AquaTT Training News - November 2008

Author: AquaTT

Date: 01 Dec 2008


November 2008

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to


1. Education

2. Collaboration

3. Announcements

Due to the overwhelming amount of Events in the Maritime sector, AquaTT decided to provide you with a supplement to the AquaTT Training News, specifically for the Announcements. The Announcements supplement is sent out together with Training News. Please CLICK HERE to go to the archived Announcement Supplements. Please CLICK HERE for the AquaTT Calendar which gives you a comprehensive overview of all events in the sector.

4. Other

5. Student corner 


Course: Introduction to river hydrology and hydraulics, 24-25 February 2009, HR Wallingford Ltd (UK)

HR Wallingford’s popular hydrology and hydraulics course has been revised for 2008/2009 and as a result we are pleased to offer two linked introductory courses on hydraulics, hydrology and flood risk (see also Introduction to flood risk analysis and management). These linked two-day courses can be taken on their own, or as a combined package. When booked together you will receive a discount of over 15% on the separate registration fees.  When booking as a combined course you have the added flexibility of taking one of the courses in February.

- Hydrometric analysis; - Estimating flows and flow hydrographs; - River flow processes; - Conveyance; - Flow resistance and roughness; - Behaviour and modelling of river structures

BOOK ONLINE - for further details and registration information please visit:

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Course: Introduction to flood risk analysis and management, 26-27 February 2009, HR Wallingford Ltd (UK)

HR Wallingford’s popular hydrology and hydraulics course has been revised for 2008/2009 and as a result we are pleased to offer two linked introductory courses on hydraulics, hydrology and flood risk (see also Introduction to river hydrology and hydraulics). These linked two-day courses can be taken on their own, or as a combined package. When booked together you will receive a discount of over 15% on the separate registration fees.  When booking as a combined course you have the added flexibility of taking one of the courses in February.

- Policy and legislation; - Risk analysis; - Climate change; - Joint probability; - Flood mitigation; - Integrated urban drainage; - Flood Risk Assessments (FRA)

BOOK ONLINE - for further details and registration information please visit:

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Applied Training Workshop - “From Theory to the Application of Genomics in Northern European Aquaculture: Basis and Prospects”, 3 December 2008, Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling (UK)

This workshop is organised by Institute of Aquaculture in Stirling and Genesis Faraday as part of the Aquagenome EU project to disseminate knowledge and training in genomics in aquaculture. This workshop is focused on the application of genomic technologies to northern aquaculture species (salmon, trout, cod, etc) in contrast to the recent workshop held in Paris which focused on temperate and Mediterranean aquaculture species.

•    Cost: Free
•    Number of places available: 30 (applications will be assessed to ensure that attendees are from the target audience sectors)
•    Registration: Aquagenome website:
•    Language: English
•    Information: Carol Telford ( from Genesis Faraday (

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Advanced Course: Fisheries restocking and stock enhancement, 15-19 December 2008, Zaragoza (Spain)

The Advanced Course "Fisheries restocking and stock enhancement" aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required for assessing where and when restocking or stock enhancement can contribute to fisheries management goals, and for developing and managing such initiatives effectively. The course is designed around an enhancement fisheries system framework, emphasizing how outcomes of enhancement are dependent on a combination of attributes of the fish stock, fishing techniques, aquaculture production, habitat, stakeholder characteristics, markets, and institutional arrangements.

For more information, please visit:

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Advanced course: Seafood safety management based on risk analysis, 19-23 January 2009, Zaragoza (Spain)

The Advanced Course "Seafood safety management" will provide participants an insight into the process of risk analysis and its application in seafood safety management. By the end of the course, the participants will:
•    Have a sound knowledge of the process of risk analysis, together with its applications and limitations.
•    Be aware of international regulations governing food safety and risk analysis.
•    Gain experience in applying tools of risk analysis in the seafood processing industry.
•    Develop skills in the implementation of risk analysis in seafood inspection.

For more information, please visit:

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Practical short course: Aquafeed Platform – Aquaculture feed extrusion, nutrition & feed formulation, 26-27 February 2009, Ghent (Belgium)

The 8th practical short course Aquafeed Platform – Aquaculture feed extrusion, nutrition & feed formulation will be held in “Het Pand” of Ghent University (Belgium).

