Training News September 2005

Author: AquaTT

Date: 07 Oct 2005


September 2005

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to

About AquaTT

1. Education
- AQUALABS - "Freshwater Aquaculture and the Environment" - Szarvas, Hungary 22th - 27th August 2005
- E-Aqualex: the New Face of the Aqualex Glossary of Aquaculture
- Information day: 'food quality and safety', 'global change and ecosystems'- London, England 15th September 2005
- 'Getting Ready for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)' Training Course - Brussels, Belgium 21st September 2005
- 'Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service' workshop - Split, Croatia 5th - 6th October 2005
- Ocean Colour Course - Ispra, Italy 3rd - 14th October 2005
- E4net: Experiences in e-learning Conference - Ushaw College, Durham, England 13th October 2005
- Orion Project website - August 2005

2. Collaboration
- AQUA-TNET - Thematic Network for Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management - Selected for Funding September 2005
- Slovenian Contact Seminar - Dobrna, Slovenia 12th - 14th October 2005

3. Announcement
- International forum for technologies in maritime and navigation - Palermo, Sicily, Italy 30th September
- 2nd International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference and Workshop - Fort Pierce, Florida, USA 19th - 21st October 2005
- ASSG (Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers) International Conference - Oban, Scotland 27th - 28th October 2005
- Climate and Fisheries: Impacts, Uncertainty and Responses of Ecosystems and Communities - Victoria, B.C., Canada 26th - 28th October 2005

4. Other
- Post your student placement, MSc/ PhD positions and temporary/permanent vacancies in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

5. Student Corner
- Aquaculture Research in Australia - Gemma Carlile


AQUALABS - "Freshwater Aquaculture and the Environment" Szarvas, Hungary 22th - 27th August 2005

The second of the AQUALABS Training Course Series, partially funded by the Marie Curie programme, took place in Szarvas, Hungary from the 22th - 27th August. The course was an overwhelming success with more 30 participants from 16 countries worldwide – Iran, Finland, Mexico, Vietnam, India, Bulgaria and Bangladesh to name but a few. The six day training course provided an opportunity for students and researchers to share, explore and identify new laboratory techniques and research developments. The focus of this course was Freshwater Aquaculture and the Environment, and was hosted by the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) in Szarvas. The institute is one of the outstanding partners in the AQUALABS initiative and and is a recognised centre of excellence with a multidisciplinary research programme in aquaculture, fisheries and irrigation. For further information on the research institute, please consult the following web address:

The overall response from the participants was extremely positive. Adriana Garcia Vasquez from Colombia and currently pursuing a PhD in Veterinary Parasitology Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling noted the programme was “an amazing opportunity to exchange thoughts with other researchers and students in the area, as well as the opportunity to learn new techniques in the aquaculture field.� Lukasz Zakowski from the Inland Fisheries Institute, Olsztyn, Poland summed up the event as “a great place with great friendly people.� Ilhan Yandi, Researcher Assistant in Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Karadeniz Technical University in Turkey described the programme as “excellent�.

The lectures addressed a number of interesting issues including socio-economic aspects of aquaculture, environment-related off-flavour in fish, water efficient pond systems and technologies, aquaculture sustainability and integrated aquaculture. Laboratory demonstrations highlighted a number of practical techniques such as GC/MS pesticide analysis, AAS – heavy metal analysis and GC/MS off-flavour analysis. The course also incorporated field exercises focusing on the irrigation of effluents from Innoflex Co. Fish Farm, fish pond water recirculation systems and effluent treatment of Szarvas-Fish Co. Fish Farm on a constructed wetland. For the purpose of the course, the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) sourced a number of leading lecturers in this growing field of research for the lectures from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Stockholm University, HAKI, College of Sámuel Tessedik and the University of Wageningen. Social events arranged by HAKI included a traditional Hungarian dinner at the institute and a boat trip along the Körös River in Szarvas.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of AquaTT to thank the scientific coordinators at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) for all their work: Dr. László Váradi, Dr. Istvan Csengeri and Dr. Pekar Ferenc. I would also like to thank Mrs. Agnes Váradi, Ms. Bernadett Lapis and Mr. Balázs Váradi at HAKI for their assistance with the organisation of this event.
Lorraine Rafferty, Project Officer.

