AQUALAB Training Course - Kuopio, Finland, May 23-30, 2005Author: Lorraine Rafferty, Project OfficerDate: 12 Apr 2005The first in the AquaTT-led, Marie Curie funded series of high level training courses known as AQUALABS will be held in Kuopio, Finland, 23-30th May 2005 covering "Molecular Biology and Ecology in Aquaculture".
Targeted at PhD level students and early-stage researchers, a significant number of funded places are available on the course. All interested parties are now invited to apply early to avail of this generous offer. Funded places cover the €700 course participation fee as well as the majority of travel and subsistence costs. Eligibility for funding is dependent on fulfilling the EC eligibility criteria from the funding programme, Marie Curie (see website for more details.
The closure date for applications is April 22, 2005. Applications must be submitted before the deadline, by e-mail,, or fax, +353 1 644 9009 to AquaTT.
For further information contact
Rafferty, Project Officer, at
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