A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training
in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
About AquaTT
1. Education
- New "European Masters of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries� approved by the Erasmus
Curriculum Development programme
2. Collaboration
- Sharing Experience - Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture Workshop
- MARINVEST: EU & China collaborate for environmental improvement and food
3. Announcements
- FP6: European funding for International Collaboration, 17th September 2004, University
of York, UK
4. Other
- Post your Job, Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on PISCESTTJOBS
5. Student Corner
- Differences in Training around Europe, a Portuguese students perspective
(Article by Ana Couto, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
New “European Masters of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries� approved by the
Erasmus Curriculum Development programme
The University College Cork (Ireland), University of Bergen (Norway), the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (Norway), Wageningen University
(Netherlands), Universidade do Algarve (Portugal), Ghent University (Belgium)
and the University of Warmia & Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) are teaching and
research institutions with international reputation in aquaculture and fisheries.
These universities share a similar mission, academic interest and research focus.
This consortium of Universities has agreed to launch a new “European Master of
Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries� programme as of the academic year 2004-2005,
in parallel to the local programmes offered at the partner universities.
The new “European Masters of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries� programme
will enable students to benefit from leading competence in various fields of aquaculture
and fisheries science as a result of the complimentary expertise of the partner
Their specialized research facilities guarantee up-to-date science in close cooperation
with other research institutes as well as with the aquaculture industry (farms
and companies).
The “European Masters of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries� Degree
Each student will be registered at one of the participating universities, hereafter
called “home university�. Students will follow a core programme at his/her home
To obtain the European Masters of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries as a joint
or double degree, the students have to study for a total of 120 ECTS with more
than 30% at a host university. The degree will be issued at the home university
in collaboration with the host university.
All participating universities offer, parallel to their local programmes, many
complimentary courses towards the “European Masters of Science in Aquaculture
and Fisheries� programme, all taught in English. Altogether 90 courses of a total
of 500 ECTS credits are taught in the Master programmes at the seven institutions.
Some topics in the programme are:
Nutritional Biochemistry of Fish; Fish reproduction: Physiology and cryopreservation
of fish sperm; Breeding in Salmonids, thymallids, and coregonids; Cytogenetics
in fish breeding; Utilization of present and fossilized DNA materials in conservation
of European fish fauna; Larviculture and larval food production; Management in
the aquaculture industry; Aquaculture Genetics; Farm management training; Aquaculture
and the Environment; Molluscs and crustacean culture; Engineering in aquaculture;
Pathology and parasitology; Modelling in Fisheries; Conservation and management;
Ethics and wellfare of aquatic organisms; Animal behaviour modelling; Fisheries
management; Population Genetic Methods in Aquatic Biology; Ecology of resources
and ecosystems.
Thesis work
Labwork, excursions and thesiswork are a very important part of the programme.
Our research-based education offers various topics for scientific thesis work
on lab scale, but industry related research in a company or farm can also be considered.
Our many contacts with non-European and other European institutions can give
you a chance to specialise in any other field mentioned above.
Links with the Industry
The consortium encourages efforts for a better understanding of the needs of
the industry. The economical, managerial and marketing aspects of aquaculture
and fisheries are as important as the technical aspects of this industry. Each
partner maintains optimal liaison with the local industry (companies or farms)
and research topics are adjusted according to evaluations.
Links with other research institutions and universities worldwide
This European Consortium of aquaculture and fisheries research and education
institutions has extensive links with partner institutions all over the world,
and hence contributes significantly to competence building for the aquaculture
industry worldwide. These institutions worldwide will actively cooperate in a
wider spectre through new and running projects, eg. in Brasil, Vietnam, China,
etc. Also, all partners keep bilateral Erasmus agreements with several European
Applicants are required to fulfill all of the following criteria, in addition
to general admission requirements, in order to gain entry to the “European Master
of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries� programme at the home university:
The applicant must hold a Bachelor of Science diploma of minimally 3 years in
aquaculture, biology, agronomy, veterinary medicine, or any related area from
a recognized College or University.