The next AQUALABS Training Course will take place at the University of Insubria, Varese in Italy, September 11th – 17th, addressing Fish Welfare. The fourth AQUALABS Training Course is scheduled for December 12th - 17th, 2005 at the University College Cork in Ireland focusing on Quality of Fish Products. Please visit to the AQUALABS link on the AquaTT website for future updates and registration details for this course:

Source: AquaTT

For further information visit: or contact: Lorraine Rafferty, Project Officer, AquaTT at

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E-Aqualex: the New Face of the Aqualex Glossary of Aquaculture

Aqualex, the popular aquaculture glossary, is now available online at Users can now register for a free 7-day trial and can subscribe for full E-Aqualex access as an annual member for the impressively low subscription rate of €25. Multiple user rates are negotiable upon request.

E-Aqualex stores scientifically credited terms and definitions for over 3,000 aquaculture and marine science terms.
E-Aqualex provides terms & full definitions, through text and sound, in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish.
E-Aqualex is an invaluable tool for professional, personal or academic pursuits in marine science & aquaculture.

For further information on the glossary visit the website or contact Erin McVeigh at

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Information day: 'food quality and safety', 'global change and ecosystems'- London, England 15th September 2005

An information day on the open fourth and final call in 'Food quality and safety' (Priority 5) and 'Global change and ecosystems' (Priority 6.3) under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) will take place in London, England, on 15th September.

The aim of this event is to assist researchers and other individuals who will be submitting proposals in response to the call. The event will provide proposers with information on how to improve their proposals. Evaluators will give presentations on the evaluation process and give 'tips' on what they look for in a successful proposal.

Source: Cordis
For further information contact: Dr Nik Marchetti, Beta Technology

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'Getting Ready for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)' Training Course - Brussels, Belgium 21st September 2005

A training course on 'Getting Ready for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)' will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 21st September. Organised by Hyperion Ltd. and the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO), this half-day day workshop aims at training research managers and EU advisors on how to prepare for FP7.

The workshop will describe the process used to finalise the programme, listing the organisations and individuals involved in the process. Participants will also have access to a webpage enabling them to follow the development of the programme.

Source: Cordis
For further information visit:

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'Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service' workshop - Split, Croatia 5th - 6th October 2005

The Workshop: 'Sea Level Variations: Towards an Operational European Sea Level Service' will take place in Split, Croatia, from 5th to 6th October.
Organised by European Sea Level Service (ESEAS) and the EU-funded project ESEAS-RI (ESEAS-Research Infrastructure), the workshop offers an opportunity to discuss recent developments in the observation of sea level variations, the analysis of the data and the interpretation of the phenomena in terms of the driving processes.

Topics will include tide gauges and instrumentation, data maintenance and quality control, reference frames and vertical land movements, satellite altimetry, extreme events and floods, measuring and modelling interannual sea level variations and trends, managing the sea level and public awareness.

Source: Cordis
For further information visit:

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Ocean Colour Course - Ispra, Italy 3rd - 14th October 2005

The training course 'Methods and applications of ocean colour remote sensing in coastal and regional seas' will take place in Ispra, Italy, from 3rd to 14th October.
In the framework of the JRC Enlargement and Integration Action 2005, the Inland and Marine Water Unit (IMW) of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is offering a training course on satellite ocean colour and its application in the study of marine and coastal waters.

Each day will combine lecture sessions covering important topics in the field of satellite oceanography and optical sensors, and practical sessions including training on various image processing software packages and micro-project application scenarios.

Source: Cordis
For further information consult the following web address:

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E4net: Experiences in e-learning Conference - Ushaw College, Durham, England 13th October 2005

This event aims to aid the transfer of e-learning knowledge by looking at examples of best practice. It will focus on four different fields of work:

- Vocational Training
- Business Start-ups
- Knowledge Management and Transfer for SMEs
- Learning within Public Administrations

Source: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
For further information contact: Fiona Davies or Liz Kennedy - or

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Orion Project website - August 2005

The Orion Network has created a Virtual Learning Environment which links 4 European Universities, all centres of excellence in different fields of marine science, in a 'Virtual' Marine Science Department which delivers Open and Distance Learning (ODL) courses in the partnership languages (English, Portuguese, Swedish and Greek).

