JUNE 2004
A free e-mail news service provided by AquaTT on European Education & Training
in Aquaculture.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter to
About AquaTT
1. Education
- AquaTT launches New Website - www . aquatt. ie
- The Face of European Education is changing rapidly - Are you up to date with
the changes?
2. Collaboration
- Call for proposals - Specific Support Actions for associated candidate countries
- Call for proposals - Specific Support Actions for targeted countries under INCO
3. Announcements
- Value Added Seafood, London, UK, 30th September - 1st October 2004
- FARMING THE DEEP BLUE, Limerick, Ireland, October 6th-7th, 2004
- Global water resources and environmental change - information day, Brussels,
9th July
- Training courses on FP6 proposals, projects and eTIPs, Brussels, 1-3rd September
4. Other
- Post your Job, Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on PISCESTTJOBS
5. Student Corner
- Getting that job: Where to start?
AquaTT recently launched its new website.
As well as containing information on all the current and past initiatives that
AquaTT has been involved in over the years it also has many new features,
Highlights include:
- Discussion Forum
- Comprehensive Links Database
- Photo Gallery
- Training News Archive Facility
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The Face of European Education is changing rapidly - Are you up to date with
the changes?
Ministers responsible for higher education in 40 European countries will meet
in Bergen 19-20th May 2005 to take stock of the progress of the Bologna Process
since the Berlin meeting in September 2003 and to set directions for the further
development towards the European Higher Education Area to be realised by 2010.
AQUA-TNET, a thematic network for Aquaculture coordinated by AquaTT has been
working hard to monitor the rapid developments and the impact it is going to have
on Aquaculture related courses across Europe. To find out more about the network
and the work it has been doing visit, http://www.piscestt.com/pisces/educational/intro_en.asp
A Basic overview of what has been happening;
Sorbonne 1998
In May 1998 the ministers in charge of higher education of France, Italy, the
United Kingdom and Germany signed the so-called Sorbonne Declaration on the �harmonisation
of the architecture of the European Higher Education System� at the Sorbonne University
in Paris. Other European countries later subscribed to the Declaration.
The Sorbonne Declaration focused on a progressive convergence of the overall framework of degrees and cycles in an
open European area for higher education a common degree level system for undergraduates (Bachelor's degree) and graduates
(Master's and doctoral degree) enhancing and facilitating student and teacher mobility (students should spend
at least one semester abroad); removing obstacles for mobility and improving recognition
of degrees and academic qualifications
Bologna 1999
In June 1999, 29 European ministers in charge of higher education met in Bologna
to lay the basis for establishing a European Higher Education Area by 2010 and
promoting the European system of higher education world-wide. In the Bologna Declaration,
the ministers affirmed their intention to:
- adopt a system of easily readable and comparable degrees
- adopt a system with two main cycles (undergraduate/graduate)
- establish a system of credits (such as ECTS)
- promote mobility by overcoming obstacles
- promote European co-operation in quality assurance
- promote European dimensions in higher education
Convinced that the establishment of the European Higher Education Area would
require constant support, supervision and adaptation to continuously evolving
needs, the ministers decided to meet again in two years time.
Prague 2001
Two years after the Bologna Declaration, the ministers in charge of higher education
of 33 European signatory countries met in Prague in May 2001 to follow up the
Bologna Process and to set directions and priorities for the following years.
In the Prague Communiqué the ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the objectives of the Bologna Declaration appreciated the active involvement of the European University Association (EUA)
and the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB) took note of the constructive assistance of the European Commission made comments on the further process with regard to the different objectives
of the Bologna Declaration emphasised as important elements of the European Higher Education Area:
lifelong learning involvement of students enhancing the attractiveness and competiveness of the European Higher Education
Area to other parts of the world (including the aspect of transnational education)
The ministers decided that the next follow-up meeting of the Bologna Process
should take place in 2003 in Berlin to review progress and to set directions and
priorities for the next stages of the process towards the European Higher Education
Berlin 2003
When ministers met again in Berlin in September 2003, they defined three intermediate
priorities for the next two years: quality assurance, the two-cycle degree system
and recognition of degrees and periods of studies. In the Berlin Communiqué ,
specific goals were set for each of these action lines.
