by 2020 and ensure the sustainable use of marine goods and services. For more information visit

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    Call for Proposals: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum

    The Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for research and development projects in the following areas:

    For more information visit

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    Cod’s Surprising Immune System

    Norwegian research has revealed that the immune system of cod is very different from other fish and from mammals, a discovery that may shed light on the human immune system as well. The discovery was made after scientists sequenced the entire cod genome. To read the full article visit

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    Management plans to help boost Baltic Sea seal and cod numbers

    Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus balticus) and cod may have swum in close quarters in the Baltic Sea a decade ago, but this is no longer the case. The heavy decline in their numbers has forced them apart; the remaining grey seals populate the northern parts of the Baltic while the cod has found a niche in the southern parts. New research, funded in part by the EU with a combined support of more than EUR 23 million, shows how management plans could help boost both these populations in the Baltic Sea, enabling a mix back into the fold, where the cod could resurge in the northern parts and the grey seals could make their way south again. The findings, published in the journal PLoS ONE, suggest that fisheries and climate change will have a heavier impact on the cod than on the grey seals. Read the full article at

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    Offshore wind farm promotes biodiversity on seabed

      New European research has shown that a North Sea wind farm has little negative effect on the fauna around it. In fact, researchers found that the presence of the wind farm actually provided a new natural habitat for organisms living on the seabed. To read the full article visit

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      4. PiscesTT Jobs

      Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

      PISCES TT Jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students in the aquatic resources. Its service aims to foster an efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking qualified employees. Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) facilitating human resource development in the industry.

      At the moment there are 8 new vacancies. If you are interested in viewing or posting a job vacancy please go to or contact Subscribe at for live RSS updates of new job postings.

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      5. Student corner

      Professor Mário Ruivo Prize - 'Seas and Us - Links between Ocean and Daily Life Activities Movie Contest'

      Make a Movie, do a documentary, interview people or simply tell us a story, the OCEAN is the limit! If you want to come on board of this great adventure apply yourself and your friends to the Professor Mário Ruivo Prize Movie Contest. The 'Professor Mário Ruivo Prize' will award an original Movie, made by students on the theme: Seas and Us - Links between Ocean and Daily Life Activities. For that you and your friends must be students between 12 and 21 years and produce a Movie on the Theme. For more information visit, rules and regulations visit

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      About AquaTT

      AquaTT devised "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly e-newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities. All Training News are archived at

      AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit relevant information for dissemination to

      DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations. 

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