MARCH 2004
A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
About AquaTT
1. Education
Student Workshop 2004 Update
A New Generation of Community Education and Training Programmes after 2006
Virtual Tours of Fish Farms Available Online
Fun Games Available
E-education Europe: the Online Observatory on Education Policies
NEW - Futures for Learning E-Newsletter
2. Collaboration
Contributions Requested - "Aquaculture for Non-Experts" Course Material
Workshop: Assesment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture
3. Announcements
PROFET Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 16th-17th April 2004
6th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE), Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 27-30, 2004
4. Other
Post your Job, Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on PISCESTTJOBS
Student Workshop 2004 Update
AquaTT have received over 60 applications for the upcoming student workshop 2004, Glasgow, 19th-22nd May.
The Aquaculture Student Workshop is a new event for European Aquaculture students. The event is organised by AquaTT in collaboration with Fish Farming International, Gent University and Aqualex Multimedia Consortium (AMC). The 1st event has obtained funding from the Directorate General Fisheries, European Commission.
AquaTT launched this initiative to create an event specifically for European aquaculture students where they could;
- Gain exposure to and discuss the perspectives of leading experts in an informal setting
- Learn complimentary skills that are important for work in the future aquaculture industry
- Meet and network with other students and colleagues from Europe
- Interact with industry members through an international tradeshow and fieldtrip
For more infomation on the event visit
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A New Generation of Community Education and Training Programmes after 2006
The Commission adopted on 9th March a Communication on "The new generation of Community education and training programmes after 2006". This Communication outlines the content of two major new Community programmes in the field of education and training, which the Commission will formally propose in the summer. These are:
- An Integrated Programme in Lifelong Learning, for mobility and cooperation between EU, EEA/EFTA and Candidate Countries, which will subsume the existing Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci programmes.
- A Tempus Plus programme, for the countries neighbouring the EU and for the existing Tempus countries, which will focus on cooperation and development in higher (university-level) education, vocational training, school and adult education.
The Commission proposals build on the experience of the existing generation of programmes, which is summarised in a series of interim evaluation reports published at the same time as the Communication, and on the outcome of a public consultation exercise on the future development of these programmes, which took place between November 2002 and February 2003.
If you have suggestions for improvements to the operation of the programmes, please let us know by sending an email to this address:
For more information, click on
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Virtual Tours of Fish Farms Available Online
For many people there will be little if any opportunity to visit a fish farm. Based on this premise, and the acknowledged need for promotion of the aquaculture industry, the PISCES forum ( set about developing virtual visits to actual real-life fish farms in operation across Europe. This PISCES virtual visit concept attempts to stimulate interest in, and understanding of the science involved in aquaculture.
Currently you can visit the following farms;
- Salmon Farm (Norway)
- Turbot and Halibut Farm (Ireland)
- Sea Bass and Sea Bream Farm (Greece)
- Clam Farm (Italy)
- Seahorse Recirculation System (Ireland)
- Freshwater Farm (Poland)
The virtual tour in its entirety contains information on the science of aquaculture, photographs of the different methods being used and species being farmed and an on-site interview with the respective farmer. The tours are currently being published online in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Greek, Polish and Norwegian.
To access the tours click on
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Fun Games Available
As part of the PISCESTT Initiative fun games have been designed to attract young people to the website. There they will be able to find out about aquaculture. The games are also proving very popular with adults. One game highly recommended is "Salmon & Ladders" which can be played in 1 or 2 player modes. To visit the games go to
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E-education Europe: the Online Observatory on Education Policies
The European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP) and the Institut-EPICE (Institut Europeen pour la Promotion de l'Innovation et de la Culture dans l'Education) have announced the launch of their new website which focuses on comparisons of education and training policies in Europe and the dissemination of information on European research on education.
The website intends to contribute to strengthening the European perspective in policy-making in education; provide a user-friendly resource and information base for the research community, policy-makers, analysts, professional associations and practitioners; and help build bridges between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. Information is presented through policy documents, national initiatives, pilot projects, policy analysis and articles.
Contributions of innovative projects and research are welcome for addition to the observatory and wide dissemination. visit
Source: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2004
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NEW - Futures for Learning E-Newsletter
March 2004 - The first edition of "Futures for Learning".
'Futures for Learning' is a new initiative by pjb Associates. They are actively involved in learning developments through policy studies and analysis, project management and the publishing of reports and newsletters. The newsletter aims to report on developments that are leading to emerging and future scenarios for learning. The first issue of the newsletter was published on March 2004.
Source: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2004
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Contributions Requested - "Aquaculture for Non-Experts" Course Material
This course is being designed as an introduction to aquaculture. It will be collated to give "non-experts" an overview of the industry. "Non-experts" in this context refers to those not currently working in the industry on a daily basis. It has been specifically designed to target individuals working in support organisations that in some way interact with the aquaculture industry in their daily dealings (civil servants, planning officials, development agencies, NGO's, etc).
The original concept was developed due to the widely felt opinion that many of the individuals who make decisions regarding the fate of the aquaculture industry do not have a comprehensive overview of the industry and how it works. It is hoped that by participating in this course individuals would gain a better insight into how the industry is run and therefore be able to make more informed decisions regarding its fate.
