Training News October 2005

Author: AquaTT

Date: 07 Oct 2005

October 2005

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to

About AquaTT

1. Education
- AQUALABS - "Quality of Fish Products" - Cork, Ireland 12th - 17th December 2005
- AQUALABS - "Fish Welfare" - Varese, Italy 11th - 17th September 2005
- Training courses on FP6 and FP7 - Brussels, Belgium 25th - 27th October 2005
- E-Aqualex: the New Face of the Aqualex Glossary of Aquaculture
- Orion Project website - August 2005
- Opportunities for young scientists in food quality and safety research - Prague, Czech Republic 1st November 2005

2. Collaboration
- Open and Distance Learning EU Minerva Programme – Call for Pre-proposals for Research Funding - Deadline 1st November 2005

3. Announcement
- Agora Conference - New challenges for teachers and trainers in VET - Berlin, Germany 3rd - 4th November 2005
- Introduction to Bioenergetics Modelling of Fish Workshop - Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, Jamaica 29th - 30th November 2005
- AQUA 2006 "Linking Tradition & Technology - Highest Quality for the Consumer" - Firenze (Florence), Italy 9th - 13th May 2006

4. Other/Vacancies
- Post your student placement, MSc/ PhD positions and temporary/permanent vacancies in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
- General Operative required - Sligo, Ireland - application deadline 31st October 2005

- "Environmental Impact of Marine Cages" - Evaluación de impacto ambiental de acuicultura en jaulas en Canarias (Spanish Book available)
- Commission proposes new rules on the health of farmed fish - September 2005

5. Student Corner
- Aquaculture in Iceland - Bryndís Björnsdóttir


AQUALABS - "Quality of Fish Products" Cork, Ireland 12th - 17th December 2005

The call for participation in a new and exciting laboratory-based training course “Quality of Fish Products� was launched today at The course, the fourth in the AquaTT-led, Marie Curie funded series known as AQUALABS, will be hosted at the University College Cork (UCC), Cork Ireland. Targeted at PhD level students and early-stage researchers, a significant number of funded places are available on the course and thus, all interested parties are invited to apply early in order to be able to benefit from this generous offer.

This course aims to explore our food in relation to safety, nutritional value and consumer acceptability of food e.g. organic fish. It will address the key issues that contribute to overall quality in fish products and describe key methodologies for quality investigation with practical training in techniques. Lectures will focus on practical management of fish product quality at the local, industry, and national level. Laboratory work and exercises are designed to provide young researchers/trainers with basic techniques including proximate composition of diets and fish flesh, investigation of vitamin E and C content of the diets and fish flesh (HPLC) and quality assessment of fish fillets in relation to different forms of displayed packaging (aerobic, vacuum, modified atmosphere packaging) and fish processing (smoking, canning, mincing, marinating etc).

A comprehensive educational package consisting of theory, lectures, practicals, case-studies, field exercises/demos and specifically sourced guest expert lecturers is planned and will take place between December 12th and December 17th, 2005 inclusive. Part and parcel of the educational experience within Marie Curie is the opportunity for young researchers to exchange and discuss ideas and meet leading experts in the field of research. A social agenda will also be prepared for the participants on the Training Course.

The closure date for applications is indicated absolutely as October 28th, 2005. The complete application form with training course programme and guidance notes are available to download on the AquaTT website. Please send complete applications (application form, motivation letter, recommendation letter, CV and Proof of Identity) via e-mail to

The next AQUALABS Training Course will take place at the University of Stirling, Stirling in Scotland, 15th - 20th January, 2006 addressing Aquatic Animal Disease Diagnostics. Please visit the AQUALABS link on the AquaTT website for future updates and registration details for this course:

Source: AquaTT

For further information visit: or contact: Lorraine Rafferty, Project Officer, AquaTT at

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AQUALABS - "Fish Welfare" Varese, Italy 11th - 17th September 2005

The third of the AQUALABS Training Course Series, partially funded by the Marie Curie programme, took place in Varese, Italy from the 11th - 17th September. The course was truly international with 25 participants from 15 countries worldwide. The seven days of training provided an opportunity for students and researchers to share, explore and identify new laboratory techniques and research developments. The focus of this course was Fish Welfare, and was hosted by the Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences (DBSM), University of Insubria in Varese. For further information on the DBSM, please consult the following web address:

Andrea Zenone Dalla Valle from the Università degli Studi di Milano highlighted that “the AQUALABS training course on fish welfare held in Varese has been an important opportunity to enlarge my knowledge in this emerging field of research. The course gave me an exhaustive overview of the argument, and the general basis on the current and future methodologies to assess fish welfare in aquaculture.� Jessica Jane Mettam from the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling noted that “the AQUALABS course was a fantastic opportunity to meet other students working in the same field and create contacts for ideas sharing and future collaborations.� Sandie Millot from the Research Centre on Marine and Aquacultural Ecosystem (CREMA, CNRS, IFREMER), L’Houmeau, France stated that “the courses were very interesting and allowed me to make contact with researchers in the field of fish welfare.� Kari Johanne Kihle Attramadal from Norway and currently pursuing a PhD at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology noted that the “AQUALABS Training Course in Varese was a great way to broaden my network and increase my knowledge on the subject, which will be helpful in my research studies.�

For the purpose of the course, the University of Insubria sourced a number of leading lecturers in this growing field of research including lecturers from: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Wageningen University, Ifremer, Brest Ifremer, Palavas, Glasgow University and the University of Insubria, Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences (DBSM) and Department of Structural and Functional Biology (DBSF). The practicals for this course reflected a collaboration between academia and industry. The practical on Capillary electrophoresis for DNA sequencing involved the participation of Tecniplast (Varese, Italy) and GE Healthcare Italia. The course also featured practicals with Bio-Rad.

The scientific coordinators at the University also arranged a field trip to the Fantinato fish farm in Marano Ticino which produces rainbow trout, brown trout, sturgeon and carp and the Mandelli fish farm in Cerano (Novara, Piemonte). The Mandelli fish farm is an intensive rainbow trout system and it generates almost 100 million eggs per year. The social events also included a trip to Parco Del Ticino and Lake Lugano.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of AquaTT to thank the scientific coordinators at the Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences (DBSM), for all their work: Prof. Macro Saroglia, Ms. Giorgia Mary Lalumera, Dott. ssa Miceala Antonini, Dr.ssa Genciana Terova, Fabio Brambilla and Pietro Ceccuzzi
Lorraine Rafferty, Project Officer.

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Training courses on FP6 and FP7 - Brussels, Belgium 25th - 27th October 2005

Three complementary training courses related to the Framework Programme for Research and Development will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from 25th to 27th October.
Organised by Interface Europe, the aim of the courses is to offer participants methodological material and useful guidance on how to write a competitive proposal for actions under research and innovation programmes, as well as an overall presentation of FP7 and the Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation. The courses are open to researchers and every organisation supporting research.

The three courses will be as follows:

- 25th October: 'How to manage your European RTD project in an effective way' Explanations and methodological tools for FP project management

- 26th October: 'The Seventh Framework Programme: how to anticipate your participation' Presentation of the new priorities and orientations.

- 27th October: 'Marie-Curie actions on the support for the mobility and the training of researchers: how to build a successful proposal' Rules of the game and objectives of the calls for 2006.

Source: Cordis

For further information visit:

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E-Aqualex: the New Face of the Aqualex Glossary of Aquaculture

Aqualex, the popular aquaculture glossary, is now available online at Users can now register for a free 7-day trial and can subscribe for full E-Aqualex access as an annual member for the impressively low subscription rate of €25. Multiple user rates are negotiable upon request.

E-Aqualex stores scientifically credited terms and definitions for over 3,000 aquaculture and marine science terms.
E-Aqualex provides terms & full definitions, through text and sound, in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish.
E-Aqualex is an invaluable tool for professional, personal or academic pursuits in marine science & aquaculture.

For further information on the glossary visit the website or contact Erin McVeigh at

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Orion Project website - August 2005

The Orion Network has created a Virtual Learning Environment which links 4 European Universities, all centres of excellence in different fields of marine science, in a 'Virtual' Marine Science Department which delivers Open and Distance Learning (ODL) courses in the partnership languages (English, Portuguese, Swedish and Greek).

The project's website has several important features designed to maximise support to students: language learning courses based on the marine sciences; a comprehensive glossary giving 1200 instantly accessible terms and definitions in the partnership languages, a reference file in English, Greek and Norwegian for fish, shellfish and crustacean meristics; a bibliography of 8000 aquaculture/environment references.