The project's website has several important features designed to maximise support to students: language learning courses based on the marine sciences; a comprehensive glossary giving 1200 instantly accessible terms and definitions in the partnership languages, a reference file in English, Greek and Norwegian for fish, shellfish and crustacean meristics; a bibliography of 8000 aquaculture/environment references.

Source: Orion Network
For further information visit:

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AQUA-TNET - Thematic Network for Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management - Selected for Funding September 2005

On Behalf of Ghent University and AquaTT we are pleased to inform you that the ERASMUS Socrates Thematic Network proposal – AQUA-TNET that was submitted to DG Education in March 2005 has been evaluated and selected for funding. The project will incorporate 109 organisations working in the field of education and training in Europe.

AQUATNET is a multidisciplinary Thematic Network uniting both academic and vocational aspects of the Bologna reforms and the establishment of the European Higher Education Area in the field of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management. One of its major aims is to become the TUNING reference for the aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources sector and to this end, there are 6 themed Workpackages encapsulating the changes taking place in all three Bologna cycles: curriculum development and assessment (including competency-based and learning outcome approaches); proposed transparency measures (including Qualifications Frameworks) and quality assurance; measures to improve student mobility; innovation in teaching (elearning and ICT technologies and their role in joint degrees); and new methods of language training, promoting language diversity.

Network deliverables pool different elements of the Bologna, Copenhagen and Lisbon Processes for the benefit of the entire sector, involving the production sector, consumers, educationists, researchers and NGOs. Three over-arching Workpackages are dedicated to the needs of industry, academia and society. All stakeholders will participate in the 3 annual meetings, and in project management. Deliverables include a web portal, student conferences, publications and online self-tuition language learning modules all geared towards the promotion of life-long learning in its many aspects.

Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the successful proposal and we are looking forward to working with our partners on this exciting initiative. The Commission will now enter into a negotiation phase with Ghent University (coordinator), we will continue to keep you informed and hopefully we will have further news in October. To keep up to date visit the AquaTT website,

Source: AquaTT and Ghent University

For further information visit: or contact: Bart Van Delsen ( or David Murphy, AquaTT (

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Slovenian Contact Seminar - Dobrna, Slovenia 12th - 14th October 2005

The seminar will take place from 12th to 14th October 2005 in Dobrna and Celje, Slovenia. This exciting initiative is organised by the Centre for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes-Leonardo da Vinci National Agency Slovenia and British Council Slovenia and will focus on the following three professional areas:

• mechanical engineering
• building & construction
• agriculture & horticulture

Source: Leonardo Da Vinci National Agency Ireland

For further information contact: Marja Medved, Mobility coordinator, Leonardo da Vinci National agency Slovenia on:

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International forum for technologies in maritime and navigation - Palermo, Sicily, Italy 30th September

An international technology transfer day on the maritime and navigation field will take place in Palermo, Sicily, on 30th September. It will form part of the International Forum for Technologies in Maritime and Navigation.
The event will address issues such as:

- industrial manufacturing, material and transport technologies;
- electronics, IT and telecommunications;
- transport and shipping technology;
- construction technology;
- environment (environmental engineering/technology, remote sensing technology, water pollution/treatment);
- shipbuilding;
- design and interiors design;
- tourism;
- and material and transport technologies.

The event will bring together suppliers and users of technology and know-how from all over Europe to discuss solutions and new opportunities for the future. Its aim is to initiate collaborations, and to promote the transfer of know-how and industrial application of the scientific results in the maritime and navigation field.

Source: Cordis

For further information visit:

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2nd International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference and Workshop - Fort Pierce, Florida, USA 19th - 21st October 2005

This conference and workshop aims to bring together researchers, industry and other stakeholders to identify opportunities that can be developed into commercial reality and to define infrastructure and research needs. Topics for Conference and Breakout Workshop Sessions are:

• Industry Status and Future Directions
• New Production Technologies
• Integrated Health Management
• Nutrition and Feeding Practices
• Economic and Marketing Strategies

The meeting is being held at the Johnson Education Centre of Harbour Branch Oceanographic Institution in Fort Pierce, Florida. The International Conference will also feature a keynote presentation by Howard Johnson of H. M. Johnson and Associates. Mr. Johnson is author of the Annual Report on the United States Seafood Industry. Mr. Johnson will address new marketing opportunities for sustainably produced and certified aquaculture products. Additionally, thirty scientists and industry experts will present their latest research on new production technologies for land-based recirculating tank systems, ponds, inshore net cages and offshore netpens. Presentations will address biology, engineering, integrated health management, and nutrition and feeding practices.