Quality assurance
Ministers stressed the need to develop mutually shared criteria and methodologies
and agreed that by 2005 national quality assurance systems should include:
- A definition of the responsibilities of the bodies and institutions involved
- Evaluation of programmes or institutions, including internal assessment, external
review, participation of students and the publication of results
- A system of accreditation, certification or comparable procedures, international
participation, co-operation and networking
The two-cycle system
Ministers asked for the development of an overarching framework of qualifications
for the European Higher Education Area. Within such frameworks, degrees should
have different defined outcomes. First and second cycle degrees should have different
orientations and various profiles in order to accommodate a diversity of individual,
academic and labour market needs.
Recognition of degrees and periods of studies
Ministers underlined the importance of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, which
should be ratified by all countries participating in the Bologna Process. Every
student graduating as from 2005 should receive the Diploma Supplement automatically
and free of charge.
The third cycle
Ministers also considered it necessary to go beyond the present focus on two
main cycles of higher education to include the doctoral level as the third cycle
in the Bologna Process and to promote closer links between the European Higher
Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA). This added a tenth
action line to the Bologna Process: Doctoral studies and the synergy between EHEA and ERA.
Ministers charged the Follow-up Group with organising a stocktaking process in
time for their summit in 2005 and undertaking to prepare detailed reports on the
progress and implementation of the intermediate priorities set for the period.
For more information visit http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/
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Call for proposals - Specific Support Actions for associated candidate countries
The European Commission has published a call for proposals for Specific Support
Actions (SSAs) for associated candidate countries under the international cooperation
thematic priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) .
The call relates to Annex D of the work programme. It aims to give each associated
candidate country (Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey) the opportunity to improve its
research capacities and/or research centres in the thematic priority domains of
FP6 by reinforcing their S&T potential, by supporting and mobilising human
and material resources, by disseminating scientific information as well as the
results of research, by facilitating communication between centres with similar
scientific interests, and by improving their responses to the socio-economic needs
of the country.
The outcomes of the SSAs will be:
- contribution to RTD capacity building in the country;
- enhanced participation of the country in FP6;
- increased scope (regional coverage, subjects, activities) of research centres
with increased linkage to the economic and social environment;
- increased networking between centres;
- increased job opportunities in the country for young scientists.
In each of the seven FP6 thematic priority areas, the Commission intends to select
the best or most promising national research centre for funding.
The total indicative budget for this call is 19.8 billion euro. The deadline for submitting proposal documents is 14.10.2004.
Before contacting the Commission, proposers are strongly advised to consult the
original call text in the Official Journal of the European Union at the reference
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=146
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Call for proposals - Specific Support Actions for targeted countries under INCO
The European Commission has published a call for proposals for Specific Support
Actions (SSAs) for targeted countries under the international cooperation thematic
priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) . SSAs will be implemented to
stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of organisations from those
targeted countries that have an S&T cooperation agreement with the EU or are
in the process of negotiating such an agreement in the activities of the seven
priority thematic areas of FP6.
This call relates to Annex E of the work programme. Its specific objectives are
- increase links between European scientists and between European and third country
scientists and help them forge links with the relevant institutions;
- better identify and demonstrate cooperation between Europe and third countries;
- improve the process of providing information, on a mutual basis, on the S&T
of the countries concerned;
- improve the process of providing information on programmes and funding designed
to promote cooperation between Europe and third countries;
- exchange best practices using workshops.
Deliverables are expected to include:
- an ongoing 'one-stop-shop- website on European-third country collaboration
(both multilateral and bilateral) providing a range of services, including:
- information and links on existing collaboration;
- information and links on funding sources available for collaboration;
- assistance in forming partnerships and a referral service to relevant experts
for specialist advice;
- practical information on exchanges (visas, local rules and customs, education
- an online database with the capability to identify potential European and third
country collaborators to be used by both researchers and administrators;
- regular events aimed at identifying priorities for collaboration and enhancing
the quality, quantity and visibility of future action, the outcomes of which will
be broadcast via the website.