Source: Orion Network
For further information visit:

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Opportunities for young scientists in food quality and safety research - Prague, Czech Republic 1st November 2005

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), together with the Institute of Chemical Technology and the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences from the Czech Republic, is organising a workshop entitled 'working together in EU research in food quality and safety: challenges and opportunities for young scientists', to be held on 1st November In Prague, the Czech Republic.

The workshop aims to encourage discussion on the opportunities and challenges of European science for young scientists active in food safety and quality research.
Topics will include:

- prospects for research in food safety and quality in the future EU framework programme;
- opportunities for young chemists in the European Research Area;
- experience of new Member States in EU projects;
- young researchers - the key to Europe's future;
- Marie Curie actions - opportunities across Europe;
-the challenge of working in EU projects.

Source: Cordis
For further information contact: Nada Konickova - or visit:

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Open and Distance Learning EU Minerva Programme – Call for Pre-proposals for Research Funding - Deadline 1st November 2005

The application deadline for Research Funding Pre-proposals for the Open and Distance Learning EU Minerva Programme is 1st November 2005.

2006 Call for Proposals:

Guide for Applicants:

Source: HEA

For further information visit:

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Agora Conference - New challenges for teachers and trainers in VET - Berlin, Germany 3rd - 4th November 2005

Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) is organising a new AGORA conference on "New challenges for teachers and trainers in VET"`at the European Information Centre Jean Monnet-Haus, Bundesallee 22, D-10717 Berlin from 3rd to 4th November 2005. The conference is linked with the official launch of TTnet Germany, the German consortium of the training of trainer's network which Cedefop set up in 1998 as a pan-European forum for key players and decision-makers in the training of VET teachers and trainers.

The Agora conference will interest anyone involved in training teachers and trainers from enterprises, schools or other institutions, plus researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and social partners.

Source: Cedefop

For further information visit:

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Introduction to Bioenergetics Modelling of Fish Workshop - Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, Jamaica 29th - 30th November 2005

Dr. Jim Petersen, from the U.S. Geological Survey, will visit Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory (DBML) and conduct a 2-day workshop on bioenergetic modelling of fish. Bioenergetic models are used to predict consumption needs and growth of fish, and have been useful in exploring a variety of basic and applied questions, including predator-prey relationships, competition for food, the effects of climate change and global warming, and many other examples.

The workshop will provide an introduction to bioenergetic principles and modelling, examples, and familiarize students with a user-friendly software package called "Fish Bioenergetics 3.0". The workshop will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and exercises designed to demonstrate the flexibility and application of bioenergetic modelling. Parameterization methods and use of bioenergetic principles in other types of models will be discussed.

Source: Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory

For further information contact: Dr. Petersen ( or Dr. Norman Quinn, Director of DBML (

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AQUA 2006 "Linking Tradition & Technology - Highest Quality for the Consumer" - Firenze (Florence), Italy 9th - 13th May 2006

AQUA 2005 will take place at the Fortezza Da Basso Convention Centre, Firenze (Florenze), Italy from the 9th - 13th May 2006. This conference is a fantastic opportunity for aquaculturists to come together and find common ground and solutions for situations facing all segments of the industry. AQUA 2006 offers an exciting opportunity to create one of the largest trade shows in the world. The international technical program for this course covers the latest research in every aspect of aquaculture such as

- Sustainable Environment
- Society & Aquaculture
- Consumer Issues
- Economics & Business
- Shrimp
- Juvenille Production - Fish/Invertebrates
- Nutrition
- Health & Welfare
- Production

The deadline for the submission of high quality oral and poster presentations is November 1, 2005. Please submit your abstract online to or

Source: EAS

For further information visit: or

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Post your student placement, MSc/ PhD positions and temporary/permanent vacancies in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

AquaTT's human resource service PISCES TT Jobs (, which has more than 550 registered candidates with comprehensive CVs, has recently been revamped with innovative features such as e-mail alerts for all registered candidates when a new vacancy is posted. This is an exciting and valuable free online service for employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource development in the industry.

Upon registration, employers can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies, including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies and farms will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements. To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation contact details will not be published online. Companies can also post positions on the website with their contact details if they wish to handle the applications and queries.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online for positions. The website will soon host a number of new sections such as the Career Centre with CV tips and interview techniques and preparation.

If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service, please contact Lorraine Rafferty at

AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found on the web at, host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children.

