A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on education, training, news and events in Aquaculture and related sectors. The newsletter currently reaches almost 6000 international recipients on a monthly basis. Please submit any relevant information for inclusion in next month’s edition to news@aquatt.ie
*Please note that the AquaTT newsletter and AquaTT calendar are best viewed in Mozilla Firefox.
For information on all educational opportunities (courses, workshops, etc), as well as general events (conferences, meetings, etc) please refer to the AquaTT Announcement newsletter which is sent out with Training News. A comprehensive overview of all events is given in the AquaTT Calendar.
Please CLICK HERE to go to the archives of AquaTT Training News and Announcements.
Vocational Aqualabs - providing generic skills for aquaculture researchers
The Vocational Aqualabs consortium recently held its third partner meeting on the 9th and 10th June in Dublin where representatives from the six partners discussed the recent developments in the production of courses which are focused on generic skills for aquaculture researchers.
The seven courses include Experimental Design, Entrepreneurship, Data and Statistical Management, Scientific writing, Project management, Research Funding Procurement and Networking – key for a successful career. The decision to develop these courses was based on a needs analysis carried out with researchers and other stakeholders. The courses, which will be delivered face-to-face and also have some online elements, will be piloted for free later on this year across the partner countries; Turkey, Ireland, United Kingdom, Greece and Spain. For more information on the project download the factsheet (PDF).
MG4U workshop (16-17 June 2011) highlights importance of knowledge transfer
The EU-funded Support Action Marine Genomics 4 Users (MG4U) recently discussed the preliminary results coming out of the knowledge analysis of European and national marine genomics projects. Over the next two years, the MG4U team of scientists and knowledge management specialists, led by France's Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and its renowned Station Biologique de Roscoff, will collaborate to make marine genomic knowledge more accessible to a broad spectrum of end-users.
The knowledge transfer process will involve mapping-out genomic hot-spots, raising awareness about potential applications, matching knowledge to commercial challenges, and documenting success stories. Based on the innovative MarineTT methodology, MG4U is now in phase 1, to collect and understand all European and national funded projects related to marine genomics. Currently, project coordinators of marine genomics related national or FP6 and FP7 projects are being invited to support the MG4U team in identifying the “Knowledge Outputs” with potential for impact if transferred and also to validate information on the project collected from the CORDIS database. During the workshop the first results were discussed, and external policy and industry experts gave input on potential gaps in knowledge outputs and advice on best practice knowledge transfer.
For more information, please check the project website @ www.mg4u.eu or contact Marieke Reuver @ marieke@aquatt.ie
Free Strategic Planning course for the marine renewables sector piloted in Brussels
A Strategic Planning course for marine renewables
was recently piloted by the Aqua-RET 2 consortium in Brussels on 21 June 2011. The course,
presented by Aquatera’s Managing Director Gareth Davies, covered topics from strategic
planning principles to offshore ocean energy farm structures to supply chain
needs. An interactive group session gave the seventeen participants from eight countries the opportunity to
discuss key milestones to achieve possible targets for different geographical
Other Aqua-RET2 courses under
development; Environmental Assessment, Marine Operations and Technical
Evaluation, will be piloted later this year. If you have colleagues who would
like to submit case studies to be included in the courses please contact Olivia
Daly (Project Officer) olivia@aquatt.ie. For
more information and to access the various e-learning resources developed by
the project which are free to download and use visit www.aquaret.com.
MarineTT Brussels Showcase (7 June 2011) – Unlocking Marine Knowledge
MarineTT, the EU-funded Support Action, organised a showcase in Brussels on Tuesday 7th June, which was attended by high-level representatives of DG MARE, DG RTD, DG ENV, major European and national marine research institutions, as well as consultancy companies in European marine affairs. An overview of the work already achieved by the MarineTT project was presented, with a focus on the innovative approach the project has taken to identify and analyse knowledge outputs from FP6 and FP7 funded projects in the marine domain. The Showcase acted as a forum for key individuals at European level to provide the project with feedback and insight, raising awareness at the same time.
Please CLICK HERE to access the showcase presentations. MarineTT is expected to make a real contribution to improved access to European marine knowledge outputs for industry, policy, science and society at large. MarineTT is coordinated by AquaTT, with EurOcean as a project partner.
First Aquainnova thematic workshop held in Warsaw, Poland
The ‘Aquainnova’ project - “Supporting governance and multi-stakeholder participation in aquaculture research and innovation” – is an FP7 Support Action concerned with the creation of an international framework to develop the vision for the future of European Aquaculture to 2030. Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and Action Plans will also be identified to define the research and innovation needed to support the vision.