The total budget for this call is 2.9 million euro - around 300,000 euro per
The deadline for submitting proposal documents is 14.10.2004.
Before contacting the Commission, proposers are strongly advised to consult the
original call text in the Official Journal of the European Union at the reference
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:
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Value Added Seafood, London, UK, 30th September - 1st October 2004
The market for value added seafood is booming, with record growth in 2003, and
further growth forecast for 2004. Total spend on seafood in the UK last year rose
8% to £1.8 billion pounds.
The challenge for seafood manufacturers and retailers is how to exploit this
demand by developing new products that provide high quality, convenient and nutritious
mealtime solutions.
This year, at our 3rd Value Added Seafood Conference, our expert speakers look
at how you can meet this challenge, from packaging and sustainable sourcing, to
quality and safety, traceability and consumer attitudes and behaviour.
● Hear the latest new product trends across the value added seafood sector
● Assess consumer attitudes and responses to value added seafood products
● Respond to changing consumer demands to increase revenue and profit
● Promote the nutritional benefits of seafood to educate consumers
● Network with senior industry executives from across Europe
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FARMING THE DEEP BLUE, Limerick, Ireland, October 6th-7th, 2004
Invest In The Offshore Revolution
Farming the Deep Blue - A unique event, conceived and developed by commercial
fish farmers and backed by Ireland’s marine development and research agencies,
is the first conference to be devoted exclusively to a realistic assessment of
Offshore Fish Farming. It will take place in Ireland in October 2004.
Recognising the role that offshore farming will undoubtedly be required to assume
in the future supply of seafood, the two day event will lay down challenges for
the industry and will create a powerful new voice for the international offshore
farming community.
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Global water resources and environmental change - information day, Brussels,
9th July
An information day on global water resources and environmental change will take
place in Brussels, Belgium, on 9 July.
The event has been organised within the context of the deadline for the third
call for proposals for projects under the 'global change and ecosystems' sub-priority
of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), which falls on 26 October. The objective
of the event is to present this topic as it is covered in the work programme,
and to provide opportunities for networking between potential proposers. Participants
will have the opportunity to discuss research gaps and to give a short presentation
on project ideas.
Training courses on FP6 proposals, projects and eTIPs, Brussels, 1-3rd September
Three training courses related to the Sixth Framework Programme will take place
in Brussels, Belgium, between 1 and 3 September.
The courses will address the following topics:
- how to write a competitive proposal for FP6 - 1 September;
- how to negotiate, manage and administer an FP5 or FP6 contract -2 September;
- how to write an eTIP (technology implementation plan) - 3 September.
Source : EARTO
For further information, please consult the following web address:http://www.hyperion.ie back to top
Post your Student placement and MSc/ PhD vacancies on WWW.PISCESTTJOBS.COM
PISCES TT Jobs, an exciting and valuable free online service provided by AquaTT
UETP Ltd. to employers and potential employees in aquaculture and related science
sectors. Using a secure and innovative site format, employers and job searchers
can post job vacancies and CVs, respectively, thus facilitating human resource
development in the industry.
Upon registration, companies can post and instantaneously edit job vacancies,
including permanent, temporary, MSc/PhD and student placement positions. Companies
will only receive CVs of those applicants who are qualified for the position requirements.
To ensure privacy and lessen the hassle of unsolicited calls and queries, company/organisation
contact details will not be published online.
Prospective employees can use the online registration facility to obtain a username
and password, post and edit their employee profile, upload a CV and apply online
for positions.
If you are interested in posting a job vacancy or registering for the service,
please contact aquatt@aquatt.ie
AquaTT, the European Network for Education and Training, is providing the site
as an additional service to compliment their flagship project, PISCES TT, found
on the web at www.piscestt.com and host to a comprehensive education database, occupational profiles, virtual
tours, a discussion forum, and marine sciences activities for children. back to top
Student Corner
The exams are over and you are looking forward to the long summer ahead. Maybe
you are thinking of looking for a job. Some work experience? AquaTT has been
active in the PROFET Workshop initiative which delivered 5 key theme workshops
to identify the RTD needs of the European fish farming sector. For further information
on this initiative you can visit http://www.aquamedia.org.