Evidence of a good knowledge of English, written and spoken (toefl or ielts certificate).
The professional motivation of the candidate as well as a recommendation letter.
All registration documents are available on the web, please click on the webpage
of the university of your choice.
Various public and private institutions do offer scholarships to attend this
programme. Please contact the coordinator of the university of your choice for
more information.
Steering Committee
The president of the Steering Committee is Patrick Sorgeloos. Members of the
committee are Karin Pittman, Johan Verreth, Pawel Brzuzan, Emer Rogan, Karim
Erzini and Elin Kjorsvik
University of Bergen, Norway (
Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology
contact: Prof. Karin Pittman
University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland (
Department of Evolutionary Genetics
contact: Dr. Pawel Brzuzan
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Center for Marine Sciences (
contact: Karim Erzini
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center
contact: Mario Stael
University College Cork
Aquaculture Development Center (
Environmental Research Institute, Ireland
contact: Emer Rogan
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Fish Culture and Fisheries Group (
contact: Prof. Johan Verreth
NTNU, Norway
Brattora Research Center (
contact: Prof. Elin Kjorsvik
Please visit to find more detailed information on the “European Masters of Science in Aquaculture
and Fisheries programme�. All the programmes listed. For more detailed information
please send an email the relevant institutions.
All courses indicated with “EU Masters� are contributive to the EU Masters of
Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries and can be chosen by the student in any other
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Sharing Experience - Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture Workshop
Planning is underway and participants are now invited to register for an intensive
two-day workshop, Assessment of Women Achievers in Aquaculture. The programme
includes a synopsis of the important desktop study, “Role of Women in Aquaculture
& Fisheries in Europe�, an overview of the FEMMES (Women in fisheries and
aquaculture in Europe) thematic network activities, and examples of best practice
through keynote speaker “success stories� specific to three themes: Women in Tourism
Initiatives, Women in Education & Research, and Women in Production.
“We are now pleased to publish the call for participation for this exciting event,�
said Ms Caoimhe Boylan, AquaTT Project Officer. “Among other activities, participants
will have an opportunity to actively engage in working groups and visit oyster
trails, which have proven to be a particularly successful tourism venture in the
The workshop will be hosted in Rochefort, near La Rochelle in France on 7th-8th
October 2004. The event, devised and organised by AquaTT in collaboration with
Aqualex Multimedia Consortium (AMC), the Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers
(ASSG) and Centro Tecnologico del Mar-Fundacion (CETMAR), is supported by the
European Commission, Directorate General for Fisheries.
The workshop promotes the role of women in the aquaculture sector and aims to
enhance their participation in decision-making roles in aquaculture. It will
clearly identify, and bring to the forefront of discussion, gender diversification
issues specific to the aquaculture industry in the European Community, and will
promote and support the fisheries sector through the networking of women in aquaculture.
Participant working groups will allow for discussion and exchange of experience.
Meeting outcomes will be compiled using the “success stories� to ascertain good
practice in leadership, decision-making, negotiation, communication and work/life
balance. A Needs Analysis, developed in conjunction with workshop presenters and
participants, will identify challenges, and propose methods to address these challenges,
and will function as recommendations to the European Commission.
The final day of the workshop will be dedicated to an on-site visit to the local
operating "route de l'huître" (oyster trails). A guided tour of the region’s
oyster industry will provide a tangible overview of the developments and changing
role of women in the sector. Workshop participants will meet local entrepreneurs
who are actively extending the scope of their traditional businesses.
Both women and men working in aquaculture and fisheries related areas are encouraged
to apply for workshop participation. The working language of the workshop is
English. A grant of approximately €200 will be paid out post-event to all participants
as a contribution towards incurred travel and accommodation costs. The provisional
workshop agenda is available on the PISCES Forum ( via the workshop link on the left menu.
Interests for participation should be emailed directly to AquaTT, with your Curriculum Vitae (in English) and a short explanation outlining the
reason for your interest in the workshop and your current area of work.