“The future of freshwater aquaculture in Europe” event held in Warsaw (Poland) between 15 and 16 June, was the first of a series of thematic ‘Aquainnova’ workshops where stakeholder consensus is sought on the finalisation of the SRIA and Action Plans.
Forty four participants from 17 European countries and representing a broad spectrum of stakeholders (e.g. producers, associations, research, education, government and administration), gave their input concerning freshwater aquaculture. Prioritisation of the most important issues for the successful long term development of European freshwater aquaculture was also established. Upcoming events include the next ‘Aquainnova’ stakeholders meeting on ‘Cold Water Marine Aquaculture’ scheduled for 21-22 September in Oslo (Norway) and ‘Warm Water Marine Aquaculture’ in November 2011.
For more information on ‘Aquainnova’ and the objectives of the EATIP, go to www.eatip.eu.
Call for Proposals – Transnational Access to Aquaculture Research Infrastructure Facilities
The EU FP7-Research Infrastructures project AQUAEXCEL project is pleased to invite proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the participating Aquaculture Research Infrastructures.
The AQUAEXCEL project unites major aquaculture experimental facilities with capacity to undertake experimental trials on a selection of commercially important fish aquaculture species and system types. These facilities are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Commission Union 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Infrastructures).
The facilities available cover the entire range of production systems (recirculation, flow‐through, cage, hatchery and pond systems); environments (freshwater and marine, cold, temperate and warm water); scales (small, medium and industrial scale); fish species (salmon, trout, sea bass, sea bream, cod, common carp etc.); and fields of expertise (nutrition, physiology, health and welfare, genetics, engineering, monitoring and management technologies).
The overall objective of the AQUAEXCEL project is to promote the coordinated use and development of these top class experimental facilities and encourage problem‐based research and knowledge transfer to more effectively support the development of a sustainable European production of high quality seafood with reduced environmental impact.
Interested researchers can propose projects that involve visits of one or two people to the chosen Research Infrastructure for periods of up to 3 months. The research work and associated travel and subsistence expenses will be paid under the project.
1st Call – Deadline for applications – 16th September 2011
Aqua-tnet Annual Event 2011, 8-9 September 2011, Faro, Portugal
Annual Event 2011 of the European Thematic Network in the field of
aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management will be held on
the 8th and 9th September 2011 and will take place in Faro, Portugal.
There will be several side events on the day before (7th September) such
as a workshop "Innovative teaching tools - Creating content for
learning environments", and the LARVANET workshop in cooperation with Aqua-tnet and the European Aquaculture Technology Platform (EATiP), on Microbial Management in Fish & Shellfish Larviculture.
All Aqua-tnet members and stakeholders are invited to attend this
important event to find out about the activities and results of the
project and debate the hot topics in Education and Training. For further
information please contact Marieke Reuver at marieke@aquatt.ie or visit the website www.aquatnet.com for updates.
Aqua-tnet side events, 7 September 2011, Faro Portugal
to the Aqua-tnet Annual Event 2011 there will be several side events
such as a workshop "Innovative teaching tools - Creating content for
learning environments", and the LARVANET workshop in cooperation with Aqua-tnet and the European Aquaculture Technology Platform (EATiP), on Microbial Management in Fish & Shellfish Larviculture. All Aqua-tnet members and stakeholders are invited to attend these
events. For further information please contact Marieke Reuver at marieke@aquatt.ie or visit the website www.aquatnet.com for updates.
You can apply for on-site access to the ASSEMBLE infrastructure sites for the period December 2011 - May 2012. Deadline for applications is 15 September 2011. Go to the ASSEMBLE Access page for more information and application form.
Specialist centre set to play key role in Aquaculture industry
A specialist facility that is expected to play an instrumental role in the growth of the Aquaculture industry both in the UK and overseas is officially open for business in Northumberland, North East England. Astec Aquaculture Business & Science Centre is a purpose-built resource that has been created to support the growth of the aquaculture sector. To read the full article please click here (Word doc.)
Call for papers for Aquaculture America 2012 Special Session, February 29 - March 2, Las Vegas, Nevada
Special Session entitled: “Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles in Aquaculture”. For additional information, please contact Diane Bellis (dbellis@agsourceinc.com).
Special Session entitled: "Engineering Aspects of Cage Mariculture". For additional information, please contact Chhorn Lim, Ph.D (chhorn.lim@ars.usda.gov).
Special Session entitled: "Engineering Aspects of Cage Mariculture". For additional information, please contact C K Mukherjee (ckm@agfe.iitkgp.ernet.in).