AquaTT’s participation took focus on promoting and identifying the training and
mobility needs of the sector. The results of the overall PROFET workshop questionnaire
clearly indicated that 80% of respondents are interested in hosting a student trainee placement. A demonstrated “eagerness to learn� was deemed the key attribute sought in the prospective student – something to bear in mind when taking that
job interview.
It is essential that as a student you build up a portfolio of experience taking
on, and actively seeking out training opportunities and hands-on experience.
This wealth of experience will serve to put you in an eligible position for getting
that job and it will also drive home to your employer that you are an active individual
with a true desire to work and learn. So what actions should you take at this
Find Funding
Many employers are keen to provide training placements once the potential incoming
student has some support funding. To this AquaTT would advise that you check
out the Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Programmes which are run on a national basis and provide short-training
periods for the student abroad. For further information, the programme’s national
agencies can be accessed at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/leonardo/new/leonardo2/nalist2_en.html
IAESTE – the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
provides training placements during the summer months for bona fide students attending
courses at universities, institutes of technology and similar institutions of
higher education. For detailed information you can visit http://www.iaeste.org
Be Proactive
The key requirement to a good start on the career ladder is your ability to get
relevant work experience. This requires proactive thinking and practice; so put
yourself out there - approach local producers and related companies offering to
work for a short period of time, in return you should request training in an area
of specific interest to you and a recommendation/ reference detailing the jobs
you carried out and the skills you developed during your training period.
PISCESTT Jobs is AquaTT’s jobs and mobility service devised in response to the need to mediate
the link between employers and students/ workers in the aquaculture industry.
Register for free online at http://www.piscesttjobs.com where you can then apply directly to the advertised positions be they jobs,
training placements or further study opportunities (MSc, PhD). Successful match
placements have taken place and many students benefit from the experience of gaining
a telephone or face-to-face interview, which again helps to build up and develop
your portfolio, readying you for your desired position. This service is in continual
development with plans to incorporate further useful sections and tools for managing
and developing your career.
This article marks the beginning of the Student Corner in Training News and we now welcome submissions from current students interested
in presenting their views and experiences on the industry and education in Europe.
The newsletter reaches 1900 recipients on a monthly basis and will serve as a
good forum to get your ideas out to the differing sectors involved in the industry.
An email stating your background and the potential title of your article should
be sent to aquatt@aquatt.ie for review.
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About AquaTT
AquaTT through its extensive network has realised that essential information
on upcoming changes is not being effectively disseminated to all parties. Thus,
AquaTT is producing this free news service "TRAINING NEWS" specifically for the
Aquaculture industry. The newsletter is intended to keep you informed of developments
in Education & Training and related areas. Support material will be available
on the new European Education Forum website www.piscestt.com . All old Training News will be archived on the piscestt site.
The main target audience for this newsletter is teachers, trainers and students
in the aquaculture area but will also be of interest to policy makers, companies
and associations.
AquaTT welcomes any feedback regarding content, presentation and user-friendliness
of the newsletter. Please forward this mail to any colleagues that may be interested.
Please submit any relevant information for dissemination in the newsletter.
DISCLAIMER: AquaTT provides this newsletter as a free service to interested parties.
Most of the information is provided by AquaTT. Where it is not, the source of
the news is provided in the text of the news brief or else AquaTT attributes the
news to the coordinating body as the "Data Source Provider". In no way does this
newsletter, by promoting events not coordinated by AquaTT, intend to wrongly or
inappropriately claim projects, news, etc. as its own nor is it responsible for
incorrect information provided from other sources. "Training News" is a promotional
tool and forum for both AquaTT and other organisations.
If you have received this e-mail in error or would like to unsubscribe please
click on the link at the bottom of this email.
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