For more information please check:

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Advanced course: Methodologies for fisheries stock assessment in the Mediterranean, 16-20 March 2009, Zaragoza (Spain)

The objective of the course is to train stock assessment scientists and advisors in advanced approaches and tools that are better adapted to the nature of Mediterranean fisheries. The course is intended not only to present the theoretical elements but also to guide participants on how to put theory into practice through case studies and hands-on exercises on the computer.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 5 January 2009.

For more information, please check

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Training course: Towards participatory fisheries governance, 16 March – 03 April 2009, Wageningen (the Netherlands)

In this training course cases of fisheries co-management will be analysed to determine the conditions for success. The implications of choosing for this approach will be examined, and the toolbox available to the fisheries manager to regulate fishing effort will be discussed.

Government-led, centralised fisheries management has only been successful in some large-scale fisheries. It has seldom been successfully applied in small-scale fisheries, particulary not in countries with a large small-scale fishing sector and with limited means and manpower for management. A greater role of resource users in design, implementation and enforcement of fishing management regulations (the co-management approach) has been advocated as a way forward.

For more information:

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Course: Fisheries data collection and analysis,  6-24 April 2009, Wageningen (the Netherlands)

Information about fishers, catch, effort, fish stocks, processing and trade form the basis for policy choices, management plans and evaluation. When not the sector, but the whole aquatic ecosystem is the object to be managed, also information about the impacts of fishing on other, non-target components of the aquatic ecosystem needs to be collected and analysed.

In this course participants will learn to appraise what information is essential (both socio-economic and fisheries science information). Techniques to collect socio-economic information will be taught, and participants are guided to develop a more analytical attitude towards fisheries data and catch/effort information.

For more information:

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VALLA sets first steps for the European Aquaculture Occupational map during 2nd partner meeting 

VALLA – Validation of All Lifelong Learning in Aquaculture – held its second successful partner meeting in November, at the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) headquarters in Glasgow. VALLA will demonstrate how to validate and recognize short-term sectoral training (including non-formal learning), using the aquaculture sector as a pilot. Core objectives are to help build transparency and trust in the emergent European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF).

One of VALLA’s objectives is to provide an occupational map for the sector using a competence-based approach. This will provide a concise overview of the Aquaculture sector in the whole of Europe and will describe amongst others the main employers and stakeholders, the numbers employed in the various sub-sectors, key trends and drivers for change within the sector and key characteristics of employment in the sector. During the 2nd partner meeting, the methodology on how to set this up has been extensively discussed and a practical exercise was done to test the process of assigning levels to competences, necessary for a certain level of occupation within the aquaculture sector.

The occupational map will provide the basis for VALLA’s aim to examine how competence-based learning can be evaluated and validated, and how short-term training can be awarded credits.

For more information, please contact David Murphy at or check the VALLA website:

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AquaTT – unique partner in FP7 Research Programme

AquaTT is a unique non-profit company supporting the European aquaculture industry with services and facilitation. For more than 16 years, AquaTT has been a key partner in projects funded by the European Commission under a range of programmes, applying best practice in its leadership and participation.

In the 6th Framework Programme AquaTT participated in several research projects, adding value through the supply of essential services that every research initiative requires. These knowledge management services include dissemination, validation, technology transfer & translation and technical training coordination, customised to each project.

AquaTT’s competence has been recognised on an international level by the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) where David Murphy, AquaTT Managing Director, serves as a facilitator for the thematic strand, Knowledge Management. AquaTT facilitates effective interaction between key stakeholders and manages knowledge generated out of European research, with the intention of ensuring maximum exploitation.

AquaTT is now actively seeking to be involved in FP7 Research projects.  As a partner we will be committed to foster and implement project activities with utilisation and exploitation of results in mind. AquaTT will ensure that research projects implement best practice in knowledge management for the project duration, identify & prioritise new knowledge generated out of projects, and design appropriate mechanisms for maximum exploitation.  Activities will be coordinated in parallel to the EATiP vision and its activities, providing a direct channel between RTD projects and the EATiP.

FP7 has prioritised Knowledge Management as an important element of any research application criteria. As a result, AquaTT is promoting its services to interested consortia.

For more information please contact David Murphy – Managing Director ( or Marieke Reuver – Project Manager ( , tel +353 1 644 9008,

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PESCALEX 2 Startup meeting Dublin 16-18 November 2008

The Startup meeting, held one month earlier than scheduled, got off to a flying start with all partners present and all PESCALEX 1 materials pre-circulated. Details of the meeting will be posted on the PESCALEX website.
The aim of the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Technology(TOI) project is  to transfer the PESCALEX materials to Turkey, Hungary and also to Galicia in Spain. This will entail the translation of all PESCALEX materials into these languages in order to transfer the fish health/diseases content(based on species farmed in partner countries, to new users. It is envisaged that a new Diagnostic Tool will be created to facilitate this process. The most important linguistic component will be to change the focus of the project, from using Content and Language Integrded Learning (CLIL) methodology, to a more suitable and innovative (VOLL) language learning approach, based on tutor-led & ODL methods. All of these elements will be found in the revamped PESCALEX website, in a multi-lingual online environment devoted to fish health management at the VET level.