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General Operative required - Sligo, Ireland - application deadline 31st October 2005

A well motivated student is required to work on a newly constructed recirculation fish farm growing Arctic Charr. The recirculation fish farm based in Sligo, Ireland will be stocking the first fish in November 05.

This role will cover:
- All aspects of fish rearing and water and waste water monitoring and analysis using most recent technology.
- Research and development work including monitoring growth rates of fish in first recirculation farm in Ireland growing Arctic Char.
- Feed trials, comparison of different lux rates, effect of temp on growth rates etc.
- Monitoring of treatment efficiency of wastewater treatment system including reedbeds.
- Daily work- feeding, monitoring oxygen levels, checking pumps, filters etc running well, checking FCRs, general husbandry.

This is an excellent opportunity for the right candidate to gain invaluable experience in the operation of a modern recirculation fish farm. Candidate must be well motivated, willing to work on there own initiative. Experience may be an advantage but not essential. Applicants must be authorised to work in the EU and have a good level of English.

Please apply directly through the PISCESTT Jobs service and if you have any questions contact: Lorraine Rafferty -

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"Environmental Impact of Marine Cages" - Evaluación de impacto ambiental de acuicultura en jaulas en Canarias (Spanish Book available)

A new book in Spanish on environmental impact of marine cages: "Evaluación de impacto ambiental de acuicultura en jaulas en Canarias", is now available at A scientific work which describes methodologies employed in an exhaustive study carried out for two years in two commercial cage farms for the on growing of gilthead sea bream and European sea bass at the Canary Islands. Its results, coincident with the majority of reported works on the subject (Mediterranean, Norway, Japan), contribute to a sustainable aquaculture development by a better understanding and management of the relationships between this activity and the surrounding ecosystems.

Source: José Manuel Vergara Martín

For further information contact:

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Commission proposes new rules on the health of farmed fish - September 2005

The Commission has proposed new EU legislation on the health of farmed fish and shellfish (molluscs), and the control of certain diseases in the aquaculture sector. The proposed legislation aims to simplify and upgrade existing legislation in order to improve the general aquaculture health situation across Europe. It also aims to better facilitate safe trade in aquaculture animals and products, and to boost the competitiveness of this sector for the EU.

A major focus of the proposal is on the prevention of disease by applying better controls throughout the production chain. Measures are laid down to protect disease-free farms from the introduction of pathogens and to prevent exotic diseases from entering the EU. Flexibility is given so that local or regional approaches can be taken for the prevention and containment of diseases, while Member States will be responsible for ensuring proper implementation and controls.

Source: Newsletter on food safety, health and consumer policy from the European Commission's Health and Consumer Protection DG

For further information visit:

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Student Corner

Aquaculture in Iceland - Bryndís Björnsdóttir

My name is Bryndís and I am a first year PhD student. I graduated with a B.S. degree in fish and marine biology from the University of Iceland in 2001. After graduation I was employed at the Fish Disease Laboratory at the Institute for Experimental Pathology, Keldur, Iceland, where my interest in aquaculture and fish health was raised. After one year of work I became an M.S. student at the Keldur institute, studying bacterial pathogens in fish and fish vaccinology. I graduated in autumn 2004 and thereafter I enrolled as a PhD student.

Prior to my PhD project, I was mainly involved in studies on the vaccination of cod and turbot, measuring various immune responses in fish, describing fish histopathology and working with fish pathogenic bacteria. In my PhD project I am working on the isolation and characterisation of an extracellular peptidase from the fish pathogenic bacterium Moritella viscosa, the causative organism of winter ulcers.

Aquaculture in Iceland is a growing industry, mainly producing Atlantic salmon and Artic charr. Several species are farmed experimentally, and cod is a potential new species. Halibut eggs and juveniles are also exported.

The possibilities for aquaculture in Iceland are good, considering that fish farmers have relatively easy access to high quality water and geothermal water. The country has so far been free of viral outbreaks in farmed fish, such as those that have threatened aquaculture in surrounding countries. Research on disease prevention and treatment for fish are, however, very important if aquaculture is to become a large and successful industry.

Bryndís Björnsdóttir
Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur

If you would like to write an article for the student corner please contact Lorraine Rafferty at

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About AquaTT

AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus, AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available on the new European Education Forum website . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.

The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies and associations.

AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.

DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

UNSUBSCRIBE: If you would like to unsubscribe from this newsletter please reply to this mail with “UNSUBSCRIBE� in the subject header.

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