Environmental impact research urged for fish farming
More research and sharing of best practice could minimise the environmental impacts of aquaculture, and maximise its potential to alleviate food insecurity, according to a report by the WorldFish Center and the non-profit organisation Conservation International. To read the full article visit http://www.scidev.net/en/news/environmental-impact-research-urged-for-fish-farming.html
Job vacancies, MSc & PhD vacancies and student placements on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs is a valuable free tool for employers, employees & students in the aquatic resources. Its service aims to foster an efficient means by which to link job-seekers, students, graduates and others seeking work and placements in the aquaculture, fisheries, and related sciences sectors with companies and organisations seeking qualified employees. Employers can post job vacancies (including permanent, temporary job vacancies, MSc/PhD and student placement positions) facilitating human resource development in the industry.
Student activities at AE2011, 18-21 October, Rhodes, Greece
This is the first announcement for EAS Student activities during the upcoming Aquaculture Europe conference 2011. The conference takes place from October 18-21, 2011 in Rhodes, Greece. Like in the years before, we from the EAS-SG are pleased to offer a dedicated program for all our students and young members. The EAS Student Group, offer a limited number of travel grants (200 € fixed amount) to support your expenses.
Darwin Summer School on Biogeosciences, 4-5 July 2011, Netherlands
Between 4th and 15th July the first edition of the Darwin Summer School on Biogeosciences will be organized in the Netherlands (Utrecht and Texel). This first edition will address the perturbation of the global carbon cycle, in the past, present and future. Main subjects will be ocean acidification and the carbon cycle, microbial ecology and biomarkers and terrestrial carbon cycling. This Summer School is aimed at motivated MSc students and PhD students who are interested in a state-of-the-art introduction to the field of Biogeosciences. The Darwin Center comprises a pool of 30 excellent lecturers, who are renowned in their fields. This, combined with two foreign experts, will provide students with an attractive, high quality program.
The 2nd Young Marine Research network meeting in Germany (7-9 September 2011)
YouMaRes 2011 (September 7-9, 2011) provides a platform for young students and scientists of marine research, where they can present their work and themselves to other student and colleagues. Six session topics Human impacts, Remote sensing, Living with the sea, Aquaculture, Marine Technology and Ocean of diversity are presented from 7th to 9th of September 2011 by PhD-students and Post-Docs as well as by Bachelor and Master students. For more information visit http://www.youmares.net/en.html
Call for abstracts: The Oceans of Change Early Career Scientists Conference (ECSC), 24-27 April 2012, Majorca, Spain
The Oceans of Change Early Career Scientists Conference (ECSC), April 24-27 2012, is now open for abstract submission. ECSC will broadly address the interactions among the physics, chemistry, and biology of the world’s oceans in the context of a dynamic system. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of human activities on ocean processes, the future of ecological and economic ocean services, and management implications. Contributions should address one of the sessions displayed on the conference website: http://www.ices.dk/marineworld/oceans/index.asp
Grads/undergrads SPECIAL Open day - Marine Biotechnology, 28 October 2011, Genoa, Italy
A workshop targeting graduates and undergraduates, and dedicated to Marine Biotechnology, will be held in Genoa (Italy) on October 28th 2011. The event occurs in the frame of the 7FP SPECIAL project and of the 2011 Genoa Science Festival.
The Open day will be a unique opportunity for grads/undergrads to meet scientists and collaborating PhD students that work in this exciting field and cut across a broad range of disciplines (Marine Biology, Marine Natural Products, Biopolymers, Anticancer Research, Invertebrate Aquaculture, Nanobiotechnology...).
There have been three worthy winners of the Lindsay Laird Award for innovation in aquaculture since the award was set up in 2008.
We are now on the look out for the 2011 entries for this prestigious award. This year could be your chance to join the hall of fame!
The Lindsay Laird Award consists of a certificate and an award of a laptop (to the value of 500 euros) of the winner's choice. Springer also sponsors this award by making a donation of aquaculture publications up to a value of 200 euros. Entries submitted by students for the best student poster at the EAS annual conference in Rhodes will be eligible for the inauguration of the award. Subject areas:
environmental impact in aquaculture
new species
hatcheries/early life history
stock production
fish diseases
new technologies
The jury will be composed of an AQUATT representative, a University of Crete representative and a representative from the industrial sector.
AquaTT devised "TRAINING NEWS", a free monthly e-newsletter that serves as an important communication channel for education and training opportunities for the Aquaculture, Fisheries and related Maritime sectors in Europe. It provides information on education and training developments, upcoming events, opportunities for collaboration, job vacancies and student activities. All Training News are archived at http://www.aquatt.ie/
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested. Please submit relevant information for dissemination to news@aquatt.ie.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties. Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.