AquaTT Training News - November 2009

Author: AquaTT

Date: 30 Nov 2009


November 2009

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to


1. Education

2. Announcements

Due to the overwhelming amount of Events in the Maritime sector, AquaTT decided to provide you with a supplement to the AquaTT Training News, specifically for the Announcements. The Announcements supplement is sent out together with Training News. Please CLICK HERE to go to the archived Announcement Supplements. Please CLICK HERE for the AquaTT Calendar which gives you a comprehensive overview of all events in the sector.

3. Collaboration

4. Other 

5. PiscesTT Jobs 

6. Student corner


MSc: Marine Coastal Development, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (Norway)

The Master of Science in Marine Coastal Development programme is a two-year international multidisciplinary programme. It is especially designed to give the students a broad understanding of the complex interactions in the marine environment.

For more information please visit

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Course: "Stock assessment (Introduction)", 11-15 January 2010, ICES, Copenhagen (Denmark)

The general objective of the course is to train stock-assessment scientists and advisors in basic population dynamics and stock assessment. The deadline for the submission of applications is 4 December 2009. Visit the Training web page:

For more information contact Søren Anker Pedersen, Coordinator for Training at or tel: (+45) 33 38 67 52

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Workshop: Extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture production in Southern Europe, 20-21 January 2010, Tavira (Portugal)

This workshop is targeted to researchers, fish farmers, and other stakeholders interested in sustainable aquaculture practices. Registration deadline is December 15.

Please consult the provisional programme at

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Course: Aquaculture feed extrusion, nutrition and feed formulation, January 25-26 2010, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

This is a crash course for new plant personal and an opportunity for those who are experienced to meet experts in the field to discuss their current problems to enhance their plant operations.

For more information please visit

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Course: “Stock assessment (Advanced)", 1-5 February 2010, ICES, Copenhagen (Denmark)

The general objective of the “Stock assessment (Advanced)" course is to provide additional training for stock assessment scientists who are familiar with the basic techniques of fishery stock assessment. The deadline for the submission of applications is 12 December 2009. Please register online:

For more information contact Søren Anker Pedersen, Coordinator for Training at or tel: (+45) 33 38 67 52

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Course: Ecosystem Modelling for Fishery Management, 8-12 March 2010, ICES, Copenhagen (Denmark)

This course is planned as a five-day activity, and is intended for scientists with some prior experience with ecosystem modelling. The deadline for the submission of applications is 8 January 2010.

For more information please visit

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Workshop: Vaccination of Early Life Cycle Stages of Fish, 7-8 April 2010, Copenhagen (Denmark)

DAFINET and SCOFDA are responsible for the workshop bringing international experts together. Registration is free of charge. Deadline for registration is March 10, 2010.

Register by writing to or visit

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Advanced course: Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Fisheries, CIHEAM, 8-13 March 2010, Zaragoza (Spain)

The objective of the course is to provide managers, planners and researchers of marine protected areas with an understanding of how these areas may function and contribute to local fisheries from experiences acquired in different regions by various management and research teams. The deadline for the submission of applications is 18 December 2009.

For more information e-mail or visit

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Advanced course: New perspectives on marketing chains in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, 26-30 April 2010, Zaragoza (Spain)

The key aim of the course is to provide small-scale sector participants with an integrated contemporary vision and understanding of the critical factors shaping seafood markets, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean and lessons to be learnt from elsewhere in Europe and the rest of the world.

For more information please visit

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Course: Introduction to Bayesian inference in fishery science, 7-11 June 2010, ICES, Copenhagen (Denmark)

The objective of this course is to familiarise the participants with the basic concepts of Bayesian inference and to provide skills for solving simple problems. The participants will have hands on experience about using MS Excel and OpenBUGS software for Bayesian computation. The deadline for the submission of applications is 30 April 2010.

Please register online at

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VALLA takes the first steps towards getting your non-formal learning acknowledged in the aquaculture sector

'If you stop learning, you might as well be dead', replied an old age pensioner when asked why she was learning German at the age of 71. People are constantly learning everywhere and at all times. Learning is not confined to childhood or the classroom, but takes place throughout life and in a very wide range of situations. For people outside the initial education and training system, particularly adults, it is very likely that this learning, taking place at home, at the workplace or elsewhere, is a lot more important, relevant and significant than the kind of learning that occurs in formal settings. However, when your knowledge, skills and competences acquired through such learning are not formally recognized, how do you prove to  your employer, for instance, that you are indeed able to do the job?

The VALLA project – Validation of All Lifelong Learning in Aquaculture ( is taking the first steps in acknowledging learning and experience acquired through life and work experience in the aquaculture sector. During a 2-day workshop in Dublin last week, 20  participants from all over Europe learned about the principles of defining non-formal training units (short courses/workshops/placements, etc) in terms of competences and learning outcomes. Participants learned about the EC principles used to define courses and practised creating their own modules using those principles.

Supported by the outcomes of the workshop, a dedicated software tool based on existing European Best Practice in defining programmes and courses, is being developed at the moment. The tool will be able to create courses from any sort of non-formal training, and define them according to best practice formats. It is hoped that by using the tool, units drafted in this way could be of sufficient quality to be submitted to competent bodies for validation and credit valuation.

Lifelong learning is fundamental to jobs and growth, but also to social inclusion. VALLA aims to support the realisation of a European area for lifelong learning within the aquaculture sector.

For more information please check the website on or contact programme officer Marieke Reuver at

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International Research Staff Exchange Scheme call for proposals launched

The call is part of the 2010 People work programme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The IRSES scheme is designed to establish or reinforce long-term research cooperation through a coordinated joint programme involving the exchange of researchers for short periods.