A presentation was made by one of the partners, Ms Lucia Fraga, at the CLIL conference in Tallinn (October 2008) with a full description of the CLIL methodology. For details, please contact

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PROFET POLICY workshop - Integrating Fisheries & Aquaculture with Marine Environment Protection, 20-21 November, Vigo (Spain)

The last PROFET Policy Workshop will be on “Integrating Fisheries & Aquaculture with Marine Environment Protection ”, and will be held in Vigo (Spain) on November 20&21 2008.

Full details on the structure and content of the workshop, including the titles of all presentations, can be found on the website:


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Please check the AquaTT Calendar

Please check for a comprehensive overview of all Marine Sector related events, including details. Due to the overwhelming amount of Events in the Maritime sector, AquaTT decided to provide you with a supplement to the AquaTT Training News, specifically for the Announcements. The Announcements supplement is sent out out together with Training News. Please CLICK HERE to go to the archived Announcement Supplements.

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Call: FP7 Environment and Food, Agriculture & Fisheries, and Biotechnology

The third call under the FP7 Cooperation, Theme 6 Environment (including Climate Change) Programme, as well as third call under the FP7 Cooperation, Theme 2 Food, Agriculture & Fisheries, and Biotechnology (KBBE) Programme were launched on 3rd September 2008. There are a number of opportunities for international collaborative marine research.

For more information, please visit:

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Facilitating access to EU funding: a new practical guide

The European Commission has published a new 'Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation'. In the multifaceted field of EU funding, this guide is intended to help stakeholders find the right funding programme for their projects in a user-friendly and comprehensive way.

For further information and to download the guide, please visit:

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ERC: supporting young researchers

The European Research Council (ERC) is leading the way in the provision of financial support to some of Europe's finest researchers. Funding provided by the ERC, a total of EUR 7.5 billion, not only supports research but further stimulates pioneering research in groundbreaking new areas, areas that may not have been financially viable without ERC support. The ERC has increased their funding and is also funding junior scientists through the ERC Starting Grant Scheme.

For more information, please visit: European Research Council:

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Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

PISCES TT jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students in the aquatic resources. Its service aims to foster an efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking qualified employees. 

Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) and job-seekers can post CVs, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.

At the moment there are 16 new vacancies:

If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please go to or contact

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Student Corner

Student opportunities for WAS2009

For World Aquaculture 2009 in Veracruz, Mexico, May 25-29, 2009, there will be student opportunities regarding Best Abstract/Travel Award, Best Oral and Poster Presentations and Student Room Lottery:

Please visit the WAS Student Activities Committee webpage ( for more details.

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National Shellfisheries Association (NSA) support for students

NSA Students who are attending the 101st Annual meeting in Savannah, Georgia, March 22-26, 2009 are invited to apply for both travel and presentation awards.

Deadline is November 18.

The direct link for details on applying is

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Melbourne R. Carriker Student Research Grant

The Melbourne R. Carriker Student Research Grant is a competitive grant that is awarded annually to recognize a student's excellence in research in the area of shellfisheries. The award is a competitive grant program to which NSA student members can apply for a $1250 grant for non-travel related expenses associated with undertaking their Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation research.

For more information please check:

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Michael Castagna Student Grant for Applied Research

The Michael Castagna Student Grant for Applied Research is a competitive grant that is awarded annually to recognize a student's excellence in research in the area of shellfisheries with an emphasis on applied research. The award is a competitive grant program to which NSA student members can apply for a $1250 grant for non-travel related expenses associated with undertaking their Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation research.

For more information please check:

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Student submissions to AquaTT Training News

We welcome submissions from current students interested in presenting their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe. The AquaTT Training News newsletter reaches almost 4500 recipients on a monthly basis and will serve as a good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors involved in the industry. An email stating your background and the potential title of your article can be sent to Marieke Reuver at for review.

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About AquaTT

AquaTT devised the free news service "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly electronic newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities.

All old Training News is archived on the AquaTT site:

AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

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