The course is intended to present a clear picture of the daily workings of the sector in a short amount of time. This includes overviews as varied as the legislative aspects down to the individual lifecycles of species. The course in no way attempts to cover all issues related to the sector but it does provide a valuable overview and sources of further information.
All material will be available online for free.
While in this course there are presentations from individuals, the "course" has been designed so that speakers could be replaced by others where required for any one event. Where possible alternative speakers are suggested. In addition each group of participants will be different and thus in the context of an event there will of course be time factored for Q & A's.
Contributions Existing material is requested.
Format: PowerPoint presentations, scientific papers, course material, graphics, diagrams, photos etc.
Topics: Lifecycles of species, aquaculture technology, monitoring regimes, environmental impact of farming, consumer reports, socioeconomic reports, legislation, etc. (list is not exclusive)
All contributions will be credited to the authors. All powerpoints provided can be viewed but will not be downloadable thus protecting copyright of the author.
The course will be developed by collecting materials and past presentations given by experts and placing them in a structured order to convey a current overview of the industry.
If you would like to contribute material please contact the Editor, David Murphy (AquaTT Manager)
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Workshop: Assesment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture
The first partnership meeting for the project "Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture" took place at the AquaTT office in Dublin on March 26th 2004. The partnership comprises AquaTT, Aqualex Multimedia Consortium (AMC) Ltd., the Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers (ASSG), Centro Tecnologico del Mar (CETMAR) and the University of Stirling.
The projects focal delivery will be a three-day workshop with the working theme "Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture". Key presentations will take place in three aquaculture related areas where women have demonstrated success: "Women in Tourism Initiatives", "Women in Education and Research", and "Women in Production". The workshop participants will work with the presenters to compare and contrast recent studies and projects on gender issues in the sector, and identify good practice in terms of leadership, decision-making, negotiations, communication and work life/balance.
At its current stage, the workshop is envisaged to comprise a presentation section, questions and answers sessions, practical exercises, mentoring and a possible field excursion. If you wish to express an interest in participating in the workshop, or would like to receive further information please contact All meeting minutes, agendas, workshop progress reports and information will shortly be available at the Project Workshop Forum on back to top
PROFET Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 16th-17th April 2004
The fifth Workshop of the PROFET initiative will be held in Dublin on the 16th & 17th April 2004 in the Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel: Santry Demesne, Dublin 9.
This workshop is being coordinated by the Irish Salmon Growers Association (ISGA), the Norwegian FHL havbruk and the FEAP.
The theme of the workshop is the investigation of the RTD requirements for coldwater marine finfish aquaculture. While most know that the expansion of salmon farming represents the main professional effort for this sector, considerable work has been done on other species, such as halibut, cod and sole.
The growth of alternative species has been less rapid and limited by different factors, many of which will be reviewed in the workshop. Particular attention will be given to the technological requirements for success, specifically in the light of the questions raised on the possibilities for offshore aquaculture.
The PROFET workshop that will be held in Dublin will examine the RTD needs of the sector for securing a sustainable future within the European fish farming sector.
The PROFET programme for Dublin is now online
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6th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE), Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 27th-30th, 2004
Deadline of submission: April 18th, 2004
Organised by:
net4net, Berne University of Applied Sciences, School of Engineering and Information Technology University of Neuchatel, Institute of Computer Science and Institute of Psychology
The 6th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE) emphasizes on the concept of blended learning. The main focus lies on the exchange of:
- Experiences through lively presentations of blended learning courses, best practice and lessons learned.
- Results in pertinent research and project know-how.
- Strategies of implementation and realization of new teaching and learning methods in an institution or a company.
- Knowledge based on experiences of support- and production centers for media didactics, which foster the sustainable implementation of new and innovative teaching methods in their respective institution through assisting and consulting the teachers and the school board in the field of education and school development.
- Concepts in application of blended learning within the scope of the Bologna – Declaration, which promotes the modularization of courses, the self-study and the requirement to offer courses in collaboration with partners and institutions.
Target Group:
- Senior experts and users of blended learning
- Researchers and project managers
- Members of support- and production centers for new learning environments
- Officers for education and teaching, deans, head teachers
- Teachers and lecturers
- Students
This year a special invitation is issued to managers and teachers of postgraduate and adult further education.
Further Information:
Christine Jutz
ICNEE Chair Organizing Committee / net4net, Center for Media Didactics
Berne University of Applied Sciences
School of Engineering and Information Technology
P.O. Box
CH-2501 Biel/Bienne
phone: +41 32 321 6 333 fax: +41 32 321 6 594
Please visit the conference web page back to top
Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.
Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies, including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements. To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation contact details will not be published online.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online for positions.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please contact
AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found on the web at and host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children. back to top
About AquaTT
AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available on the new European Education Forum website . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.
The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies and associations.
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.
If you have received this e-mail in error or would like to unsubscribe please click on the link at the bottom of this email.
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Tel: +353 1 644 9008
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