For more information please visit

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FARNET Support Unit at your service

The FARNET Support Unit has been established by the European Commission to assist in the implementation of EU measures for the sustainable development of fisheries areas (Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund). Over the next six years, this unit will assist local partnerships in developing new, innovative solutions to the challenges confronting Europe’s fisheries areas, and in sharing their ideas and experiences with other areas and with policy makers.

For more information please email or visit

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2010 Seafood Summit – Fellowships available

Seafood Choices Alliance is offering travel fellowships to attend the 2010 Seafood Summit Challenging Assumptions in a Changing World, 31 January - 2 February 2010 in Paris, France. At the 2010 Seafood Summit, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in discussions, hear presentations, and network with conservation and business leaders from the seafood industry. Applications are due by 4 December 2009.

For more information please visit

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Call for papers- International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 29-31 March 2010, Paris (France)

The IMDIS cycle of conferences has the aim of providing an overview of the existing information systems to serve different users in ocean science. The Conference will present different systems for on-line access to data, meta-data and products, communication standards and adapted technology to ensure platforms interoperability. The deadline for submission of papers and posters is January 15, 2010.

For more information please visit

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Call for papers - Vaccination of Early Life Cycle Stages of Fish, 7-8 April 2010, Copenhagen (Denmark)

DAFINET and SCOFDA are responsible for the workshop bringing international experts together. Abstracts should be submitted to before March 10, 2010.

For more information please visit

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Call for papers – Aquacultural Engineering Society’s Issues Forum, August 18-19, 2010, Virginia (USA) 

The organisers of the Aquacultural Engineering Society’s 2010 Issues Forum are seeking abstracts for papers to be presented during the Forum’s three sessions: the nature and uses of Biofloc in aquacultural systems, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) in RAS, and Marine Recirculating aquaculture systems. Abstracts must be received by February 5, 2010.

For more information please visit

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Call for papers - Eighth International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, August 20-22, 2010, Virginia (USA)

The International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture (ICRA) is requesting abstracts for papers to be presented at the Eighth International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture. For consideration, abstracts must be received by March 5, 2010. Submit your abstract by email to

For more information please visit For complete details and author instructions, visit IJRA online -

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Call for papers - 40th Anniversary & Annual Meeting of West European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA), 4 -7 October 2010, Izmir (Turkey)

The theme for 40th year's meeting is 'Seafood: Getting most, serving best...' The possible topics of the meeting include: 1) Innovative technologies, future trends in seafood science and technology, 2) Processing, 3) Total quality management of seafood, 4) Human health and seafood and 5) Products from aquaculture. Please note that, abstract submission deadline is 14 May 2010.

For more information please visit

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Call for papers – Ocean Year Book

For over 20 years the Ocean Yearbook has published leading edge articles, reports and reference materials devoted to the issues and concerns affecting the world’s oceans. The Ocean Yearbook editors are now inviting submissions for Volume 25. The deadline for submission for Volume 25 is March 31, 2010.

For more information please visit

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PiscesTT Jobs

Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

PISCES TT jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students in the aquatic resources. Its service aims to foster an efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking qualified employees.

Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) facilitating human resource development in the industry.

At the moment there are 9 new vacancies. If you are interested in viewing or posting a job vacancy please go to or contact Subscribe at for live RSS updates of new job postings.

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Student Corner

The Ocean Yearbook Student Prize 2010

The Ocean Yearbook is a leading peer-reviewed publication in the marine affairs area produced jointly by the International Ocean Institute and the Marine & Environmental Law Institute at Dalhousie University, NS, Canada. The Ocean Yearbook has initiated an annual competition for students writing research papers on marine affairs subjects. The deadline for submissions is the end of the business day on 15 May 2010.

For more information please visit

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Aquaculture 2010 Student Opportunities, March 1-5 2010, California (USA)

This meeting will be the largest aquaculture conference in the world. Special student opportunities and events planned for Aquaculture 2010 include an orientation meeting, student reception complete with aquaculture quiz bowl and auction, door prizes, free room lottery, roommate finder service, paid work opportunities, and much more. Student seminars planned include the Career Seminar and Women in Aquaculture Seminar.

To register online, visit the World Aquaculture Society ( or National Shellfisheries Association ( and click on the Aquaculture 2010 link.

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AFS Fish Culture Section Student Membership

The American Fisheries Society’s Fish Culture Section (FCS) is an association of over 440 members from 10 countries, concerned with advancing cultivation technology of aquatic organisms. The Section disseminates information about fish culture to professionals and the public; and it strives to support and enhance fish culture programs of private, governmental, and international entities ( Students represent about 10% of the FCS membership. Student involvement is strongly encouraged by the FCS.

For more information please visit 

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World Aquaculture Society Student Membership

Students are encouraged to join the World Aquaculture Society. Membership dues for the World Aquaculture Society are $40 with electronic journal subscription or $60 with print journal subscription. Membership of the World Aquaculture Society connects aquaculturists with their colleagues world-wide through meetings, publications and the Membership Directory. Members receive: substantial discounts on registration fees for WAS meetings; WORLD AQUACULTURE, the magazine; the JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY, and reduced prices on WAS publications (books and proceedings).

For more information please visit

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Student submissions to AquaTT Training News

We welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe. The newsletter reaches more than 4000 recipients on a monthly basis and will serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the potential title of your article should be sent to for review.

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 About AquaTT

AquaTT devised the free news service "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly electronic newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities.

All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site: AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

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