AquaTT Training News - January 2013

Author: AquaTT

Date: 31 Jan 2013


January 2013

A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on education, training, news and events in Aquaculture and related sectors. The newsletter currently reaches over 6000 international recipients on a monthly basis. Please submit any relevant information for inclusion in next month's edition to Please CLICK HERE to go to the archives of AquaTT Training News and Announcements.

*Please note that the AquaTT newsletter and AquaTT calendar are best viewed in Mozilla Firefox.


1. Education

    To search for MSc programmes, MSc and PhD courses, and other training opportunities (short courses, online courses, work placements, etc) in aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management, please visit the Aqua-tnet Education Gate @ This interactive web portal is the one-stop-shop for education in your field.

    For information on all educational opportunities (courses, workshops, etc), as well as general events (conferences, meetings, etc) please refer to the AquaTT Announcement newsletter which is sent out with Training News. A comprehensive overview of all events is given in the AquaTT Calendar.

    2. Collaboration

    3. Other

    4. PiscesTT Jobs

    5. Student Corner


    FREE course: AQUAEXCEL / Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Technology - register now!

    The AQUAEXCEL consortium is very pleased to announce the first AQUAEXCEL Training Course which will be held at Wageningen University in the Netherlands from the 22nd to 25th of April 2013.

    Course 1: Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Technology
    Course provider: Aquaculture and Fisheries Group, Wageningen University (the Netherlands), with the expertise of NOFIMA, IFREMER, IMARES, Technical University of Denmark and the University of California
    Deadline for registration: 1st March 2013

    Course attendance for this unique course is free, thanks to EC FP7 funding. Participants are expected to pay their own travel, subsistence and accommodation. For further information on the course, and how to enrol, please check the promotional leaflet (PDF) and registration form (Word doc.), which you can also find on the AQUAEXCEL website: 

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    AQUAEXCEL: giving aquaculture researchers the unique opportunity to carry out research at a key European aquaculture research facility

    European aquaculture researchers are offered the unique chance to undertake specialised research at 23 top aquaculture research facilities all around Europe. The project titled AQUAEXCEL (Aquaculture Infrastructures for Excellence in European Fish Research) is an EU FP7 project that aims to integrate key aquaculture research infrastructures across Europe in order to promote their coordinated use and development.

    Through collaboration with 17 partners and 23 facilities, AQUAEXCEL offers access to top class research infrastructures for both basic and applied research, giving aquaculture research groups the opportunity to utilise AQUAEXCEL’s facilities. Interested researchers can propose projects that are compliant with the EATIP Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda, and that involve visits of one or two people to a Research Infrastructure that provides facilities not available in their own country, for periods of up to three months. Access to the research facilities and associated travel and subsistence expenses will be paid for under the project which is supported by the European Union 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Infrastructures).

    The 4th Call for Access opened 21st December 2012. The deadline is the 15th of March 2013. For more information visit The project will hold its Annual Meeting 2013 in Brussels from the 9th till the 11th of April 2013. For more information on the project
    download the brochure here.

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    EU project aims to realise a new vision for the oceans 


    Educators, trainers, and marine and social scientists from 11 countries across Europe met in Dublin in January for an important meeting of a project which aims to develop a sustainable relationship between humankind and the oceans.
    The Sea For Society project is funded through the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The project's 21 partners represent universities, funding agencies, government marine research organisations, business networks, aquaria, and the media.

    The project aims to bring together a wide range of participants to examine the issues surrounding the development of a new concept for sustainable use of the seas called the Blue Society. This concept explores how humankind can coexist with, and benefit from, the oceans without harming them.

    Sea For Society Project Manager, Ludovic Frère Escoffier, of the Nausicaá aquarium in Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France, said that the Blue Society was founded on "an unprecedented economic, technological and social approach, which involves taking advantage of new resources, innovative solutions and positive experiences that the oceans offer”.

    The aims of the Sea For Society project will be accomplished through a series of forums held in the participating countries involving key stakeholders. Each forum meeting will be based on a mutual learning, open-dialogue process, bringing together researchers, the general public and other actors to consider one of six allocated themes regarding what the sea provides to human beings in their daily lives: food supply, human health, a place to live, transport, energy, and leisure and tourism.