Source: Harbour Branch Oceanographic Institution Inc.

For further information visit: or contact: Mr. Kenneth Riley, Director of Aquaculture Education -

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ASSG (Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers) International Conference - Oban, Scotland 27th - 28th October 2005

The theme for the ASSG’s 2005 ‘International Conference’, scheduled for Oban on 27th and 28th October, is ‘sustainability’, specifically the two dimensions of :

- Enhancing the economic sustainability of shellfish cultivation in Scottish inshore waters
- The contribution of shellfish cultivation to the goals of environmental sustainability

The conference will feature expert speakers on efficient techniques and technologies, post-harvesting handling, developments in the effective monitoring for bacterial, viral and biotoxin contamination and marketing developments. The conference will also have presentations from internationally renowned researchers, highlighting the positive role of molluscan cultivation to the overall ecosystem, including recent advances in polyculture.

Source: ASSG

For further information contact: Douglas A.McLeod, Chairman -

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Climate and Fisheries: Impacts, Uncertainty and Responses of Ecosystems and Communities - Victoria, B.C., Canada 26th - 28th October 2005

This exciting 3-day event will take place at the Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria and will bring together researchers, resource managers, policy makers, planners and community leaders to explore emerging issues about the impacts of climate on marine and freshwater ecosystems, aquatic and fisheries resources, and communities in British Columbia, Washington and the Pacific Northwest.
The programme topics will include:

- Atmospheric and Ocean climate systems
- Freshwater ecosystems and fisheries resources
- Marine ecosystems and fisheries resources
- Impacts on fisheries (subsistence, recreation, commercial) and management systems
- Climate impacts and adaptation in aquaculture
- Impact and adaptation responses of fisheries dependent communities
- Political and policy perspectives about climate impacts on resources and communities

September 20th, 2005 is the final extended deadline for abstract submission.

Source: Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network

For further information visit:

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Post your student placement, MSc/ PhD positions and temporary/permanent vacancies in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

AquaTT's human resource service PISCES TT Jobs (, which has more than 400 registered candidates with comprehensive CVs, has recently been revamped with innovative features such as e-mail alerts for all registered candidates when a new vacancy is posted. This is an exciting and valuable free online service for employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.

Upon registration, employers can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies, including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies and farms will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements. To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation contact details will not be published online. Companies can also post positions on the website with their contact details if they wish to handle the applications and queries.

Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online for positions. The website will soon host a number of new sections such as the Career Centre with CV tips and interview techniques and preparation.

If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please contact Lorraine Rafferty at

AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found on the web at, host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children.

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Student Corner

Aquaculture Research in Australia - Gemma Carlile

I am currently a third year PhD student studying in Australia at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in association with the University of Melbourne. My research is focused on characterising an Aquareovirus in Atlantic salmon, through molecular techniques and pathogenesis studies. My work to date has involved the development of diagnostic assays, molecular characterisation of TSV, pathogenesis trials, and the development of real-time PCR assays to assess the immune response during infection.

I have been involved with aquaculture for the past 7 years and first gained an interest in aquaculture during my undergraduate course, from which I moved on to complete my Masters in Aquaculture, focusing on fish health and disease. I am based at the CSIRO’s Livestock Industries’ Australian Animal Health Laboratories (AAHL), which is a high level biocontainment facility built for the safe handling and containment of animal diseases. I work with the Fish Disease Laboratory which undertakes research to study fish pathogens and develop diagnostic techniques.

Australia is in an advantageous position being free of many diseases that affect other aquaculture countries. The Australian aquaculture industry though small in scale compared to the USA and Europe, is a fast growing industry. The industry is dominated by southern bluefin tuna and pearl exports, but also includes other successfully farmed species including salmon, barramundi, trout, eel, aquarium fish, prawns, abalone and oysters.

If you would like to write an article for the student corner please contact Lorraine Rafferty at

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About AquaTT

AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available on the new European Education Forum website . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.

The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies and associations.

AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.

DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

UNSUBSCRIBE: If you would like to unsubscribe from this newsletter please reply to this mail with “UNSUBSCRIBE� in the subject header.

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