All queries relating to the workshop should be addressed to AquaTT at or by telephone +353 1 6449008.
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MARINVEST: EU & China Collaborate for Environmental Improvement and Food
Erin McVeigh, AquaTT reports
European countries have been at the forefront of developing materials and methods
for environmental monitoring, depuration and processing in the aquaculture sector
and opportunities now exist for Chinese companies to develop locally along these
same lines. The Chinese government has increasingly and verifiably addressed issues
on environmental protection and food safety, including operation of food standards
(microbiology, biotoxins, heavy metals, etc.) and HACCP in recent years. There
remains, however, a significant need for a catalyst to establish regulations in-line
with EU standards and to expedite the implementation of the established regulations.
Marine Investment for Future Prosperity (MARINVEST), officially launched at the
Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
(YSFRI), on 11th August, is co-ordinated by AquaTT and partially funded by the
European Union Asia Pro Eco Programme, and aims to transfer the technology of
environmental monitoring to promote socio-economic progress and environmental
improvements in the aquaculture sector throughout the Shandong region of China
(northeast China) which produces significant volumes of fin and shellfish, estimated
at one third of all China’s production.
AquaTT will work in close conjunction with the Scottish Aquaculture Training
Association Ltd. (SATA), YSFRI, and the Qingdao Association for International
Science & Technology Cooperation (QAISTC) to organise, develop and implement
this exciting new initiative in 2004 and 2005.
Group photo from the 1st partner meeting, August 2004, YSFRI, Qindao, China
“MARINVEST is positive for both the Chinese government and for the mollusc producers,�
said Mr Li Xiaochuan, director of the National Centre for Quality Supervision
and Test of Aquatic Products (MOA).
The progress of aquaculture in China in the latter half of the 20th Century focused
on volume rather than quality, and in addition, the increase in population in
coastal urban communities, from both natural reproduction and the flood of internal
immigrants from the rural areas, has resulted in a decline in the waters quality
of shellfish growing areas. As such, there is a clear need for policies and practices
to reduce the population’s exposure to bacterial and viral contaminants, and if
the shellfish cultivation industry is to engage in significant exporting activities,
there is a requirement to satisfy the demands of importing markets, such as the
European Union.
Therefore, the focus of the MARINVEST initiative is threefold: to assist public
authorities with the establishment of a comprehensive environmental monitoring
programme, to train the workforce on implementation practices, and to improve
the quality and safety of shellfish through activities such as designing and implementing
Harvesting Area Classification, generating a marine biotoxin monitoring regime,
developing a network of depuration facilities, and designing a traceability system.
“This initiative will form the essential foundation for the industry in the Shandong
Province and will ultimately serve as the model for other regions in China,� said
David Murphy, Manager of AquaTT. “Without these elements in place, exporting shellfish
to the Europe will be an unattainable objective.�
Project activities for the year ahead will include conducting a baseline assessment
of the situation in the Shandong Province, completing a working papers on European
legislation, regulation, and examples of “best practice� applicable to the industry,
publishing a comparative analysis between the legislation and “best practice�
in Europe with those in China, and organising a seminar in China with politicians
and researchers to discuss the findings of the comparative analysis and determine
a strategy for further industry development.
An intensive series of training courses and seminars will then be developed and
implemented, with an anticipated direct impact on more than 300 industry stakeholders,
including regulators, managers, trainers, and researchers among others in the
Shandong Province. Sourcing keynote speakers and experts from Europe and participant
engagement in practical hands-on activities will be critical to the success of
the training methodology.
“MARINVEST will be a great help for quality improvement and export promotion
of Shandong shellfish products,� said Mr Luo Weilin, division director from Qingdao
Science and Technology Bureau.
The project is the catalyst needed to help the region establish its own infrastructure
to achieve and maintain the long term objectives of the region. By meeting the
above project objectives, MARINVEST will form the essential foundation for training
and technology transfer in the Shandong Province aquaculture industry, and function
as a template for the rest of the region.