    "As a result of this process, citizens (including young people), stakeholders, marine experts and scientists will all learn from each other and, in turn, the Sea For Society project will learn from these groups," said Dr. Christine Domegan, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at NUI Galway, who has been working on the planning of the consultation process alongside Dublin-based project partner AquaTT.

    The forums will use a facilitation process called Collective Intelligence, an idea and value structuring methodology that helps groups to deal with complex issues. To instruct project partners on how the Collective Intelligence consultations could be effectively carried out, Professor Benjamin Broome of the Arizona State University and Dr. Michael Hogan of NUI Galway conducted a two-day practical workshop as part of the Dublin meeting.

    The workshop was followed by a day-long partnership meeting of all participating groups, and a half-day workshop on communications for the project. Further information on Sea For Society can be obtained from the project's dedicated web site at or from Karine Marie, Sea For Society Communications Officer, Nausicaá:





    Photos: Sea For Society Workshop January 2013, Dublin, Ireland
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    MaCuMBA newsletter -  uncovering the untold diversity of marine microbes

    The first MaCuMBA newsletter features an interview with MaCuMBA’s coordinator Professor Lucas Stal (NIOZ, UvA) who explains in a clear way why a project like MaCuMBA is important and in what way the research carried out by the project will eventually benefit society. Other interesting topics include other projects relating to the study of marine microorganisms who have been receiving high profile coverage in the European press and the project’s kick-off meeting. Download the newsletter here (PDF).

    The MaCuMBA project has been established on the premise that unknown microorganisms may hold the key to unlocking knowledge that could contribute to the development of new medicines and energy solutions, and could also potentially help mitigate climate change and control disease. The vast majority of marine microorganisms have not been cultivated and are often considered as ‘unculturable’. Today, one of the main challenges for microbiologists is to develop strategies to cultivate the uncultured majority of marine microorganisms. The project’s 2nd Steering Committee will be held in Dublin on the 25th of February 2013.

    If you have any questions on the MaCuMBA project or its newsletter, or if you have any suggestions for contributions to the newsletter, please contact Marieke Reuver @

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    Aqua-tnet Annual Meeting 2013, 13th-14th March 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

    Aqua-tnet is a pan-European education network that plays a leading co-operative role between higher education institutions and other partners such as academic organisations, research institutions and industry in the European aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management sector. EC reforms and policies emphasise the role of top-quality education as a prerequisite in developing Europe as the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.

    Aqua-tnet's multifaceted approach has enabled the network to make a real contribution to uniting academic and vocational aspects of the Bologna reforms, aiming for greater compatibility and comparability of the systems of higher education in Europe. Originally set up in 1996 as a small network of just 20 partners, Aqua-tnet has expanded to include more than 80 partners in the current phase, and is now being coordinated by the University of Stirling (UK).

    The Aqua-tnet Annual Meeting 2013 will take place in Istanbul, from 13-14 March 2013. For more information:

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    2FISH - Developing free training courses to support the fisheries sector

    Partners from the EU funded 2Fish project will meet in Galicia, Spain for a partner meeting from the 11th to 13th of March 2013. The consortium, consisting of 7 European partners, is currently developing training courses aimed at supporting the fisheries sector. Subject areas include regulation and legislation, developing a new seafood product, fundraising, the value chain for fish, traceability of fishery products, fishery tourism and boat carpentry. The consortium have used the VALLA tool which is a very useful online tool that course developers can use to define learning experiences where competence is acquired, in terms of learning outcomes. 

    For more information visit The courses will be ready for a testing phase from May 2013 and the final courses will be freely available from the project website Access the project's 2nd newsletter at

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    JERICO Trans National Access - Marine Institute Notification

    The JERICO Consortium has just launched a second call offering TNA to different ferrybox lines in the Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, various fixed platforms and glider fleets based in the Greater North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Calibration laboratories are also being put up for access. This is a unique opportunity for scientists and engineers to avail of high-quality, interlinked instrumented infrastructures operating in coastal and shelf-sea areas for carrying out research and/or testing activities. Interested users can request access to one or more facilities. Full details of the call are available on JERICO website at The deadline is the 18th of March 2013.

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    ASSEMBLE 8th call for on-site access

    ASSEMBLE offers subsidised onsite access to researchers specialised in marine research and scientists willing to perform their research with marine models and associated state-of-the-art facilities. You are invited to submit applications prior to 28th of February 2013 at for visits taking place from June to November 2013. To apply and for more information about the 9 Assemble stations and accessible services visit

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    SEAS-ERA - Marine research infrastructures mapping, European integration and vision of the future

    Marine Research Infrastructures (MRI) include a very wide variety of facilities, technologies and services to address the multiple themes and disciplines of the marine sciences. This report and its annexes attempts at first to describe them by categories, to specify their role and to make a complete mapping of the Europe landscape. Visit for more information and to view the report.

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    Call for abstracts: EAS Aquaculture Europe 2013, 9th-12th August 2013, Trondheim, Norway

    The AE2013 theme - Making Sense of Science - will focus on knowledge management to support technological development and innovation. Making sense of science implies setting priorities for knowledge generation; using the best people and infrastructure to create the knowledge and using the most suitable communication channels to ensure maximum impact of the results for all the different players in the value chain as well as for the end users. AE2013 will target all persons and institutions engaged and/or interested in aquaculture.

    AE2013 will be held in Trondheim, Norway from the 9th to 12th of August 2013 just prior to the AQUA NOR 2013 Exhibition (13th-16th of August 2013). The AE2013 brochure contains the full list of sessions that are open for abstract submission. The submission of high quality oral and poster presentations may be submitted online at The deadline is the 31st of March 2013.

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    Call for posters: European Marine Science Educators Association conference, 3rd-5th September 2013, Plymouth, UK

    The European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) was established to facilitate the exchange of success stories and good practices in marine education across Europe, to provide a networking directory for marine educators and organise conferences to allow educators and scientists to share their vision for effective and innovative learning in both formal and informal education.

    The inaugural EMSEA conference will take place in Plymouth, UK from the 3rd to 5th of September 2013. This will be a mix of plenary sessions, workshops and field trips with plenty of opportunity for networking. The aim of the conference is to facilitate the exchange of ideas for the teaching of marine education in both formal and informal education, the use of new and innovative teaching practices, discuss the development of Ocean Literacy across Europe, develop links between scientists and educators and increase the network of marine educators across Europe. Educators and scientists are invited to either present or submit a poster in one of the three themes:

    • Ocean Literacy in a European context – progress and European experience
    • Marine Education in Practice
    • Linking science with marine education

    Please submit an abstract with a title and the content of your presentation by the 1st of March 2013 on

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    SeaHealth Issue 5 - Global Fish Oil Summit in Ghent

    This e-bulletin is aimed at personnel in fisheries and aquaculture, at fish packers, processors, distributors, retailers, and finally consumers. Download here (PDF).

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    Why fish populations are running out of oxygen 

    Scientists hope to gain a better understanding of the causes of oxygen depletion among fish populations with an EU-funded project called HYPOX. It is hoped that by continuous monitoring of coastal ecosystems around the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Arctic sea, including fjords, lagoons and lakes, that fisheries can be better managed. According to Traian Gomoiu, the project team leader working for Romania's National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar), persistent hypoxia can lead to the loss of biodiversity, the degradation of the ecosystem and the collapse of fisheries. Read more from this article at

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    Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM

    If you are interested in viewing or posting a job vacancy please go to or contact Subscribe at for live RSS updates of new job postings.

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    Student Corner

    Peter Howgate Award for Young Fish Technologists 2013

    Applications are now open for the 2013 Peter Howgate Award. Applicants must be working or studying in the area of fish technology, and must have been born on or after 1st January 1983. All nationalities are eligible. For more information visit

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    Youmares Award 2013 

    In 2013 the German Society for Marine Research (DGM) will bestow for the third time the YOUMARES award which is addressed to students of all disciplines of marine research as well as high school seniors. The AWARD consists of a travelling trophy, gratuitous conference participation, and material prizes (including a dive course on the beautiful island of Elba) to a value of about 1,500 Euros. The three best papers will be published in the printed newsletter of the German Society for Marine Research (DGM-Mitteilungen) as well as online. Read more about the Award and how to apply/submit at Also submissions are still being accepted for YOUMARES 4. Access the guidelines on the website at Deadline for submission is 31st of May 2013.

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    About AquaTT

    AquaTT devised "TRAINING NEWS" as a free monthly e-newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, collaboration opportunities, job vacancies and student activities. All Training News are archived at

    AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit relevant information for dissemination to
    DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.

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