The Asia Pro Eco Programme, a programme dedicated to the improvement of environmental
performance in Asian economic sectors through the exchange of environmental policies,
technologies and practices, and to promote sustainable investment and trade between
the European Union Member States and South Asia, South-East Asia and China, was
launched in 2002 as an initiative by the European Union (EU) to strengthen the
environmental dialogue between Europe and Asia. This five-year programme, which
has a total budget of EUR 31.5 million, aims to provide support to European and
Asian organisations to enable them to share strategies, advanced technologies
and know-how in addressing Asian environmental issues.
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of AquaTT and can
in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
For further information please email AquaTT,
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FP6: European funding for International Collaboration, 17th September 2004, University
of York, UK
The European Commission has set aside 670M€* to support international co-operation
within Framework Programme Six. This money is continuously available to all research
areas and for specific international projects. This seminar will demonstrate how
funds can be accessed to enable joint research with developing countries, Russia
and the New Independent States.
You will hear views from UK National Contact Points and experienced Framework
evaluators and practitioners, including scientists who've already won FP6 funding.
Discussion will focus on the opportunities within the 'INCO' and 'INTAS' workprogrammes,
what makes a good proposal, lessons learned from previous calls, partner searching
and how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can participate. The event will also
highlight other areas within FP6 of interest to scientists working in the food,
agriculture and environmental disciplines, such as the crosscutting Economic and
Technological Intelligence projects and Marie Curie Fellowships.
To register for this free event please provide full contact details to Laura
For an agenda, map or any enquiries, please contact:
0044 1302 322633
*Budget for INCO and INTAS
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Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT
UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science
sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers
can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource
development in the industry.
Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies,
including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies
will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements.
To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation
contact details will not be published online.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username
and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online
for positions.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service,
please contact
AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site
as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found
on the web at and host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual
tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children. back to top
Student Corner
Differences in Training around Europe, a Portuguese students perspective
(Article by Ana Couto, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Recently I participated in the Student Aquaculture Workshop, organised by AquaTT.
It was a great event to meet people from all over Europe and also a good opportunity
to discuss several issues related not only to aquaculture, but also to education
in aquaculture (in
When applying to the university I took a Biology course. In the beginning it
was only a four year course in which the final year was a project. However, it
was extended to a five year course. The 4th year is a one year project and the 5th year (or part of it) is a training period in whatever subject one would like.
This seemed ok, since I would gain more experience and thus, in fact I have learned
much more during these past two years than I did in the first three.
After some talking with other European students I started seeing things from
a different point of view. With all the ‘What do you do?’ and ‘What are you doing
after? I couldn’t help noticing that it was rather difficult to explain my position
in the world of education/work. After a short explanation to some very patient
colleagues who listened to my description I received some exclamation sentences,
ranging from ‘That looks like a Masters to me!’ to ‘That’s really weird!’
Ok, I’ve studied for some more years than others and don’t have a Master’s degree,
but I still have valuable experience. That doesn’t seem so bad. (ignorance?!).
Now I want to apply to some position in
but there’s one small problem: ‘What am I?’ I’m not a MSc student because I don’t
have the diploma, but I’m not just a BSc graduate either. So, should I be something
in the middle? Actually the experience I gained is underrated. In the end what
matters is the “label� you conquer at the end of you education. Nowadays in
, if you want to do a Masters you have to pay for it as there are very few scholarships.
That means a further two more years of study and in the end you get the qualification
that only takes five years in total in a European developed country.
I hope now that as Europe is becoming one big country it can push the little
one step forward towards this progress. I don’t think we have to pay for our
sunshine with underdevelopment.
Ana Couto
University of Aveiro
If you would like to write an article for the student corner please contact
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About AquaTT
AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information
on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus,
AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the
Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments
in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available
on the new European Education Forum website . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.
The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students
in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies
and associations.
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness
of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties.
Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of
the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the
news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this
newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or
inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for
incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional
tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.
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